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本文利用常规透射电镜技术,改进样品制备方法的扫描电镜技术对前口虫(Frontonia sp.)的整体形态,表膜下结构和口部前庭动基列结构进行了研究。得出了以下结果:
This paper uses the conventional transmission electron microscope technology,improved sample preparation method for scanning electron microscopy to deal withFrontonia sp. in overall shape; surface membrane structure and export structure werestudied. Results are as follow:
     (一)With improved scanning electron microscope (SEM) sample preparation methods todeal with Frontonia sp., make its cytoplasm outflow of cytomembraneautomatically. Then observe the inside structures under the SEM.
     (二) There are three layers of fiber system under the surface membrane, the first one isthe fine fiber grid which next to the membrane, second layer is seen in the injectionorganelle around very fine fiber bundle, the third layer is coarse fiber, arrangedwith the right hand rule, supposedly kinetodesma. These three layers of fiber joinedas an organic whole, its functions are:1, the extrusome, mitochondria and otherorganelles fix in the cell surface membrane or cytoplasm;2, as a part of thecytoskeleton, supporting cells of the normal form.
     (三) Combined with the results of scanning electron microscope and transmissionelectron microscope(TEM), we can see multiple new kinds of extrusome inFrontonia sp. in the see injection organelles: one is a kind of trichocyst is locatedat the oral of Frontonia sp., besides that are toxicysts and mucocysts. While theother three kinds of extrusome, their internal components and functions is not clear,so they belong to which kind of extrusome is not determined.
     (四) Under the high power SEM discovered that the vestibular kinety of Frontonia sp. ismade of three rows of microtubules. Each kinety base columns are composed of aplurality of thick cylinder arranged. And between three vestibular kinety are anumber of fine fibers which link the adjacent columns. Guess this structure canmake Frontonia sp. effectively to open and close its oral area, enhance its feedingcapacity.
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