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Voltage distribution network in China commonly used in small current grounding, including the neutral point grounded by the coil and ground resistance.6kV or lOkV power supply system in China coal mine are generally neutral with Resonant Grounding. The paper of small current grounding system ground fault occurs when the steady state and transient characteristics of in-depth research, summed up the small current grounding fault line of the difficulties and problems; and its associated wavelet theory was detail, especially for transient component Selection How to choose the appropriate wavelet packets are given the principles and methods of selection. Thesis, based on frequency filtering and wavelet domain spatial correlation filtering method; defines the fifth harmonic, based on wavelet packet decomposition of correlation analysis, fault detection based on traveling wave fault line selection measure, proposed based on a small fault angle and the combination of wavelet neural network fault line selection. That is, first of all determine the size of angle fault, if it is a small fault angle, the angle of approach to using small fault; the contrary by the steady component and transient component of the Combination of fusion algorithm based on wavelet neural network for fault line. The simulation verifies the feasibility and effectiveness.
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