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电动汽车与大规模储能等战略新兴产业的大力发展,迫切需要开发高功率、高安全以及长寿命的动力锂离子电池。相比其它负极而言,Li4Ti5O12(LTO)被称为“零应变材料”,具有高安全性、长寿命及快速充放电等特性。因而,以LTO为负极的锂动力电池在电动汽车以及要求高安全性、高稳定性和长寿命周期的应用领域具有独特的优势。目前,阻碍LTO基锂动力电池商业化的最主要障碍就是在高温应用条件下的胀气问题。针对该问题,本论文采用纳米LTO为负极,镍钴锰三元材料(LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2, NCM)为正极,制备LTO/NCM软包装电池,对其电化学性能、产气行为、产气的原因进行了分析,最后对LTO电池高温胀气问题的解决方案进行了初步的探讨。主要研究结果如下:
     1、制作了5.5Ah的HEV用高功率LTO/NCM软包电池并对其电化学性能进行评价。结果表明,在室温下电池表现出高功率、长寿命、快充快放等优异的电化学性能以及安全性能,可以给出约2500W kg-1的峰值放电功率,20C高倍率充电和放电容量分别可以达到1C容量的92%和94%;循环寿命超长,在10C/10C的高倍率充放电条件下,循环5000次后容量保持高于89%。但是,在高温下,LTO电池由于存在严重的胀气现象,电池界面被严重破坏,电池在循环过程中容量衰减非常快。研究发现H2是LTO电池高温贮存所产气体中的主要成分。
The strategic emerging industries of electric vehicles (EVs) andlarge-scale energy storage etc. are vigorously developing, which needhigh-power, high-safety and long-life lithium-ion battery urgently.Compared with other anode materials, Li4Ti5O12(LTO) is called “zerostrain” material and possesses high safety, long cycle life and fastcharging-dischargeing characteristics. Thus, the LTO based lithium batteryis a promising candidate for application in EVs and other heavy-loadapplications which require high safety, high stability and long-cycle life.Currently, the main obstacle to commercialization of LTO-based lithiumbattery is the swelling problem under elevated temperatures. Aim to thisproblem, the LTO/NCM pouch cells were preparaed using nano LTO asanode and nickel-cobalt-manganese ternary materials (LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2,NCM) as cathode in this work, and its electrochemical properties, swellingbehaviors, and swelling reasons were systematically investigated. Finally,the solutions on suppressing gas generation of LTO based battery under elevated temperatures were proposed preliminarily. The main findings andconclusions are as follows:
     1) The5.5Ah LTO/NCM pouch cells were prepared and evaluated forpotential hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) application. The as-prepared LTObatteries showed excellent safety and electrochemical performance (such ashigh power, long-cycle life and fast charging-dischargeing characteristics) atroom temperature. They delivered a peak discharge power density of ca.2500W kg-1, and featured a high C-rate charge-discharge performance (94and92%of discharge and charge capacity at20C, respectively) and a prolongedcycle life (89%capacity retention after5,000cycles at10C/10Ccharge/discharge rate). However, the severe capacity decay was observed atelevated temperatures because of loose (worse) interfaces caused by gasgeneration. It was found that H2was the dominant gas component.
     2) Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used toinvestigate the initial Li-ion insertion and extraction in LTO anode at differentpotentials. In the first Li-ion insertion process, as the frequency decreased, theEIS spectra exhibited three semicircles and a slightly inclined line, whichcorrespond to the Schottky contact, the electronic properties of the material,the charge transfer step and solid state diffusion process respectively. In thefirst Li-ion extraction process, a significant phenomenon was observed that the low-frequency semicircle of the EIS spectrum split into two jointsemicircles, which may be attributed to gas generation in LTO cells. Inaddition, the kinetic parameters obtained from EIS fitting data of LTOelectrode in the first charge-discharge cycle have been analyzed in detail.Based on these results, a new model was proposed to interpret the mechanismof Li-ion insertion/extraction reaction. These results could confirm that thegas generation in LTO cells is an inevitable electrochemical behavior.
     3, The possible reasons and key factors on gas generation of LTO cellswere investigated by the accelerating measurement baking at80°C for120h.It is found that the LTO cell before formation didn’t generate gas duringbaking at elevated temperatures, which means that the chemically catalyticreaction related to moisture makes a minor contribution to cell swelling (only15%). By contrast, the swelling ratio of the charged LTO cells(re-sealed afterformation) is kept at~97%regardless of states of charge, which indicates thatthe LTO swelling has little relationship with the battery’s state of charge.Further investigation shows that the main reason causing the LTO batteryswelling at high temperature is the reductive decomposition reactions ofcarbonates solvents on the LTO electrode surface due to no SEI film formedeffectively. The carbonate solvents undergo different decomposing pathwaysaccording to their structures. Finally, the decomposition mechanisms of the two types of carbonate solvents are proposed based on the experiment results.
     4) Based on the investigation on LTO cell swelling behavior andmechanisms, the solutions of LTO cell swelling problem are preliminary putforward from the aspects of electrolyte formula, electron conductor selection,LTO particle size control and formation process. In respect of electrolyte,thecell swelling has been significantly improved after adding TEGDME as acosolvent to the electrolyte and the volume expansion is reduced to17~32%from53%before adding TEGDME. In respect of carbon conductor, it isfound that replacement Super-P (amorphous carbon black) byKS-6(graphitized carbon) can reduce the swelling of LTO/NCM batterysignificantly. In respect of LTO anode, it is found that the specific surface areaof the LTO has relatively strong impact on cell swelling and reducing thespecific surface area is benefit to suppressing gas production of LTO cell atelevated temperature. As for the formation process, it was found that85oC,2.8V and8hours are the optimized conditions.
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