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China is now the largest telecommunications market in the world. On May 23rd, 2008, in order to make full use of the telecommunication resource, and to encourage the health competition in telecommunication markets, it was declared that the six operators were merged into three operators. They were given three 3G`s (the third generation technologies) license respectively, which was predicted to increase the degree of competition within China’s telecommunications industry substantially. So, it is necessary to study how they competed in 3G telecoms era. Before that, the complex dynamic process of the duopoly games in Chinese telecoms market was studied firstly. In this paper, a series of price game models are proposed by introducing the chaotic dynamic theory into the telecommunications market. The main content of this dissertation is as follows:
     1. Recently, many works of Cournot model with bounded rationality have been done, which have shown that Cournot model has very abundant dynamical behaviors such as cyclic, bifurcation and chaos. However, the study about the dynamical behaviors of Bertrand model is much less, which is popular in practice. This paper gives the models of the duoboly game and the triopoly game in Chinese 2G and 3G markets respectively, and shows some natural characteristics in this complex process. Various numerical results are presented including strange attractors, bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponents and fractal dimension, sensitivity dependence on initial conditions.
     2. This paper studies the N-stage game of intercommunication in Chinese telecommunications market and its complexity. At first, the intercommunication game between two oligopolistic competitors without government controlling, which is a Clever Pig Game, is studied. Then the intercommunication game between two oligopolistic competitors with government controlling is studied. Finally, the thesis studies the repeated price game after intercommunication and its complexity.
     3. A chaos control method is successfully applied to the dynamic repeated game models in 3G oligopolistic market. The stability control of the period-doubling bifurcation and unstable periodic orbits in the nonlinear discrete dynamic systems is realized. The numerical simulation results show that these control methods are effective. In order to make the theory to guide practice, the paper makes mathematical transformation for the chaos control model, and finds that the changes between the chaos control model and the original model reflectes in the reduction of the marginal cost, the reduction of the price sensitivity to demand and the reduction of the replacement rate. That is to say we can control the chaos through the reduction of these parameters.
     The findings of this research can help Chinese telecommunications develop 3G market well, and make the 3G market be a health and effective market. Meantime, the paper gives the development strategy of Chinese 3G market based on international experience. It provides a theoretical basis for government making policy and operators making strategic planning.
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