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红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus),又名金鸡,我国特有物种,国家二级保护动物。利用线粒体DNA分子标记研究红腹锦鸡种内及种间的群体遗传结构和系统发生关系,将对该物种的有效保护起到重要作用。本研究以线粒体DNA控制区的448bp高变区序列为分子标记,利用PCR和直接测序方法,采用序列分析技术,对红腹锦鸡的12个种群的212个个体进行了实验,探讨各群体间与个体间的遗传变异、系统发育及种群进化关系和种群历史动态,研究结果如下:
     3) NETWORK图显示单倍型并没有依采样地区域形成各自的分支(clade), QL种群的单倍型遍布整个网络图。以单倍型H2作为中心向其他单倍型发散,推断H2是这些单倍型的历史基因流,视为古老单倍型。单倍型H1也形成一个小的中心,含有个体数也较多。表明H1也是古老单倍型之一。在中部地区的种群里,H1和H2单倍型保留最多,分布最广。中部地区群体的独享单倍型与QL、SC群体,QL与SC群体的单倍型之间相互连接,表明了三大群体存在连续的系统进化关系,群体内个体之间发生相互迁移和扩散。
Golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) is also named as golden chicken. It's a kind of specific pheasants in our country. Studying the genetic structures and phylogenesis within and among populations through mtDNA molecular marker will resort to protect this species effectively. In this study,448bp hypervariable gene sequences of mitochondrial control region were applied to investigate the genetic variance, phylogenetic development, evolutionary relationships among populations and the dynamics of group history through PCR, directly sequencing and sequential analysis technology, which point at 12 populations, 212 species of golden pheasant. The main results are as follows:
     1. There were 57 variable sites (12.93%) on the sequences, including 15 singleton variable sites and 42 parsimony informative sites. Some sites were alignment gaps or missing data. The chicken samples falled into 38 haplotypes. Haplotype H2 distributed most widely, and existed in 11 populations. In the whole populations, haplotype diversity was 0.907 and nucleotide diversity was 9.115%. The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were the highest in QL population of Shanxi province. What' more, QL polulation carried the most haplotypes. It may inferred that QL population was the most primitive.
     2. On the strength of hierarchial AMOVA analysis referring to different clustering combining with genetic distance, it indicated it was reasonable that 12 chicken populations should be falled into three groups in our study, which were named as QL, central and SC groups.
     3. The NETWORK picture showed that the haplotypes didn't form clades corresponding to the geographical sites. QL population almost spreaded all over the whole network. Haplotype H2 was surrouneded by other haplotypes. This character suggested H2 was the orign of its surrouding ones, which was referred as an old haplotype.H1 also formed a small center, which indicted that it was one of the old haplotypes and was the origin to its surrounding ones. In the central group, excellent haplotypes were retained and distributed the most. The only sharing haplotypes by central group interconnected with QL and SC groups, the same as QL group and SC group, which indicted there had a successive phyletic evolutional relationships among these three groups and in the meanwhile the individuals in the three groups migrated or diffused mutually.
     4. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that most of the genetic variation consisted in that among populations. Differentiation level(87.13%) among populations were greater than populations within a geographic region. Geographic region differentiation indexes FCT was very low, which indicted that differentiation was not obvious among geographic regions of 12 goldern pheasant populations and there were magor gene exchanges populations within geographic regions. Above all, these conclusions implied golden pheasant populations can expand quickly. Their genetic diversity of populations was high and had no geographical difference. Individuals of different water system distributed motleyly.
     5. The neutral tests and mismatch distribution curve of all golden pheasant populations indicted that the whole was in dynamic balance and not expanding or remarkable quantity increase. Many mutations accumulated in each population, and they were almost mutations with middium or lower frequency. QL and JG may experience population expansion. The central group may carry more genetic hitchkiking experiments or experience natural selection.
     6. On the strength of comprehensive analysis of genetic diversity and phyletic development, QL population was more primitive population; H1 and H2 were the leading haplotypes and distributed generally in central group. They all needed more reasonable protection and supervision.
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