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Although China's economic aggregate has the highest in the world, but the productivity level is not high on the whole, irrational industrial structure, urban and rural, regional development imbalances, long-term structural problems and the extensive mode of growth has not fundamentally changed, industrialization, urban the rapid development of energy resources and the ecological environment with the contradictions are becoming increasingly prominent. China's independent innovation capability is not strong enough, as a whole the economic development technique content is not high, the key technologies and the core technologies are under the control of others, the precursive strategic high-tech domain science and technology strength is weak, the important industrial foreign technology level of dependency was still high. After the financial crisis, the world, especially the major powers have the development of new energy, new materials, information networks, biomedicine, energy saving, low-carbon technology, green economy, as the focus of a new round of industrial development. Therefore, through the development of strategic new industries to nurture new economic growth point, to seize the high ground of international economic and technological development has become the world's trend of accelerating the development of our country and for the development of new industries is a strategic imperative of great significance.
     "The State Council About Speeds Up Cultivates And Develops Strategic Emergent industry Decision", had determined the strategic emergent industry will become the leading national industries and pillar industries, includingenergy saving and environmental protection、new generation of information technology、biology、high-end equipment manufacturing、new energy、new material、new energy vehicles。Its purpose is to promote the upgrading of industrial structure, accelerate the economic development mode, building a new international competitive advantage, grasp the initiative in development.
     According to China's accelerated economic development patterns and to cultivate and develop the strategic needs of new industries, This article research the development trends, solve the problem of development, design and implementation mechanisms, make policy recommendations as a basis for research and the main line. Firstly, this article definit the strategic emerging industries in the review of the literature, summary the definition of strategic emerging industry risks and characteristics, and built the micro, the macro model and the technology cycle model of strategic emerging industries development. Secondly, analyzes the strategic new industry at home and abroad, and motivations and development status of the output model with the relationship between of dominant industry, with technology cycle model for strategic emerging industry development phase was studied and discussed. The latter part of the paper, mainly analyzed on the strategic new industry chain, regional spatial layout and financial support, finally obtains the strategic emergent industry development the general rule and the policy suggestion. The article synthesis utilization theoretical model construction, the industrial competition "five factor analytic methods", the industrial development stage's technical cycle and the technical froth model, the leading industry take turns to put into production model, as well as the industrial chain extends, the industry spatial arrangement and so on many kinds of research techniques, hoped that can have the direct-viewing and the comprehensive analysis.
首都经济贸易大学博士学位论文 《战略性新兴产业发展与演化研究》2战略性新兴产业发展文献综述
    2.1 关于战略性新兴产业的文献综述战略性新兴产业是近来我国提出的一个新概念,也是理论界和实际部门共同关注
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