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对于人口变化与经济增长关系的传统研究,主要侧重于人口总量或者人口增长速度与经济增长之间的关系,而关于人口转变问题的探讨,也主要是通过人口自然增长率、总和生育率等指标进行纯人口学意义上的讨论,缺乏对于人口年龄结构与经济增长之间关系的讨论。人口年龄结构变动所带来的影响是多方面的,既包括社会方面的影响,也包括经济方面的影响;既包括宏观层次上对消费、储蓄、投资、国际收支等的影响,也包括微观层面对子女抚养、老年赡养、家庭结构的影响。人口转变理论最初由W·W汤姆逊提出,他对欧洲人口再生产动态特征进行了总结性描述,后来A·兰德里、F·诺特斯坦等人发展完善了这种对人口再生产特征的描述,形成了“人口转变理论”。Bloom and Williamson尝试性地探讨了人口年龄结构变化与经济增长之间的关系。此后围绕着人口年龄结构变化对经济增长的影响,各国学者进行了充分的研究,普遍将劳动力人口在总人口中的比重较大时期称为“人口机会窗口”开启时期,即15-64岁人口在总人口中的比重超过50%的阶段。这一时期,劳动力供给充分,人口负担较轻,从而对储蓄、投资都产生积极影响,这种积极影响被称为“人口红利”。但如果出生率保持在一定的低水平,那么几十年后,由于医疗技术进步将延长人口预期寿命,结果将导致社会上老年人口所占比重增加,形成老龄化社会。如果劳动力人口比重下降到50%以下时,“人口机会窗口”将关闭。
     而Ronald Lee和Andrew Mason(2007)认为在老龄化阶段人们由于在年轻时为应付老年时期的养老养病会增加储蓄和各种形式的财富积累,此时劳动年龄人口比重少,这将导致劳均资本上升,即社会中的资本—劳动比例增加,并且这种增加的趋势是持久的,其对于经济的推动作用被称为“第二人口红利”。可见要在老龄化时期延续人口红利效应,实现所谓的“第二人口红利”,储蓄率上升和财富在代际之间的转移转换形式是关键因素。另外,世界经济一体化已经使全球各国的国际贸易成为联通本国和世界的桥梁,各国之间的商品往来和人口流动已经形成促进世界经济增长并且不能阻断的强大力量,劳动力资源的数量和质量决定着一国在国际贸易中的分工角色,人口因素对于国际收支的影响已经越来越为各国所重视。因此,本文的后半部分重点探讨中国乃至世界人口老龄化的储蓄效应和国际收支效应。
     在探讨中国人口转变的储蓄效应过程中,论文使用HW模型对亚洲国家的储蓄率与人口年龄构成之间的关系进行了实证研究。Lee and Mason认为人口老龄化阶段保持人口红利效应的关键因素是前期劳动年龄人口的储蓄率上升,高储蓄率从而带来高投资率和之后的高回报率是实现第二人口红利效应的重要途径。为探讨人口老龄化对于储蓄的影响,论文以世界上储蓄率最高的亚洲地区作为研究对象,使用1960年至2010年的相关数据,对Higgins and Williamson的储蓄模型进行了重新验证,分别使用各国的时间序列模型和面板数据模型对人口转变过程中人口红利的储蓄效应进行了全面而深入的论证。
     论文的创新之处在于,使用微观数据对中国人口老龄化对居民家庭消费结构的影响进行了深入细致的论证;使用亚洲国家面板数据,在Higgins and Willamson模型的基础上,对亚洲国家人口年龄变化对储蓄率的影响进行了具体而细致的计量检验;利用Herbertsson和Zoega的双缺口模型验证了人口抚养负担对于各国经常项目差额和资本项目差额的影响,并使用空间权重模型探讨了人口红利的空间外溢效应。由此分析和论证了第二人口红利实现的途径和条件,比较各老龄化国家人口转变对经济发展的影响差异,从而对我国如何应对愈演愈烈的银发浪潮有所启示和借鉴。
     第五章将重点分析亚洲国家的人口老龄化对储蓄的影响,判断各国实现第二人口红利的可能性和制约条件,分析在老龄化背景下实现第二人口红利的途径。这一章将根据世界银行公布的数据,利用Higgins and Williamson模型,考察亚洲17个国家人口变量(少儿抚养比、老年抚养比)对储蓄的长期动态影响。
For the traditional research on the relationship between the population change andeconomic growth, mainly focus on the relationship between the total population or speedof population growth and economic growth. The discussion about demography transitionis focus on the natural population growth rate, the total fertility rate, is lack of the studyon the relationship between the age structure and economic growth. The variations of agestructure will surely pass on to economic growth through a series of intermediate factors.The impact of these variations includes economic impacts and social impacts; include theeffect on savings, consumption, investment and international balance of payment; alsowith effect on micro levels such as family structure variation, aged parents support andchildren raising. However, systematic researches on the relationship between China’s agestructure variation and economic growth are still insufficient. It needs to make thoroughanalysis and research on the economic effects of the age structure variation, especiallythe conducting mechanism between age structure variation and economic growth.
     During the process of population age structure variation, the decrease of dependencyload will form a very important “structure dividend” to economic growth----thedemographic dividend. There is much theoretical and practical value in researching theimpact of demographic dividend on economic growth. Bloom and Williamson early toknow that it would appear the change of the structure of population age during theprocess from "high birth rates, high mortality" to "low birth, low mortality".
     In China, how to fully exploit the structural advantage brought by age structurevariation is an important inspiration for keeping the medium-and-long-term economicgrowing fast in future.
     This paper discusses the demographic dividend during the process of demographytransition in China. And it put emphasis on researching the age structure variation and thedemographic dividend brought by it. The research is composed of the following parts:firstly, it establishes the conducting mechanism between population age structurevariation and economic growth----saving mechanism and consumption mechanism.
     Secondly, it analyzes the effects of population age structure variation in “East AsiaMiracle”, then it builds the HW model to analyze the impact of Asia's demographicdividend on saving rates. At last, it analyzes the conducting mechanism between population age structure and net export (current account balance and capital accountbalance) mechanism.
     And the paper is made of seven chapters. First is the introduction. This part explainsthe research background, the value and the subject of the research. It also illustrates themethodology, the content and the framework of the research.
     In chapter2, it introduces the theory background and literature review. This chaptergives a review to population transition theory, moderates population scale theory,population variation and economic growth theory. Then it gives a systematic introductionabout related researches at home and abroad from4sides: the theoretic and empiricalresearches, the latest developments and the evaluation.
     In chapter3, it analyzes the impact of population age structure variation on grosssaving rate and consumption rate. On the basis of life-cycle saving rate function aboutpopulation age structure variable, this chapter estimates with Leff model to analyzes theimpact of population age structure on saving rate and consumption rate.
     Chapter4discusses the impact of population aging on household consumption inChina based on the AIDS model. And this chapter analyzes the endowment patterns usingthe data of CHARLS.
     Chapter5analyzes the impact of age structure variation on the economic growth ofEast Asia. First we illustrate the demographic transition of the nations and regions ofEast Asia by establishing the demographic transition index. On basis of the index webuild the Higgins&Williamson model and empirically analyze the mechanism of saving.The results show that the demographic transition significantly promotes the saving ratesof Asian, while the economic and social development policies in Asia provideopportunities for the use of demographic transition effect.
     Chapter6analyzes the effect of age structure variation on the international balanceof payments using Herbertsson&Zoega model. This chapter estimates the effects ofchildren's proportion and elderly people's proportion on current account and capitalaccount in detail.
     In chapter7, it puts forward some policies and suggestions for continuing thedemographic dividend in aging China.
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