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Since the nineteen nineties start, in the process of economic globalizationaccelerates the development background, corporate governance practice all overthe world have changed greatly. Although the corporate governance reform invarious countries for different reasons, but the corporate governance concernsare reflected a general consensus: the construction of a sound corporategovernance is to maintain the company's long-term competitive advantage, itsmain function is to guarantee the agent according to the shareholders of thecompany act in the interests of agents, and effective supervision, encourageenterprises to more effective to create wealth for society, is the modern marketeconomic system, the microcosmic foundation of efficient and orderly operation.
     China's central Enterprise Inc governance research is the problem ofcorporate governance is one of the important tasks, which originated from thecentral enterprises in the development of the society and the role of play adecisive role in the maintenance of national security, support national economyhealth, stable development of great responsibility. For nearly ten years of centralenterprises competitiveness analysis shows that, the good state of sustainabledevelopment, no matter from the asset scale, profit ability, or the ability to resistrisks, enterprise the respect such as competition ability, obtained great progress,fully reflects its important position and state responsibility. But as the centralenterprises to grow rapidly, the problem of corporation governance is becomingmore and more complicated, perfect central Enterprise Inc corporate governanceneeds even more pressing, long-term and stable development of the enterprisesystem is not a solid basis."The people's Republic of China EnterpriseState-owned Assets Law" from the perspective of system to guarantee."report"in put forward clearly the reform of state-owned enterprises and specific target:"perfect and state-owned enterprise ownership structure, deepening theshareholding system reform, perfecting the corporate governance structure...".
     In this paper, based on the theory of corporate governance research results,based on our country in the process of reform and opening up, the central enterprise development in the new situation, new problem, new challenge, ourcountry central Enterprise Inc governance of principal-agent model to study theeffective. The central Enterprise Inc governance research into management ofbasic theory analysis, analysis of the current situation and problem analysis,performance evaluation and Thinking on the construction of four projects,analyze, to construct complete central management of Enterprise Inc.
     The basic theory analysis of central enterprises, the concept of centralenterprises, expounds the development history, analyzes the foreign Principalcompany corporate governance framework, from the central businesscharacteristic the principal-agent relationship, the external constraint mechanismanalysis, multiple attribute comprehensive evaluation from three aspects such asconstructing the central Enterprise Inc administers the basic theoreticalframework, for the subsequent part of the study has laid a theoretical basis.
     On the central status and problem analysis of Enterprise Inc governanceshows: central enterprise board in pilot job progress process has obtained someachievements, for the improvement of corporate governance has played a role inpromoting. But there are still a principal-agent relationship is not clear, thecapacity of the board of directors are deficient, run non-standard, President fixedposition is not clear, the internal control problems, director of performance andsalary management system has not yet begun to build wait for a problem; thecentral enterprises expatriate supervisors will work to promote the enterprises toimprove management, promote enterprise reform and development, but the thereis a member of the board of supervisors identity to positions symme trical,supervision of power limited, the meeting of the board of supervisors proceduresare not clear, human resources management system science, the independence ofthe internal low, did not build the external board of supervisors and externaldirectors normal communication mechanism.
     On the central Enterprise Inc governance performance evaluation shows:the central corporate governance performance is just to pass the level, the centralenterprise group company management there are many areas that needimprovement and upgrade. From the details, mainly have the following problems.Part of company president power over a board on top of the board of directors ofthe company, most of the rules of procedure and the working procedures are not clear, internal director source construction is single; the overwhelming majorityof enterprises in the company constitution does not mention the rules ofprocedure of the board of supervisors, the vast majority of respondents think thatthe member of staff incentive measures do not have the operation sex, mostfull-time supervisors were interviewed about their future confused; mostexecutives did not achieve the market selection, outside directors and membersof the board of supervisors between exchange mechanism is not per fect.
     In this paper, base on double principal-agents relationship, construction ofcentral enterprise decentralization and balance of corporate governance. Fromexternal governance environment, board of directors, board of supervisors,internal, manager layer within three between accrual and communicationmechanism system and put forward the corresponding countermeasures andsuggestions. For the central enterprises to further enhance the comprehensivecompetitiveness of foundation,To provide a reference for the central EnterpriseInc governance parameter measure, quantitative analysis.
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