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The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the reasons of academic help-seeking Avoidance of Junior Students, to construct the primary theoretical framework and assess it, and to know about the present conditions of junior students on this affairs. The conclusions from this study can be used for developing students'competence of self-regulated learning and furthering related study in this field.
     This dissertation contains two studies. In Study 1, a total of 78 junior students from a country middle school were elected by a reliable academic help-seeking questionnaire (Li Xiao dong,1999). Qualitative methods such as depth interview, standardization open-end interview, grounded theory combining with quantitative analysis are used in this stage. In Study 2, a total of 274 junior students took a part. The theoretical framework proposed in Study lwas assessed by hierarchical cluster analysis in this study. The main conclusions are as follows:
     (1) The theoretical framework of reasons of academic help-seeking avoidance in junior students includes two dimensions:perceived procurability of assistance and perceived academic motivation. The former contains 4 factors such as perceived teacher's assistance, perceived competence of help-seeking, perceived peer's assistance.
     Besides, environment of help-seeking in classroom, perceived potency of academic help-seeking, perceived threat of ability by help-seeking, sensitivity to others'evolutions are also achieved in this dissertation, although not so frequent as the factors mentioned below, they are useful for perfecting the theoretical framework completely.
     (2) The theoretical framework of reasons presented in Study 1 is further validated by hierarchical cluster analyzing in Study 2.
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    ② Ryan A M. Pintrich P R. "Should I ask for help?" The role of motivation and attitudes in adolescents'help seeking in math class [J]. Journal of Educational Psychology,1997,89:329-341.
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