黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)性特征繁殖季消失的产生机制、进化压力及对雄雄竞争的影响
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雀形目扇尾莺属的部分物种具有一种奇特的身体特征变化模式,作为性特征存在的锲形尾羽,其繁殖羽时的长度短于冬羽时的长度。而性选择理论认为雌性青睐长尾羽的雄性个体,因此繁殖羽较短的尾羽可能不利于雄性个体在繁殖季进行占域和求偶。这种繁殖季性特征消退的奇特身体变化模式在自然界中比较少见并且产生及进化机制不明,可能意味着这些物种具有一种未知的生存和繁殖策略。我们提出假说认为:这些物种在冬羽时,利用长尾羽进行占域和求偶,在完成占域和求偶之后,再进行春季换羽,将冬羽的长尾羽换成繁殖羽的短尾羽。繁殖羽较短的尾羽空气动力学效果更好,有利于躲避敌害和提高繁殖率。为验证我们的假说,我们选取黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)和纯色山鹪莺(P. inornata)为研究对象,从2008年9月到2010年1月在广州市南沙地区,在野外通过雾网捕捉这两种鹪莺个体,使用面包虫和雀鸟饲料相混合的方法进行饲养,使用十字笼和斗笼等方法对其尾羽在配偶选择和雄雄竞争中的作用等方面进行研究,希望能够了解这种身体变化模式的产生机制和这种生存和繁殖策略的特征。
Some species of cisticolidae Passeriformes show a special pattern, that graduate tail which is served as sexual trait, of breeding plumage is shorter than that of winter plumage. This special pattern may be contradict with sexual selection theory, because females prefer males with longer tail and males with shorter tail may be disadvantage in mating choice and male-male competition. This special pattern is rare and unclear, and may indicate a new breeding and survival strategy which is unknown. We advance a hypothesis that:females of these species choose mate while males with longer tail of winter plumage, and then males moult to shorter tail after mating. Shorter graduated tail which is better aerodynamic effect, could save energy and be good for breeding. From September 2008 to January 2010, we captured yellow-bellied prinia (Prinia flaviventris) and plain prinia(Prinia inornata) with mistnet at Nansha area Guangdong city, and feed them with mixture of Alphitobius diaperinus and bird feedstuff. We used cross choice chamber to test whether female preference exist, and used fight cage to test whether moult would affect the male-male competition result.
     Results of female preference experiments showed that female preference of yellow-bellied prinia was still exist, and females prefered males with longer tail. Loss of male sexual traits was not caused by female preference, but other forces overcomed the force of sexual selection. This result is consistent with our hypothesis that tail of winter plumage may be used for sexual selection. We conjecture that natural selection forces include prey and breeding may be the main reason why sexual traits are lost in breeding season.
     Experiment of male-male competition showed that:moulting males whose tail was longer, won the game as many times as unmoulted males whose tail is shorter, but moulting males had to try more attacks when they win the game. Our result means that moult would not affect the male-male competition, and male which starts moult early, would not loss the mate and territory, and cheaters would be handicapped for this reason. We conjecture that better aerodynamic of shorter tail would be good for fighting.
     Coefficient of variation of body traits of yellow-bellied prinia and plain prinia showed that:tail of breeding plumage were more variable than other traits of breeding plumage, and more variable than all traits of winter plumage in both two species. Tails of breeding plumage which were naturally selected, were more variable than tails of winter plumage which were sexual trait. We conclude that morphological variation is determined by strength of selection force, but not kind of selection force. Special pattern of morphological variation of these two species appeared under two preconditions. First, natural selection and sexual selection are sperated at time. And then, natural selection is more intense than sexual selection in breeding season.
     Symmetry degree of tail increased with length of tail, but skeletal traits just like tarsus and claw was reverse with tail pattern. Our result consistent with symmetry theory, and symmetry of sexual triats were determined by sexual selection.
     We conclude that loss of sexual traits of breeding season is not caused by female preference, and other forces which are more intense than sexual selection may be the main reason. Coefficient of variation of body traits also proved that evolution force of breeding season is more intense. Loss of sexual traits would not affect the male-male competition, and cheaters would be handicapped for this reason.
     Our research could answer the some aspects of our hypothesis, but there are also many questions about this pattern include moult mechanism, female plumage and aerodynamic of tail are still unclear. We will conduct future research on these sides and try to explain the origin and mechanism of this special pattern.
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