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In recent years, great changes have taken place in technology innovation with the rapid development of China's railway construction. Railway engineering project, as the forefront and application carrier of technology innovation, is an indispensable part of China's railway technology innovation system. Therefore, the research on the driving mechanism of technological innovation of railway engineering projects, and how to realize it, is of significance both in theoretical aspect and practical aspect.
     This paper aims to analyze the dynamic factors for the technology innovation through the construction cycle of railway engineering project,construct the simulation model of technology innovation dynamic system, do research on the method to improve the motivation of technology innovation, eventually, realize the sustainable development of railway engineering project's technology innovation.
     Basing on analyzing the characteristics of technology innovation in the railway engineering project, this paper summarizes the barriers and weaknesses in terms of capital, talents, organizations and coordination for the realization of the railway engineering project's technology innovation. In addition, this paper demonstrates the technology innovation's driving factors from several aspects including the identification and the requests analysis of the participants, driving factors of the participants, driving factors of the environment etc..
     Basing on the analysis done above, this paper constructs the technology innovation dynamic model, make simulations about the operational process of the technology innovation dynamic system using the system dynamics method, analyses the internal structure of the technology innovation dynamic system using causal loop drawing method, explore the key factors and the leading loop which influence the driving power of technology innovation by the use of stock flow chart. All the research results can provide the theoretical bases for the construction and operation of the driving mechanism of technology innovation.
     A model of the dynamic mechanism was built by the analysis of the contents and elements of technological innovation driving system of railway engineering projects. Describing the three core sub-mechanisms, like objectives, main features,and operation, the effective operation of dynamic mechanism of technological innovation in project is ensured. By analyzing the incentive and constraint subject and object of resources, environmental factors and the mechanisms, the functions and operation of the incentive and constraint mechanism is achieved. By analyzing the objectives and processes of collaboration, the organizational structure and operation mechanism of the owners, who play the dominant role, and contractors, who play the implementation role, research units and colleges are illustrated.
     Analyzing the interests form of technology innovation in accordance with the way to acquire such interests, the cooperation income distribution model is built and the distribution method is given by applying the Shapley value method and the MCRS method, thereby summarizing specific measures and feasible alternatives.
     Finally, taking XG railway projects as an example, this paper summarize the practical application and effectiveness of the technology innovation driving mechanism of railway engineering project from the management experience of technology innovation, which confirm the scientificalness and feasibility of the research result.
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