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Susan Haack is famous as contemporary philosopher, logician and neo-pragmatist. This dissertation studied in Susan Haack's philosophy of logics, aimed to clarify the essence of Haack's philosophy of logics and make it show as an integral system info, discussed the scope and limits of logic, extra-systematic validity and system-relative validity, global pluralism, revisability of logic, theories of truth in turn, based on analyzing and tidying up literatures profoundly, with the mainstay of "the center problem in philosophy of logic is about the relation between informal argument and formal argument".
     Going with the development and maturation of classical logic, there are coming forth a lot of non-classical logics, and turn into "the age of alternative logics" which presents an omnifarious and competitive situation. Usually, scholars focused on the formal reformation, and gave little attention to the fundamental philosophy issues behind this situation. Contrarly, Haack gave high attention to the significant philosophy problems which arose by non-classical logics, with the background of "the age of alternative logics". She not only reviewed particularly the various philosophical motivations and challenges to classical logic of non-classical logics, but also reflected profoundly on the essence and status of logic, especially the function and limitation of formalization method, defended the plurality and revisability of logic from different points of view.
     In some sense, the main purpose of Haack's philosophy of logics is to justify the revisability of logic, though the reviewing manner is changed. There are two different ways in Haack's arguments:Quinian and Peircian. Other than the radical viewpoint of "variance" and unclear monism in "Deviant Logic", she distinguished expressly the metaphysical and epistemological issues of logic in "Philosophy of Logics'", turned to global pluralism and denied that deviance of system must result in substantial rival. But she always emphasized the meta-logical divarication, especially the diversity of formalization and fallibility of agent. Besides, she not only argued adequately that it is possible and necessary to revise logic, but also investigated particularly the different forms to revise logic. With a mass of case-study, she evaluated some familiar motivations which challenged potentially to classical logic. However, these so-called "challenges" are unsuccessful, and so there is no serious threat to classical logic. Despite it is possible to revise logic in principle, but it still need rather better reasons in action.
     Influenced by W. V. O. Quine and C. S. Peirce deeply, Haack's philosophy of logics takes on pragmatic characters obviously:claimed thorough fallibility and revisability of logic; investigated the genesis of logic from a point of naturalism; insisted that informal argument/extra-systematic validity and formal argument/system-relative validity depend on and accord with each other dynamically; agreed with pluralism and university of logic, and against monism and extreme relativism; opposed not only the absolutization, sanctification and dogmatism of logical deferentialism, but also the debase and abuse by logical cynicism, such as nihilism, culture relativism and fashionable feminism; pulled logic from God to Human, emphasized the affinity between logic and human lives; logic is not the lawmaker beyond judgement by reason, it is just a enterprise of human; like other sciences, logic inquire is also full of bramble and complicated, progress ragged and uneven; so we should insist on innocent realism and critical common sensism, defend logic with reason.
     Haack's philosophy of logics is novel and particular. She not only put forward a systematic theory about logic's philosophy, but also exploited a lot of interesting question fields, enlarged the scope of philosophy of logic enormously. She's clear-headed about the limitation of formalization and criticized different extremists rigorously. It is very significant to the development of modern logic healthily. However, there are some shortcomings in Haack's philosophy of logics, for example, some core concepts and arguments need more clear and powerful accounts; the case-study is not adequate, there have some mistakes in her analysis; she is gives seldom attentions to the late literatures; besides, there is a tension between revisability of logic in principle and conservatism in action which hide in her theories.
     Based on Haack's thoughts critically, I argued that:there is a basis out of logic systems, viz. the intuitive validity of informal argument. Different logics try to give different precise formulations that result in the plurality and revisability of logic in radically. In fact, classical logic have give the minimal condition of intuitive validity, namely it is cannot that premise is true but its conclusion is false. In some sense, different logics all are right, but they must satisfy the minimal condition of intuitive validity. The principles of Pragmatism, for example, simpleness and economy are very important(but not exclusive) criterions to select or evaluate certain logic system.
    ②King, P. J.100 Philosophers:The Life and Work of the World's Greatest Thinkers. New York:Barron,2004中译本参见:皮得·J·金.大哲学家100:世界上最伟大的思想家生平及成就简述[M].戴联斌等译.北京:三联书店,2007,p.180.
    ① Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.ⅸ.
    ② Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.ⅸ-ⅹ.
    ③ Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.ⅹⅳ,该书书名“逻辑”(logics)一词使用了复数形式,暗示了鲜明的多元论立场。
    ②尽管出生和成长于英格兰(1990年移民美国),但哈克深受美国实用主义的影响,所以有学者建议最好把她称为“美国哲学家”。请参见:Haack. S. Susan Haack:A Lady of Distinction, The Philosopher Responds to Her Critics. Ed. Cornelis de Wall, New York:Promethius Books Publishers,2007, p.9.
    ① Haack, S. Susan Haack:A Lady of Distinction, The Philosopher Responds to Her Critics. Ed. Cornelis de Wall, New York:Promethius Books Publishers,2007, p.165.
    ② Haack, S. Susan Haack:A Lady of Distinction, The Philosopher Responds to Her Critics. Ed. Cornelis de Wall, New York:Promethius Books Publishers,2007, p.165.
    ③van Benthem, J. "Logical Dynamics Meets Logical Pluralism?" Australasian Journal of logic,2008(6), p.182.
    ④van Benthem, J (ed. etc.,). "The Age of Alternative Logics." In Logic, Epistemology, and The Unity of Science, vol.3, edited by Shahid Rahman and John Symons, Dordrecht, Netherlands:Springer,2006.
    ⑤van Benthem, J (ed. etc.,). "The Age of Alternative Logics." In Logic, Epistemology, and The Unity of Science, vol.3, edited by Shahid Rahman and John Symons, Dordrecht, Netherlands:Springer,2006, p.1.
    ②罗素.我们关于外间世界的知识[M].陈启伟译.上海:上海译文出版社,2006,p.24.③Dewey, J. Reconstruction in Philosophy. New York:Henry Holt and Company,1920, pp.133-134.
    ④转引自:Copi, Irving M. Symbolic Logic. New York:Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.1979, p.1.
    ⑤例如,德国著名哲学家施太格缪勒(Wolfgang Stenguller)在《当代哲学主流》中感叹说:“对现代逻辑的研究在近二十年来所呈现出的如此之大的规模,以至今天大概已不再有任何一个人能够通观这个领域的每一个细节了。”请参见:施太格缪勒.当代哲学主流[M].王炳文等译.北京:商务印书馆,1986,p.441.
    ⑥Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.1.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.ⅹⅰ.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.ⅹⅰ.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.ⅹⅰ.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.1.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.2.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.1.
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.2.
    ⑥Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.ⅹⅲ.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.4-5.
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.5.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.6.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.5.
    ④Kneale, W. and Kneale, M. The Development of Logic. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1962, p.741.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.7.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.7.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.9.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.8-9.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.10.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.4.
    ②雷谢尔的逻辑图内容较多,具体可参见:Rescher, N. Topics in Philosophical Logic. Dordrecht, Holland: D.Reidel Publishing Company,1968, pp.6-9.
    ③Honderich, T. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy.2nd edition, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005, p.982.
    ①Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.14.
    ②Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.14.
    ③Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.17.
    ④Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.17.
    ⑤具体分析可参见:Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.18.
    ⑥Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, pp.32-33.
    ⑦Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.22, p.32
    ⑧Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.27, p.32.
    ⑨Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.33.
    ①Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.29.
    ②Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.70, p.226.
    ③Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.101.
    ④Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.101.
    ⑤Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.101.
    ⑥Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.103.
    ⑦Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.103.
    ⑧Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.104.
    ①Haack, S. Evidence and Inquiry. Cambridge:Blackwell Publishers,1993, p.105.
    ②Haack, S. Defending Science within Reason. New York:Prometheus Books,2003, p.19.
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    ③Haack, S. Defending Science within Reason. New York:Prometheus Books,2003, p.31.
    ④Haack, S. Defending Science within Reason. New York:Prometheus Books,2003, p.34.
    ①Haack, S. Defending Science within Reason. New York:Prometheus Books,2003, p.37.
    ②Hempel, C. G. "Studies in the Logic of Confirmation." In Aspects of Scientific Explanation, New York:Free Press,1965, pp.3-37.
    ③Haack, S. Defending Science within Reason. New York:Prometheus Books,2003, p.38.
    ④Haack, S. Defending Science within Reason. New York:Prometheus Books,2003, p.26.
    ①Haack, S. Defending Science within Reason. New York:Prometheus Books,2003, p.52.
    ①请参见:Langdell, C. C. A Selection of Cases on the Law of Contracts, with a Summary of the Topics Covered by the Cases. Boston, MA:Little Brown, fisrt edition,1871,2nd edition,1879.
    ②Holmes, O. W. "Book Notice of William Anson, Principles of the English Law of Contracts, and Christopher Columbus Langdell, Selection of Cases on the Law of Contracts,2nd edition." American Law Review,1880(14), p.234.
    ③Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), p.8.
    ④Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), p.8.
    ⑤Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), p.9.
    ①Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), p.15.
    ②Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), p.16.
    ③Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), pp.17-18.
    ④Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), p.19.
    ⑤Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), p.21.
    ①Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), pp.23-24.
    ②Haack, S. "On Logic in the Law:'Something, But Not All'." Ratio Juris,2007(20), p.25.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.14.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.15.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.15.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.222.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.23.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.24.
    ④Quine, W. V. O. Word and Object. Cambridge:MIT,1960, p.160后文将看到,包括经典逻辑在内的形式系统经常犯了刻画过多或过少、甚至既过多又过少的毛病。这是形式化局限性的表现,也是导致逻辑可修正的根源之一。
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.17.
    ①Kneale, W. and Kneale, M. The Development of Logic. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1962, p.521.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.19.
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    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.14.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.27.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.30.
    ③Strawson, P. F. Introduction to Logical Theory. London:Methuen,1952, p.79.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.38.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.41.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.42.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.43.
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    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.46.
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    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.48.
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    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1978, p.50.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.50.
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    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.16.
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    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.16-17.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978. p.221.
    ③请参见:Quine, W. V. O. Philosophy of Logic. Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, first edition,1970, second edition,1986本文的相关引文均指第二版。
    ②Read, S. "Monism:The One True Logic." In A Logical Approach to Philosophy, D. Devidi and T. Kenyon (eds.), Netherlands:Springer,2006, p.193.
    ⑤可以参考:Field, H. "'Pluralism in Logic." The Review of Symbolic Logic, Vol.2,2009(6), p.344.
    ③Rahman, S., and Redmond, J. "Huge MacColl and the Birth of Logical Pluralism." In British Logic in the Nineteeth Century, vol.4 of Handbook of the History of Logic, Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods(eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland,2008, pp.533-604.
    ④Beall, JC and Restall, G. Logical Pluralism. Oxford:Clarendon Press,2006.
    ①Beall, JC and Restall, G. Logical Pluralism. Oxford:Clarendon Press,2006, p.3.
    ②Beall, JC and Restall, G. Logical Pluralism. Oxford:Clarendon Press.2006, p.29.
    ③Beall, JC and Restall, G. Logical Pluralism. Oxford:Clarendon Press,2006, p.29.
    ④Russell, G. "One True Logic?" Journal of Philosophical Logic,2008(37), pp.593-611.
    ⑤Field, H."Pluralism in logic." The Review of Symbolic Logic, Vol.2,2009(6), p.343.
    ⑥Carnap, R. The Logical Syntax of Language. Translated by A. Smeaton, Paterson, NJ:Littlefield Adams,1959, p.15.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1978, p.223.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.223.
    ③Beall, JC and Restall, G. Logical Pluralism. Oxford:Clarendon Press,2006, p.29.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.223-224.
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.155.
    ⑥Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.224.
    ①Lewis, C. I. "Alternative Systems of Logic." The Monist, vol.41,1931译文转引自:陈波.逻辑哲学[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2005,pp.34-24.
    ③Read. S. "Monism:The One True Logic." in A Logical Approach to Philosophy, D. Devidi and T. Kenyon (eds.), Netherlands:Springer,2006, pp.193-209.
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    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.25.
    ①蒯因的整体知识观来源于法国著名的科学史家、哲学家迪昂(Pierre Duhem).一般称为“迪昂—蒯因论题”。可参见:陈波.蒯因哲学研究[M].北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1998,pp.165-166.
    ②Quine, W. V. O. From a Logical Point of View. Second edition, revised, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1980, p.41.
    ③Quine, W. V. O. From a Logical Point of View. Second edition, revised, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1980, p.42.
    ④Quine, W. V. O. From a Logical Point of View. Second edition, revised, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1980, p.43.
    ⑤Quine, W. V. O. From a Logical Point of View. Second edition, revised, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1980, pp.42-43.
    ⑥Quine,W. V. O. From a Logical Point of View. Second edition, revised, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1980, p.45.
    ②Quine, W. V. O. Philosophy of Logic. Second edition, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1986, p.100.
    ③Quine, W. V. O. Philosophy of Logic. Second edition, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1986, p.100.
    ①Putnam, H. Philosophy of Logic. New York:Routledge, first edition in 1971, new edition in 2010, p.76在本文中,相关引文均指新版。中译文亦可参见:普特南.逻辑哲学[A].普特南文选[C].李真编译.北京:社会科学文献出版社,2009,p.94.该中译文包括了普特南的《逻辑哲学》这本小册子(仅76页)的全部内容。
    ②Putnam, H. "Vagueness and Alternative Logic." In Realism and Reason:Philosophical Papers, vol.3, London: Cambridge University Press,1983, pp.271-273.
    ③Putnam, H. "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics." In Mathematics, Matter and Method:Philosophical Papers, vol.1, second edition, London:Cambridge University Press,1979, pp.180-184.
    ④Putnam, H. "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics." In Mathematics, Matter and Method:Philosophical Papers, vol.1, second edition, London:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.174.
    ⑤Putnam, H. "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics." In Mathematics, Matter and Method:Philosophical Papers, vol.1, second edition, London:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.184.
    ①Putnam, H. "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics." In Mathematics, Matter and Method:Philosophical Papers, vol.1, second edition, London:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.190.
    ②Putnam, H. "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics." In Mathematics, Matter and Method:Philosophical Papers, vol.1, second edition, London:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.196.
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    ④Putnam, H. "There Is at Least One A Priori Truth." In Realism and Reason:Philosophical Papers, vol.3, London:Cambridge University Press,1983, p.100.
    ⑤Putnam, H. "There Is at Least One A Priori Truth." In Realism and Reason:Philosophical Papers, vol.3, London:Cambridge University Press,1983, p.99.
    ②Putnam, H. "There Is at Least One A Priori Truth." In Realism and Reason:Philosophical Papers, vol.3, London:Cambridge University Press,1983, p.111.
    ③Putnam, H. "There Is at Least One A priori Truth." In Realism and Reason:Philosophical Papers, vol.3, London:Cambridge University Press,1983, p.113.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.26.
    ①Peirce, C. S. Collected Papers. C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss, and A. Burks(eds.), Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1931-1958,5.387以后简称[CP],数字“5.387”表示第5卷第387段。
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.238.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.238.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.238.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.238.
    ②需要指出的是,哈克把康德看作强心理主义的代表有失公允。因为康德曾明确地提出要区分心理学和逻辑(即业里士多德逻辑,他称之为“一般的逻辑”,又译作“普通逻辑”。但要注意的是,国内所谓的“普通逻辑”通常用来指一门课程而非某种逻辑理论),区分思维的形式和内容。不过,“思维规律”确实容易 引起误解,并目康德所谓的“先验逻辑”是不是现代意义上的“逻辑”,这也是值得商榷的。因此,问题的关键并不在于逻辑是否是思维的形式(大前提2),而在于思维的形式是否就是先验有效的(大前提1)。
    ①具体内容可参见:Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.239.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.240.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.240.
    ⑤Dewey, J. Experience and Nature. Chicago:Open Court,1929, p.196.
    ⑥Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.241.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.241.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.28.
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.241-242.
    ⑥Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.29.
    ①Frege, G. The Foundations of Arithmetic. Translated by J. L. Austin, Oxford:Blackwell,1950, p.234.
    ②Pepper, S. World Hypotheses. Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press,1961, p.24.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics.Cambridgt:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.236.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.236.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.214.
    ①实际上,逻辑的可修正性应该作为“两个教条”中论证的前提而非结论。请参见:Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambirdge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.237.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.233.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.234.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.234.
    ①Quine, W. V. O. From a Logical Point of View. Second edition, revised, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1980, p.42.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.35-36.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.36,“在水上重修木筏”是认识论中的一个重要隐喻。哈克借此意指:就在现有逻辑的基础上修改逻辑本身,而无需推倒重来或借助现有逻辑之外的任何东西。
    ②Popper, K. R. "A Realist View of Physics, Logic and History." In Physics, Logic and History, W. Yourgrau and A. D. Breck eds. New York:Plenum Press,1970, p.18.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.37.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.37乍看起来,哈克与蒯因的观点几乎一样,很容易让人想起蒯因的“最小代价原则”。
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.38.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.39.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.39.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.40.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.40.
    ④Haack, S. "The Justification of Deduction." Mind,1976(85), p.112.
    ①Haack, S. "The Justification of Deduction." Mind,1976(85), p.114.
    ②Haack, S. "The Justification of Deduction." Mind,1976(85), p.113.
    ①Haack, S. "The Justification of Deduction." Mind,1976(85). p.117.
    ②Haack, S. "The Justification of Deduction." Mind,1976(85), p.118.
    ③Haack, S. "The Justification of Deduction." Mind,1976(85), p.118.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.232.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.232.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.237.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.152.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.41.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.41.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.41.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.42.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.1.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.1阿克曼早在1967年就注意到了这一点,请参见:Ackerman, R. An Introduction to Many-Valued Logics. London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1967, p.15.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.2.
    ②Brouwer, L. E. J. "Historical Background, Principles and Methods of Intuitionism." South African Journal of Science,1952(49), pp.139-146.
    ③Putnam, H. "The logic of Quantum Mechanics." In Mathematics, Matter and Method:Philosophical Papers, vol.1, second edition, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, pp.174-197.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.3.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.3.
    ③以下分类和定义参看:Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.4.
    ④根据蒯因的解释,词汇的本质出现是指以下情况:如果替换该语词就会导致语句的真值发生改变。可参考:Quine, W. V.O. Mathematical Logic. New York:Norton,1940, p.2.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.5.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.5.
    ②Quine, W. V. O. The Ways of Paradox and Other Essays. New York:Random House, Inc.,1966, p.105.
    ③Quine, W. V. O. The Ways of Paradox and Other Essays. New York:Random House, Inc.,1966, p.113.
    ④Quine, W. V. O. Word and Object. Cambridge:MIT,1960, p.59.
    ①Quine, W. V. O. Philosophy of Logic. Second edition, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1986, p.81.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.8.
    ③Putnam, H. "The Analytic and the Synthetic." In Mind, Language and Reality, Philosophical Papers, vol.2, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1975, pp.50-51.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.9.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.9.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.9-10.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.10.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.10.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.11.
    ②Putnam, H. "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics." In Mathematics, Matter and Method, Philosophical Papers, vol.1, Second Edition, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.189.
    ③关于联结词的“核心”意义的详细说明,请参见:Putnam, H. "Three-Valued Logic." Philosophical Studies,1957(8), pp.73-80.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.12.
    ⑤Prior, A. N. "The Runabout Inference-Ticket", Analysis,1960(21), pp.38-39; "Conjunction and Contonktion Revisited." Analysis,1964(24), pp.191-195; Reprinted in Contemporary Philosophical Logic, edited by Irving M. Copi and James A. Gould, New York:ST. Martin's Press,1978, pp.37-38, pp.49-53.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.13斯蒂文森和贝尔纳普对普赖尔的批评请参见:Stenvenson, J. T. "Roundabout the Runabout Inference-Ticket." Belnap, N. D. "Tonk, Plonk and Plink." All of them in Contemporary Philosophical Logic, edited by Irving M. Copi and James A. Gould, New York:ST. Martin's Press,1978, pp.39-43, pp.44-48.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.13.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambirdge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.230.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.14.
    ②Quine, W. V. O. The Ways of Paradox and Other Essays. New York:Random House, Inc.,1966, p.102.
    ①Quine, W. V. O. Word and Object. Cambridge:MIT,1960, p.27此处译文参考了北京大学陈波教授所做的翻译。请参见:陈波.逻辑哲学[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2005,pp.17-18。
    ②Quine, W. V. O. Philosophy of Logic. Second Edition, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1986, p.81.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.16.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.17.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.18.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.18.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.21.
    ①Quine, W. V. O. Pilosophy of Logic. Second edition, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1986, p.83.
    ②该文最初发表于1969年,后以“量子力学的逻辑”为题收录于《普特南哲学论文选集》第一卷。请参见:Putnam, H. "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics." In Mathematics, Matter and Method:Philosophical Papers, vol.1, second edition, London:Cambridge university press,1979, pp.174-197.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.21.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.22.
    ④Quine, W. V. O. The Ways of Paradox and Other Essays. New York:Random House, Inc.,1966, p.102.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.23.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.21.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.23.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.23.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.152.
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.153.
    ⑥Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.153-155.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.156.
    ②请参见:Burgess, J. P. Philosophical Logic. Princeton:Princeton University Press,2009, pp.vii-viii.
    ③具体内容请参见:Aberdein A., and Read, S. "The Philosophy of Alternative Logics." in The Development of Modern Logic, edited by Leila Haaparanta, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2009, pp.613-723.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.42.
    Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.42.
    Haack, S. Deviant Logic. Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.43.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.44.
    ②哈克注意到,尽管这个反驳意见大体上是可取的,但它自身也存在某些缺陷。例如,到底什么样的东西才称得上是“题材中立的”,不同的学者可能持有不同的意见。另外,对于同一个非形式论证,并不存在唯一正确的刻画。参见:Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.45.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.167.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.166.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.46.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.46.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.46.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.46.
    ⑧Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.109.
    ④请参见:Pap, A. Elements of Analytic Philosophy. London:Macmillan,1949, p.116亦可参见:Black, M. "Reasoning With Loose Concepts." Dialogue,1963(2), p.10.
    ④Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.110.
    ⑤Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.110.
    ⑥Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.110.
    ⑦Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.111.
    ⑧Alston, W. P. Philosophy of Language. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall, Inc.1964, p.88.
    ①Quine, W. V. O. Word and Object. Cambridge:MIT,1960, p.128.
    ②例如,魏斯曼(F. Waismann)提出了“开放语境”的动态语言观。基本思想是:适用于目前情境的谓词,如果情境发生变化,也许变得不再适用了。例如,是否应该把一个相关的猫科动物称为“猫”,如果它突然长至12英尺高?这与类型(1a)相似。但它考虑情境转换,因此不属于哈克的分类。参见:Waismann, F. "Verifiability." Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplement,1945(19). p.123.
    ③Alston, W. P. Philosophy of Language. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall, Inc.1964, p.96.
    ①Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.114.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.164.
    ③Dummett, M. "Wang's Paradox." Synthese,1975(30), pp.301-324.
    ④在文献中“模糊逻辑”(fuzzy logic)通常有两种含义:一种是广义的,泛指所有关于模糊性问题的逻辑;另一种是狭义的,专指基于模糊集之上的逻辑。
    ④Zadeh, L. A. "Fuzzy Languages and Their Relation to Human Intelligence." Proceedings of the International Conference, Man and Computer, S. Karger,1972.
    ⑤Zadeh, L. A. "Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning." Synthese,1975(30), p.407.
    ⑥Zadeh, L. A., and Bellman, R. E. Local and Fuzzy Logic, Memorandum ERL-M584, Electrocnics Research Laboratory. Berkeley:University of California,1976, p.64.
    ①Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.ⅹⅱ除了扎德的模糊逻辑之外,她还把“逻辑迈侬主义”(logical Meingonianism)、“辩证逻辑”(原文为dialethic logic,在某些文献中也用dialectic logic)、女性主义逻辑(feminist logic)视为当代逻辑极端主义的代表。例如,她认为,与扎德试图用模糊性取代精确性一样,辩证逻辑不仅承认和容忍矛盾,而且还试图反映矛盾本身。发展辩证逻辑的一个主要动机是解决语义悖论,但是它所提出的方案很可能“比疾病本身更糟糕”。参见:Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.ⅹⅲ-ⅹⅵ.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.167.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.168.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.167.
    ⑤Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.115.
    ⑥Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.116.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.163.
    ②Russell, B. "Vagueness." Australasian Journal of Philosophy and Psychology,1923(1), pp.88-89.
    ③Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.117.
    ④Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.117.
    ⑤Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.118.
    ⑤哈克在《逻辑哲学》中把特意“误导形式策略”改称为“新奇的释意策略”,以免别人把她的立场混同于罗素的立场。因为罗素主张每一个句子都有唯一正确的逻辑形式,而哈克明确反对这一点。请参见:Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.153.
    ①请参见:Quine, W. V. O. Word and Object. Cambridge:MIT,1960类似的观点还可参见:Alston, W. P. Philosophy of Language. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall,1964, p.86.
    ②Russell, B. "Vaguness." Australasian Journal of Philosophy and Psychology,1923(1), pp.84-92.
    ③Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.119.
    ④Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.124.
    ⑤Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.ⅹⅰ-ⅹⅱ.
    ① Hacck, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.124-125.
    ③ Lukasiewicz, J. "Philosophical Remarks on Many-Valued Systems of Propositional Logic." in Polish Logic 1920-1939, ed. by S. McCall, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1967, p.53.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.74.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.78.
    ②Lukasiewicz, J. "Philosophical Remarks on Many-Valued Systems of Propositional Logic." in Polish Logic 1920-1939, ed. by S. McCall, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1967, p.53.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.257-258.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.84-85.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.85笔者注意到,哈克的某些表述是不一致的或不严谨的。例如在《逻辑哲学》中,她竟然说:“多值逻辑像经典逻辑一样,都是真值函项的”。紧接其后,在分析克利尼(S. C. Kleene)的三值矩阵时,她又指出:“当然,这需要一个非真值函项的逻辑”。参见:Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.215-216.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.87.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.87.
    ⑤Prior, A. N. "Three-valued Logic and Future Contingents." Philosophical Quarterly,1953(3), pp.317-326.
    ⑥Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.88.
    ①Lukasiewicz, J. Aristotle s Syllogistic. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1957, pp.166-167.
    ②Lukasiewicz, J. Aristotle's Syllogistic. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1957, pp.166-169.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.89.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.89-90.
    ⑤van Fraassen, B. C. "Singular Terms, Truth-Value Gaps, and Free Logic". Journal of Philosophy,1966(63), pp.481-495.
    ⑥Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, pp.85-86.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.90.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.90.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.211.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.210-213.
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.215.
    ⑥Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.91.
    ② van Dalen, D. "Intuitionistic Logic." in Handbook of Philosophical Logic (2nd Edition), vol.5, edited by Dov M. Gabby and F. Guenthner, Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002, p.3.
    ④ van Dalen, D. "Intuitionistic Logic." in Handbook of Philosophical Logic (2nd Edition), vol.5, edited by Dov M. Gabby and F. Guenthner, Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002, pp.4-5.
    ① Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.91.
    ② Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.92.
    ③ Quine, W. V. O. Philosophy of Logic. Second edition, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1986, p.88.
    ④ Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.93.
    ⑤ Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.93.
    ①在本文中,“┠c”表示经典命题逻辑中的定理,其中下标“C”代表经典逻辑(classical propositional logic)类似地在后文中,下标“I”表示直觉主义命题逻辑(intuitional propositional logic)。
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.98.
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    ⑤转引自:Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.95.
    ⑥ Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.94.
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    ⑤例如,他说:“毕竟,这些考虑不仅应用于数学,也应用于其他所有领域:虽然它们已经确切表明关于思想和实体的实在论观点存在某些错误,但这并不意味着在数学之外的极端主观理念论。”请参见:Dummett, M. "Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics. " The Philosophical Review,1959(68), p.348.
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    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.108.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.ⅹⅳ.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.201.
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    ①Anderson, A. R., and Belnap, N. D. "Modalities in Ackermann's 'Rigorous Implication'." Journal of symbolic logic,1959(24), pp.107-111.
    ②Anderson, A. R., and Belnap, N. D. "Enthymemes." Journal of philosophy,1961(58), pp.713-723.
    ③Meyer, R. K. "E and S4." Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,1970(11), pp.181-199. Meyer, R. K. "Intuitionism, Entailment, Negation." in Truth, Syntax and Modality, H. Leblanc(ed.), Amsterdam:North Holland, 1973, pp.168-198.
    ④Meyer, R. K. "Intuitionism, Entailment, Negation." In Truth, Syntax and Modality, H. Leblanc(ed.), Amsterdam:North Holland,1973, pp.168-198.
    ① Anderson, A. R. "Some Open Problems Concerning the System E of Entailment." Acta Philosophica Fennica, 1963(16), pp.7-18.
    ② Anderson, A. R., Belnap, N. D., and Dunn, J. M. Entailment:The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, vol.Ⅱ, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1992, pp.332-375.
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    M. Gabbay and F. Guenthner(eds.), Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002, pp.86-98.
    ②Haack, S. "The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth." Midwest Studies in Philosophy,2008(ⅩⅩⅩⅡ), p.20.
    ①例如,当人们满怀虔敬之情说“真理引导我们前进”时,此处的“真理”通常被当作某种神秘的力量。请参见:Haack, S. "The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth." Midwest Studies in Philosophy,2008 (ⅩⅩⅩⅡ), p.21.
    ②Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." in Putting Philosophy to Work, New York:
    ① Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.46.
    ② Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.46.
    ③ Haack, S. "The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth." Midwest Studies in Philosophy,2008 (ⅩⅩⅫ), p.24.
    ④ Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.46.
    ⑤ Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.47.
    ① Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.49.
    ② Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.50.
    ③ Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.50.
    ④ Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.51.
    ⑤ Ramsey, F. P. "The Foundations of Mathematics." In The Foundations of Mathematics and Other Logical Essays, ed.by R. B. Braithwaite, London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1931, pp.1-61.
    ① Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.51.
    ②哈克和罗蒂的观点针锋相对。她几乎在任何场合下都极力反对罗蒂,视为论敌,并且言辞之间带有明显的不屑和轻蔑。这在学术界已经造成很大的影响。令人遗憾的是,罗蒂从未做出正面回应。本来期待一场精彩的双边论战,结果变成了哈克的单独宣战。Rorty, R. Objectivity, Relativism and Truth, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1992, p.32.
    ③ Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, pp.52-53.
    ④ [CP12.138,5.211。
    ⑤ Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.44.
    ① Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.54.
    ② Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.55.
    ③ Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.55.
    ① Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.56.
    ② Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.56.
    ③ Haack, S. "The Unity of Truth and the Plurality of Truths." In Putting Philosophy to Work, New York: Prometheus Books,2008, p.57.
    ④ Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.243.
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    ②Zadeh, L. A. "Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning." Synthese,1975(30), pp.407-428.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.244.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.245.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.245.
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    ④Bradley, F. H. Essays on Truth and Reality. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1914, p.252.
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    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.253.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.253.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.254.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.254.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.254.
    ① Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.256.
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    ③ Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.257.
    ④ Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.258. "Mly" 即副词的简写。因为在英语中,副词通常带有后缀“ly”
    ⑤笔者曾就真理观请教于哈克教授。她回信说,她并不赞同实用主义真理观,不管是何种形式的实用主义。 她开始比较赞同拉姆齐的观点,正如正文所示的那样;但后来觉得塔斯基的真理论更好些。
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.74.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.74-75.
    ④Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.75.
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.75-76.
    ⑥Haack, R. J., and Haack, S. "Token-Sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, vol.79,1970. p.41.
    ①Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.76-77.
    ②Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.79.
    ③Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1978, p.80.
    ① Strawson, P. F. "On Referring." Mind, vol.59, No.235 (Jul.,1950), pp.326-329.
    ② Strawson, P. F. Introduction to Logical Thoery. London:Methuen,1952, p.4.
    ③ Haack, R. J., and Haack, S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.43.
    ④ Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.43.
    ⑤ Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, pp.43-44.
    ⑥ Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.80.
    ⑦ Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.80.
    ⑧ Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.81.
    ①Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.47.
    ②Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.47.
    ① Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, pp.48-49.
    ② Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.50.
    ③ Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.51.
    ①Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.51.
    ②Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.52.
    ③Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.57.
    ④Haack, R. J., and Haack. S. "Token-sentence, Translation and Truth-Value." Mind, Vol.79,1970, p.57.
    ⑤Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.82.
    ② Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.82.
    ③ Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.82-83.
    ④ Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.84.
    ⑤ Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.85.
    ① Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.83.
    ② Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.84.
    ③ Popper, K. R. "Truth, Rationality and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge." In Conjectures and Refutations, New York:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1963, pp.224-226.
    ④ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.324.
    ⑤ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.324.
    ① Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976),p.324.
    ② Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), pp.324-325.
    ③ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.325.
    ④ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), pp.325-326.
    ⑤参见:Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul., 1976), p.326.
    ① Haack, S. Putting Philosophy to Work. Amherst, New York:Prometheus Books,2008, p.227.
    ② Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), pp.326-327.
    ③ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.327.
    ④ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.327.
    ⑤ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.327.
    ① Haack, S. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1978, p.115.
    ② Popper, K. R."Truth, Rationality and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge." In Conjectures and Refutations, New York:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1963, p.225.
    ③ Popper, K. R."Truth, Rationality and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge." In Conjectures and Refutations, New York:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1963, p.225.
    ④ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.328.
    ⑤ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.328.
    ⑥ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.330.
    ⑦ Tarski, A. "The Semantic Conception of Truth." In Readings in Philosophical Analysis, ed. by H. Feigl and W. Sellars, New York:Appleton-Century Crofts,1949, p.71.
    ①Haack, S. "is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.331.
    ②Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.331.
    ③Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.332.
    ④Popper, K. R."Truth, Rationality, and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge." In Conjectures and Refutations, New York:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1963, p.225.
    ⑤Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.332.
    ⑥Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), pp.332-333.
    ① Popper, K. R. "Truth, Rationality and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge." In Conjectures and Refutations, New York:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1963, pp.233-234.
    ② Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.334.
    ③ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), p.334.
    ④ Haack, S. "Is it True What They Say About Tarski?" Philosophy, Vol.51, No.197(Jul.,1976), pp.335-336.
    ① Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.47.
    ② Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.48.
    ③ Strawson, P. F. "On Referring." Mind,1950(59), pp.320-344.
    ④ Lewy, C. "How Are the Calculuses of Logic and Mathematics Applicable to Reality?" Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplement,1946(20), pp.30-39.
    ⑤ Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.50.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.50.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.51.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.53.
    ④Russell, B. "On Denoting." Mind,14,1905, pp.479-493.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.54.
    ②Russell, B. "Review of McColl." Mind,15,1906, pp.255-260.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.54.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.55.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.55.
    ⑥Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.55.
    Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.57.
    Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.57.
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    ① Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.59.
    ② Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.59.
    ③请参见:Kleene, S. C. Introduction to Metamathematics. Amsterdam:North-Holland,1952.
    ③ Haack. S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.60.
    ①Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.60.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.61.
    ③Prior, A. N. "Many-Valued Logic and Modal Systems:An Intuitive Approch." Philosophical Review,1955(64), pp.626-630.
    ④Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.61.
    ⑤Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.63.
    ⑥Quine, W. V. O. Philosophy of Logic. Second edition, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1986, p.84.
    ①Putnam, H. "Three-Valued Logic." Philosophical Studies,1957(8), p.74.
    ②Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.65.
    ③Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.65.
    ④具体证明过程请参见:Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.67-68.
    ⑤Tarski, A. "The Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages." In Logic, Semantics and Metamathematics, translated by J. H. Woodger, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1956, pp.152-178.
    ⑥Haack, S. Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996, p.68.
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