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Based on the rational cognition of protecting the third party’s interests in husband and wife of the property relation for study to order with clues, aiming at husband and wife property a relation of special, the third people benefits protection the system lead property to the husband and wife property relation, then put forward our country in the marriage method protect husband and wife property the good intentions in the relation the third people basic mode and rule of benefits.
     The protection of the third party’s interests in real right alternation is a very important issue in market economy. And the third people protect a system research already is very mature. Couple’s property relation is the special of civil law relation. couple’s relation is among them a special civil case relation. At the society opened, the marital relationship still is placed in a society relation equally in, the obligation relation of the property right will also take place among the husband and wife outside, namely husband and wife maybe involve the third people of benefits. Therefore considering well in the design husband and wife's various systems of property relation to the third people ask of benefits protection, which can support the safety that the society trades order, raise a market mechanism the efficiency .This text is from entity method and procedure method both side to discuss husband and wife's various systems of property relation good intentions the third people protect a problem. Good intentions the third people protecting of the special aptitude of the civil law principle and husband and wife property relation combining, designing husband and wife various systems in the property relation to protect good intentions the third people.
     The main body of this paper includes four chapters. Chapter 1 explains the significance of the research subject. Based on a typology analysis of the real right alternation and third party to define the scope of the discussion. Chapter 2 approaches the rational cognition of protecting the third part’s interests. Chapter 3 and chapter 4 are from entity method and procedure method two angles the rightness the husband and wife the property the relation respectively of various systems are designed what if to protect good intentions well the third people to carry on analysis to discuss. The end is a conclusion, fore several noodles the top of the foundation for inquiring into relates to for husband and wife's property medium of the third people protected a mechanism to put forward to set up mode.
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