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Housing problem is the essential product of population expansion and social economic development. Besides the contradiction between population and lands, the youth who are the main body of house purchase are embarrassed to purchase any houses as they are lacks of enough capitals. This kind of reality has accelerated the popularity of housing mortgage consumption. In the developed countries, this kind of mortgage are really common and has become the foundation of Real-estate industry , while in China, it was brought in since the year 1992, and gradually take the play of the main tool for citizens' Housing consumption. At present, for the obvious supply and demand contradiction of large capita investment and ordinary low income of citizen, the much deeper impression of pre-consume way of life, which have promoted the rapid development of housing mortgage.
     The development course of housing mortgage insurance within decades in China has embodies that even the housing mortgage insurance as the new object has already accepted by massive common citizen, it also has brought out the serious and endless debate the scholars home an d abroad haven't agreed on this controversy ,On the one hand ,there are plenty of problems exposed in the practical process of housing mortgage insurance in China ;On the another hand, the academic controversy has caused the chaos of judicial practices positively.
     The study is cultivating in such kind of background. To clarify the disagreement and ambiguity of the understanding of housing mortgage insurance and put forward the eligible suggestions to solve the difficulties met in the practical process of housing mortgage insurance in China is the true sense of this study.
     This study has utilized the qualitative analysis, classification, comparative analysis and exemplification ways to do the scientific research. On the study path, the relative elaboration and explanation of Insurance Science Finance Science and Real-estate Study are the theoretical basis ; while the nature, features, main body, object, provision, classification ,dispute solving system are the study objects, especially, the law nature of housing mortgage insurance. Through the theoretical analysis of housing mortgage insurance contracts, to solve the problems facing in the practical process is the aim of this study.
     Comparing with the decades of historical developments of housing mortgage insurance abroad, there are lots of defects whether in legislation or practical courses of housing mortgage insurance. Specifically speaking, in its legislation, housing mortgage insurance as the most typical guarantee insurance are seldom mentioned in relative law and regulations. Even mentioned, it hasn't elaborated in a system scientifically. So housing mortgage insurance should be regulated much more scientific and reasonable according to the insurance law, and the contents relevant to housing mortgage insurance should also be improved. In the practical process, a large number of problems and defects are existed, so in order to improve the current statement, not only is it needs to formulate the regulations of guarantee insurance in the Insurance Law ,but also the insurance company should design the perfect housing mortgage insurance provisions, Meanwhile, the insurance company ought to make effort to develop and design new types of insurance to meet the market and dweller's massive needs.
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    ② 闲房抵押贷款与期房抵押贷款不同,期房抵押贷款所涉及的是一种权益(房屋期权),而现房抵押贷款的标的是实实在在的不动产。
    ① 庹国柱.保险学[M].北京:首都经贸大学出版社,2004.23.
    ② 陈钊.住房抵押贷款理论与实践[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2000.46.自然风险是造成房屋财产损失的自然现象、物理现象,如台风、洪水、地震、火山爆发、冰雹等不可抗力的自然灾害。社会风险造成的房屋财产损失是指由于个人或团体行为(例如盗窃、纵火、战争、罢工等)造成损失机会的风险。经济风险造成的房屋财产损失是指由于价格波动、市场需求变化以及通货膨胀等导致的抵押房屋大幅度贬值,不足以抵偿贷款。
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    ④ 通常资产的流动性与期限呈反方向变动,期限越长,流动性越低。
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