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     (1)放线菌菌株L74的培养条件进行了单因素和L9(3~4)正交实验优化。研究结果表明:最佳培养条件为可溶性淀粉20g/L,黄豆粉10g,K_2PO_4 0.5g/L,MgSO_4 0.5g/L,NaCl 0.9g/L,FeSO_4 0.01g/L,pH7.2。
In the present, eutrophication becomes a worldwide water problem, and goes worse as industrializational development. The harm of algal blooms has been concerned by the society. However, the effects of physical and chemical methods for the elimination of algal blooms are not satisfied in recent years. Therefore, microbial methods by algicidal microorganisms as alternative approaches are applied for preventing and controlling of algal blooms.
     The algicidal actinomycetes strain L74 screened from water of aquaculture, and identified as a species of Streptomyces fradiae. And in the present work, we studied on the algicidal components and their algicidal mechanism. The main results are as follows: The single factor experiments and orthogonal experiment have been used to investigate the composition of the culture medium in this paper. The results suggested that the best composition of the culture medium is: soluble starch 20g / L, soybean meal 10g/L, K_2PO_4 0.5g / L, MgSO_4 0.5g / L, NaCl 0.9g / L, FeSO_4 0.01g / L, pH7.2.
     To identify their algicidal characterization, the algicidal components were treated by different temperatures and different pH. The results showed that: the algicidal components are stable to pH, but sensitive to temperature. After being treated at 90℃for one hour, the activity of algicidal components nearly lost.
     To obtain the algicidal components from actinomycete strain L74, a series of techniques including ethanol precipitation, organic solvents extraction, dialysis, TLC, silica gel adsorption chromatography, gel filtration chromatography and RP silica gel (C18) column chromatography were used. And one of these algicidal components was obtained. A series of techniques including biochemical tests, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance were used to identify the algicidal component. The result of scanning electron microscopy showed that the algicidal component is a white amorphous powder with irregular shape and size. Triterpenoid saponin components have six characteristic infrared peaks, and the algicidal component includes five of these six characteristic infrared peaked. The results of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance indicated that the molecular weight may be 799.7, and its structure may contain two units of sugar. And the biochemical tests showed that the algicidal component has the characteristic reaction of triterpenoid saponins. All of the results showed that the algicidal component is one kind of triterprnoid saponins substances.
     The algae Microcstis aeruginosa were cultured with algicidal components, and their antioxidants system were studies instantly. As the reducing of the content of chlorophyll a in the algae, the activities of SOD, POD and CAT are dramatically increase at first, and decrease significantly in the last period. On the other side, the content of MDA firstly increases quickly, and maintains at a high level. The results showed that the algicidal mechanism of algicidal components may relate to the antioxidant system damage of the algae.
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