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The produce and sale history of the‘Sichuan Salt’, which had been continued for several thousands years, was shaped the Sichuan Ancient Salt Road. It enjoys the history, abroad space scope, magnitude culture influence and specific function purpose. It is important to the forming and developing of the folk residents in the boundary area of the provinces of Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou. Not only make it the series of famous and ancient town’s forming, e.g. Gongtan, Xituo, Enshi, Fenghuang, Liye etc, but also cause a set of representative buildings on the transport salt road, e.g. pothouses, temples, corridor bridges, salt merchant guild halls. It runs through a characteristic culture route. Sichuan Ancient Salt Road is the important carrier of the salt culture, also the heritance medium of architecture culture and architecture technology.
     Base on a lot of field work, mapping on the ancient building, collection of the history information, for the first time, this thesis is trying to do some systemic researches on the reason of the Sichuan salt ancient road forming, transmit road, distributing of the residents, inheritance of the architecture. The author propose some way for the exploitation and protection of the Sichuan salt ancient road according to the protect idea of ICOMOS.
     A lot of archaeological information shows that the history of Sichuan Salt can come back to the beginning of human activity. The TaiPin rebellion in the last period of Qing dynasty and athletics of support Sichuan Salt to Chu, which is sponsored by the government in the resist Japanese aggression battle, is the two import things to the Sichuan Salt history. They intensively affect the modern times. At the height of power and splendor, the salt revenue of Sichuan province is the quarter of the all revenue of our country. Sichuan Salt became the economy backbone of our country. In that period, a lot of salt businessman came into Sichuan from all of the country, a lot of salt ancient towns were rose up, a lot of salt assembly halls and residents with plenty characteristic and tradition architecture style were built.
     Among the salt merchant from the other place to Sichuan, the most strong influences are from the provinces of Anhui, Sanxi and Shanxi. They bring with substantive fortune and the architecture technology and style of their hometown to Sichuan area. The Seal Wall, Courtyard house, Slanted Beam is the representative style of the folk residents building in these area, and the salt guild hall with the south and north architecture style, which is distributed at all the place, has the most characteristic. This thesis discusses the heritage course of the classic architecture style base the route of the salt businessmen activity, for the first time.
     At the same time, there are lots of salt industral heritage left on salt road, such as ancient salt well, ancient salt road, salt temple, salt tale, salt industry fete and folk-custom about salt. All of these culture legacies in spite of material or immaterial make up of the Sichuan salt ancient road culture route which is abundant and multiform.
     As the changes of modern traffic, ancient road is forgotten because of its hardships and dangers. To deal with the problems of natural changing, predatory nibbling, devastating exploitation and so on, this paper points out saving these rarity materials dying out on Sichuan salt ancient road, analyses and compares evolvement of folk housing, architecture technology, the way of building, the reason of resident, concept of constructing and the reciprocity and infection of culture in different areas of each area on Sichuan salt ancient road, so as to open out the immanent rules of the development of town on ancient road with particular historical view, establish a numerical record about important resident and typical architecture on Sichuan salt ancient road, propose feasible measures for protecting these residents and architectures.
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