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王官屯地区位于黄骅坳陷南区,孔店古潜山构造带孔东断裂带两侧,是受孔东断层控制的被断层复杂化的背斜构造,构造总面积约139 km 2。该区自1971年有油气发现以来,至今已开发了沙一下、沙二、沙三、孔一段枣Ⅰ-Ⅲ油组、枣Ⅳ、Ⅴ油组、孔二段、中生界等七套含油层系的22个含油断块,是大港油田重要的原油生产基地。本次研究的目标为孔店组孔一段的枣Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ油组,通过岩心、测井、录井以及三维地震的分析,在等时层序格架控制下对王官屯地区砂体展布及沉积相有了进一步认识,认为枣Ⅴ时期主要以干旱条件下的浅湖三角洲沉积为主,随着孔东断层的活动,在枣Ⅱ、Ⅲ时期过渡以辨状河三角洲及扇三角洲对盆地进行充填。在此基础上结合储层物性特征对沉积微相进行对比,发现枣Ⅴ时期的三角洲前缘砂为优质储集体。并且在该时期孔东断层上升盘以存在原生孔隙为储层优劣的重要标志。枣Ⅱ、Ⅲ时期则以辨状河道砂体为有利勘探目标。综合储层物性、非均质性及微观孔隙结构,在研究区等时地层格架控制下的砂体以枣ⅢC2旋回及枣ⅣC1旋回2个旋回的砂体为优质储层。
The wangguantun oilfield located at kongnan area of huanghua depression,both sides of the kongdong fault .The anticline structure is controlled and complexed by the kongdong fault,structural area is about139 km 2. It is a dominate hydrocarbon zone in this area. But the evaluation,exploration and development to wangguantun oilfield were restricted because of the complicated geological conditions include fault distribution, complicated sandstone distribution and the complicated oil-water distribution. This paper was about the prediction,evaluation and comprehensive study on sedimentary facies and reservoir characteristics of wangguantun oilfield under the guidance of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy、reservoir sedimentology、reservoir geology and on the basis of logging data、logging and core data for the kongdian group Ek1which have guiding role for the further development later.
     Kongnan area developed Kongdian Group (Ek) Shahejie Group(Es) and Dongying Group(Ed) in Paleogene Eocene and Guantao Group in Mirocene from bottom to top. ZaoⅡ/Ⅲ/Ⅴis the important horizon of study.Five kinds of sedimentary facies can been recognized in the Ek1 ,The deep reservoirs mainly developed compaction、cementation、metasomasis and dissolution.The reservoir spaces include intergranular dissolved pore,intragranular dissolve pore , mold pore,especially big pore and micro crack.The intergranular dissolved pores are the main reservoir space.Middle pore and low permeanbility is the main components of reservoirs.Reservoir mainly to severe heterogeneous in study area.
     Kongdian group EK1 can be divided into two third-order sequences、ten fourth-order sequences、six system sracts and twenty half-cycles of mid-term datum plane.SequenceⅠequivalent to ZaoⅣ/Ⅴ. SequenceⅡequivalent to Zao 0/Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ. The division scheme has universal applicability in the study area.。In the SequenceⅠZaoⅤterm,it filled the study area with semi-arid delta mainly with shallow lake.Sheet sands is the highquality reservoir body in the delta front during this period .At the uplifted side of kongdong fault the existence of primary porosity marked the quality of reservoir. As kongdong fault movement,the north is higher than south,In the ZaoⅡⅢperiod ,sedimentary facied is transition to fan delta front and braid delta depositional model for the main.Subaqueous distributary channel sand which existed primary pore is the best on the kongdong uplifted side this period, followed by sheet sand.Integrated reservoir physical property , heterogeneity , microscopic pore structure, among the sand bodies which under the control of the isochronous stratigraphic framework in the study area,we take the sand bodies of ZaoⅢC2 cycle and ZaoⅣC1 cycle as the high quality reservoirds
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