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America is an immigrant and religious country. So the history of American religion could also be taken as the history of American immigrants. The immigrant and religious problems mix with to be the inseparable to one to another. Moreover, the mixture goes in two ways. On the one hand, American immigrants land on with their traditional religions, such as Catholicism, Judaism, Islamism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc, which make American religion special and pluralistic. On the other hand, Christianity the American biggest culture attempts to assimilate the immigrants into her dominance. With that lots of Christian missionaries spread the gospels among the immigrants. They manage to unite all immigrants under the light of the God. The pluralistic situation and the Christian will of integration make the two twist lines of the American immigrants and their religion. Due to that contradiction is unavoidable.
     As the earliest immigrant group from Asia, Chinese American has the contradiction. Chinese immigrants bring with them the Chinese traditional religion, including Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religions. They are different from European’s. As soon as the Chinese land on America, American Christian churches notice them and Christian missionaries come onto the Chinese community engaging the conversion to involve the Chinese with the American Christianity. The missionaries make up of cultural communication between Chinese traditional culture and American culture in the 19th century and ground work the Chinese American Christianization.
     This dissertation tries to use cultural communication theory to analyze the historical course of the missionaries’culture communication action in 19th Chinese American community from the angle of culture communication’s circumstance, subject, manner and contents, and object etc, and probes the evaluation of the cultural communication effect. In addition to the preface and conclusion, this dissertation consists of four chapters as follows:
     ChapterⅠprobes the form of the cultural communication circumstance among Chinese Americans in the 19th century. With the golden rash in California, Chinese ship to the west coast of America in great numbers. Because of the exclusion and discrimination of American society, and sojourn intention of Chinese immigrates, Chinese American transplants their traditional culture from China to America. The clash between Chinese culture and Christian culture is unavoidable. It also enhances the culture communication between them.
     ChapterⅡprobes the motions of the American missionaries. First, the missionaries have the motion to transmit the God’s evangelicalism. Second, the missionaries regarded Chinese immigrant as the menace to the Anglo-Saxon white society. By means of the conversion they believe they can mop out the Oriental spoils on Chinese Americans. Third, the missionaries intent to train Chinese missionaries to spread their belief in China.
     ChapterⅢprobes the cultural communication manner of Christian missionaries in Chinese American community in the 19th century, including establishment of Chinese missions and churches; street preach; Rescue Home founding, rescuing of Chinese women; setting up Sunday School, etc.
     ChapterⅣprobes the Chinese American’s reaction to the American missionaries. Most of Chinese immigrants both Chinese masses and outstanding persons resist on the missionary. However, there is a group of minority Chinese establish their belief on Christianity.
     The conclusion sums up the factors that work on the cultural communication impacts, among them are, circumstance, motivation, manner, object’s resistance and so on. Accordingly, it draws the conclusion that the missionaries could not succeed their mission among Chinese Americans in the 19th century.
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    ③Karl Fung,The Dragon Pilgrims: A History of A Chinese Church,, p.141.
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    ②Wesley Woo, Protestant Work Among the Chinese In the San Francisco Area,1850-1920, p.38.
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    ①Wesley Woo, Protestant Work Among the Chinese In the San Francisco Area,1850 -1920, pp.45-56.
    ②Kenneth J. Guest, God in Chinatown: Religion and Scuvival in New York’s Evolving Immmigrant Community, p.103.
    ③Zhongxin Wang, A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876—1994), pp.43-44.
    ①T.K.Thomas,Christianity in Asia:Northeast Asia,Christian Conference of Asia,1979,p.13.转引自王立新:《美国传教士与晚清中国现代化》,第11页。
    ②Karl Fung,The Dragon Pilgrims: A History of A Chinese Church,, p.19.
    ③Rev.Ira M.Condit,The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him, p.54.
    ①Witness Lee, Behold the lamb of God,Who take away the sins of the world,New York: CCB Publishing, p.14.
    ②Townsend,L.,the Chinese Problem,Boston:Lee and Shepardl,1876,p.178.
    ③Witness Lee,Behold the lamb of God,Who take away the sins of the world,p.14.
    ④Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A .,The Church at Home and Abroad ,Volume IV,1890, Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work etc.,Pp.277-278.
    ⑤Fenggang Yang,Chinese Christians in America: Conversion, Assimilation, and Adhesive Identities, P.5.
    ③Zhongxin Wang, A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994), p.73.
    ①Fenggang Yang,Chinese Christians in America: Conversion, Assimilation, and Adhesive Identities, Introduction, p.5.
    ②Charles King-Wai Kwok, the Chinese Churches in the U.S.A., p.23.
    ④Charles King-Wai Kwok, the Chinese Churches in the U.S.A., p.24.
    ①Ibid, p.63.
    ②L.Townsend,the Chinese Problem, p.165.
    ③Zhongxin Wang,A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.67.
    ①Zhongxin Wang, A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.64.
    ④L.Townsend, the Chinese Problem, p.167.
    ⑥Zhongxin Wang,A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.67.
    ①Wesley Woo,Protestant Work Among the Chinese In the San Francisco Area,1850 -1920, p.45.
    ②Zhongxin Wang, A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.83.
    ④J. M. Reid, D. D.,Missions and Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church,Volumes Vol.1,p.67.
    ②Zhongxin Wang,A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.66.
    ④Zhongxin Wang, A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994), pp.67-68.
    ⑥Charles King-Wai Kwok,the Chinese Churches in the U.S.A., pp.23-24.
    ①Karl Fung ,The Dragon Pilgrims :A Historical Study of A Chinese Church ,p.28.
    ④Zhongxin Wang,A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994), p.65.
    ①Mary Roberts Coolidge,Chinese immigration, p.446.
    ③Peggy Pascoe,“Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women, 1874-1939”,Journal of Social History, Vol. 22, No. 4, (Summer, 1989), pp.631-652.
    ②令狐萍:《金山谣:美国华裔妇女史》,前言第2页。有学者提出了不同的数据,认为“1870年,1769名年龄在15岁以上的华人女性中,1452名是娼妓”(Charles King-Wai Kwok: the Chinese Churches in the U.S.A., p.36.)。笔者查阅了历年美国华人妇女移民的人数,发现1870年美国华人妇女人数为4,357人,因此,推断1870年15岁以上的美国华人妇女人数不应该只有1769人,不到妇女总数的50%,因此,推断第一种说法是正确的。
    ④Peggy Pascoe,“Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women, 1874-1939”, Journal of Social History, Vol. 22, No. 4, (Summer, 1989), pp.631-652.; Charles King-Wai Kwok,the Chinese Churches in the U.S.A., 2000, UMI:9977618,pp.38-39.;令狐萍:《金山谣:美国华裔妇女史》,第37页。
    ④Peggy Pascoe,“Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women, 1874-1939”, Journal of Social History, Vol. 22, No. 4, (Summer, 1989), pp.631-652.
    ①Charles King-Wai Kwok,the Chinese Churches in the U.S.A.,pp.24-35.
    ③J. M. Reid,D.D.,Missions and Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Volumes Vol.1,pp.147-163.
    ⑤Charles King-Wai Kwok,the Chinese Churches in the U.S.A., Pp.37-38.;陈依范,韩有毅、何勇、鲍川运译:《美国华人史》,第228页。
    ⑥Charles King-Wai Kwok,the Chinese Churches in the U.S.A., p.38.
    ⑨Lucie Cheng Hirata,“Free, Indentured, Enslaved: Chinese Prostitutes in Nineteenth-Century America Signs”, pp.27-28.
    ①Peggy Pascoe,“Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women, 1874-1939”, Journal of Social History, Vol. 22, No. 4, (Summer, 1989), pp.631-652.
    ①Ibid, pp.637-638.
    ②Ibid, p. 638.
    ③Victor G.Nee and Brett de Bary Nee,Longtime California:A Documentary Study of An American Chinatown,New York: Pantheon Books,1973,pp.85-86.
    ②Carol Green Wilson,China Quest:One Hundred Years of Donaldina Cameron House 1874-1974,San Francisco: California Historical Society,1974,p.31.
    ④Peggy Pascoe,“Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women, 1874-1939”, Journal of Social History, Vol. 22, No. 4, (Summer, 1989), pp.631-652.
    ⑤M.H.Faton., "A Christian Chinese Wedding," Occident, May 1, 1878, p. 6.
    ①Peggy Pascoe,“Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women, 1874-1939”, P.636.
    ②Ibid,P. 636.
    ③Ibid,P. 636.
    ④Zhongxin Wang, A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994), pp.66-67.
    ⑤Peggy Pascoe,“Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women”, p. 637.
    ①Woman's Occidental Board of Foreign Missions, Annual Report, 1901.
    ②Peggy Pascoe,“Gender Systems in Conflict: The Marriages of Mission-Educated Chinese American Women, 1874-1939”, p. 640.
    ③Lucie Cheng Hirata ,“Free, Indentured, Enslaved: Chinese Prostitutes in Nineteenth-Century America”, p.28.
    ①Otis Gibson, Chinese in American, pp.111-112.
    ②Rev.Ira M.Condit,D.D.,The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him,p.107.
    ①L.Townsend, the Chinese Problem. p.69.
    ②Ibid, p.69.
    ③Rev. Obtis Gibson,Chinese in American, pp.179-180.
    ①L.Townsend,The Chinese Problem, p.178.
    ②Karl Fung,The Dragon Pilgrims: A History of A Chinese Church,p.132.
    ④William Speer,The Oldest and the Newest Empire: China and the United States,pp.659-660.
    ⑤陈国华编:《先驱者的脚印:海外华人教育三百年1690—1990》,Canada,Toronto: Royal Kingsway Inc,第23页。
    ⑥Rev.Ira M.Condit,The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him, p.175.
    ⑨Zhongxin Wang,A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.69.
    ②Mary Roberts Coolidge,Chinese immigration, p.446.
    ④Rev.Ira M.Condit,The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him, p.234.
    ①Karl Fung, The Dragon Pilgrims :A Historical Study of A Chinese Church, p.21.
    ③Rev.Ira M.Condit,The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him, p.415.
    ④Rev. Robert G. Hutchins,“Los Angeles Congregational Chinese Mission”, The American Missionary,May, 1889 Vol XLⅢ, NO.5.
    ①“The Evangelistic Work”, The American Missionary, Vol. XLII. June, 1888. No.6.
    ②Zhongxin Wang, A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.69.
    ③Wesley Woo,“Chinese Protestants in the San Francisco Bay Area”,p.111.
    ④Zhongxin Wang, A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.77.
    ⑤Ira M. Condit, The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him, p.109.
    ①William Pond,“Evangelistic Work”, The American Missionary,Vol. XLII. June, 1888. No. 6.
    ②Ira M.Condit, The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him, p.112.
    ③Ibid, p.112.
    ①Rev.Otis Gibson,Chinese in American,pp.186-189.
    ③Ira M. Condit, The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him, p.114.
    ⑤Rev.Otis Gibson,Chinese in American,pp.192-193.
    ①Zhongxin Wang,A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.78.
    ③Wesley Woo,“Chinese Protestants in the San Francisco Bay Area”,p.126.
    ④Jacques Gernet,China and Christian Impact:A Conflict of Cultures,London:Cambridge University Press,p.84.
    ⑤Fenggang Yang,Chinese Christians in America: Conversion, Assimilation, and Adhesive Identities, p.208.
    ①L.Townsend, The Chinese Problem, P.74.
    ④Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, The Church at Home and Abroad, Volume XIII, 1893, P.269.
    ⑤Louis J.Beck, New York’s Chinatown: an Historical Presentation of it’s People and Places, New York: Bothemia Publishing 1898,pp.243-244.
    ①Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, The Church at Home and Abroad, Volume XIII, 1893, p.267.
    ②Wesley Woo,“Chinese Protestants in the San Francisco Bay Area”,p.124.
    ③Thomas G. Selby,As A Chinaman Saw Us,London:T.Fisher Unwin,1901,p.217.
    ①Wesley Woo,“Chinese Protestants in the San Francisco Bay Area”,p.123.
    ②Louis J.Beck, New York’s Chinatown: an Historical Presentation of it’s People and Places, p.231.
    ①Zhongxin Wang,A History of Chinese Churches in Boston(1876-1994),p.70.
    ④Rev. Ira M. Condit, The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years work for Him, p.36.; Wesley Woo,“Chinese Protestants in the San Francisco Bay Area”,p.230.
    ②陈国华编:《先驱者的脚印:海外华人教育三百年,1690—1990》〔M〕,Royal Kingsway Inc.1992年,第29页。
    ①Otis Gibson, Chinese in American, pp.87-88.
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    ③Mary Roberts Coolidge, Chinese immigration, p.90.
    ①John Morrison Reid , Missions and Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church1820-1896, Volumes Vol.1, p.151.
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    ④Wesley Woo,“Chinese Protestants in the San Francisco Bay Area”, p.128.
    ②Karl Fung,The Dragon Pilgrims: A History of A Chinese Church,,p.137.
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    ①Mary Roberts Coolidge,Chinese immigration,p.439.
    ②J. S. Tow, Real Chinese American Being an attempt to give the general American public a fuller knowledge and a better understanding of the Chinese people in the United States , pp.68-69.
    ③Wesley Woo,“Chinese Protestants in the San Francisco Bay Area”, p.154-168.
    ①Rev. Ira M. Condit, D.D., The Chinaman as We See Him and Fifty Years Work for Him.
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