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In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinese economy, nationaltechnological innovation capability has been remarkably improved. As a developingcountry at the stage of transition, China has significant variance of innovation capacitybetween regions. So it is not suitable to analyze technological innovation only at nationallevel. The study of innovation at regional level is not only the hot spot of researchers, butalso has significance for innovation policymaker. In this context, the paper studiestechnological distribution in the regions of China, especially patterns and degrees ofregional technological specialization of different provinces by literature research,statistical analysis and econometrics models. The following is the main achievements ofthis dissertation:
     Firstly, regional patterns of technological specialization are compared and analyzed,based on Revealed Technological Advantage index (RTA) constructed on the data ofgranted invention patents in China. There are significant differences in patterns oftechnological specialization among provinces, and differences among better developedprovinces in East China are far greater than those in Midwest. Guangdong province andBeijing city enjoy better capability to grasp the technological opportunity, and theopportunity varies among technological sectors which is the result analyzed throughcorrelation analysis upon the index constructed by the data of patent growth rates.
     Secondly, all provinces can be classified into several different categories accordingto their patterns of technological specialization through K-means cluster analysis andmulti-dimensional scaling method, and the same result can be obtained through either ofthe two methods. The distributions of technology have notably changed in Hubei, Jilin,Gansu, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces after China joined WTO. Through correlationanalysis between patterns of technological specialization of provinces, it is found thatsome provinces or cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong, Hubeiand Shaanxi, have major difference with most other provinces which enjoy greatsimilarities in technological distribution before China joined WTO. And Guangdong is the only province which has technology advantage in information and communicationtechnology sector after China entering WTO.
     Thirdly, the transition and stability of pattern and degree of technologicalspecialization are analyzed among China provinces using Galtonian regression model. Theresult shows that patterns of the majority of China provinces are stable, and the stability ismore significant with shorter time interval. In most provinces, both the national and globaltechnological convergence degrees first increase and then decrease. Technologicalconcentration had no obvious tendency during year2000to2004, but it decreased in mostprovinces during year2005to2008,
     Fourthly, all technology sectors can classified into four categories, leadingtechnology, pervasive technology, mature technology and lock-in technology bytechnological concentration and opportunities based on China patents data. According tothe similarity of revealed technological advantage index in the four technology categories,29provinces can be classified into four groups through multi-dimensional scaling analysis.Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong provinces have technological advantage in leading andpervasive technology, while Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces concentrate their technologycapacity in mature technology. And other eleven provinces have technological advantageonly in lock-in sector, with the rest thirteen focusing in mature and lock-in sectors. Therelationships between the degrees of regional technological specialization, which isidentified the degree of concentration and the degree of convergence and the scale oftechnology and economics in China are studied by regression models. There is aconsistent inverse relationship between the scale of regional technology and economy andthe degree of concentration and convergence. The U-shaped relationship between theconvergence and the technology scale is found, which can not be found between theconcentration and the scale. There are significant positive relationships among allindicators of the degree of concentration and convergence.
     Finally, the impact of ICT (Information and Communication Technology)technological specialization degree and technology capacity upon China economic growthis studied. The negative long-term relationships between ICT technological specializationdegree and technology capacity and GDP are found by employing the newly developedautoregressive distributed lag (ARDL)-bounds testing approach, which means the development of ICT may hinder GDP and technology growth. Meanwhile, there isU-shaped relationship between technological specialization and GDP, as well astechnology capacity and GDP, which has a critical point emerging in2001-2003. Afterincreasesd over this point, technology capacity and the degree of technologicalspecialization GDP will boost economic development. The results shows that there exitsproductivity paradox in China.
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