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For adoption China-charactered social marketing construction, reform in construction cost management is in progress, pursuing construction cost management new pattern of marketing price based on enterprise’s quotation under governmental macro control, transferring from the way of construction cost price based on ration issued by government. With new pattern of construction cost management, construction price determined by enterprise’s management level, throughput and marketing condition, it is important of collecting and packing up the marketing information and cost datum. Otherwise, it is difficult to construction cost budget and control.
     It is important task to seek efficient, available and operational way for construction cost budget and control. Without efficacious construction cost information and construction pricing way, it is no way for enterprise quotation and reasonable marketing price coming into being. It is required to enhance and perfect construction cost information, and change the way of subentry price based on ration issued by government, with construction cost price based on from ration issued by government to BQ mode.
     Knowledge accumulation based on practice, universal rule is achieved by practice. Success in modern natural science based on experiment, the truth is achieved, with analyzing and collecting experimental datum. In project practice, it is also required to dealing with scientific experiment and analyzing datum for instructing project practice with experiential datum. In construction cost management, it is required to analyze statistical datum for principia. In construction cost management, it is impossible to experiment in Lab as structure experiment. At the same time, many projects are completed every year, the cost datum of which is same as the datum in Lab. It is necessary for construction industry development to collect and analyze the completed project cost datum, with discovering rules and forecasting the evolution trend. With application of computer and network, datum decision-making in scheme, design and construction are achieved by dealing with project cost information with statistical way.
     Making reference to the theory and way of index forecasting successfully applied in many industry, focusing on many residential project with character stabilization, based on research in characteristic of construction cost management and residential project cost, the paper looks for the theory frame and basic way of budget and control by statistical way, computer and network, which is suit for construction cost management and residential project participator. In order to more exactly; more accurately budget and control, improving on system of project cost index, decision-making level and investment benefit, the theory of index and index forecasting system in residential cost is found and perfected by brand-new information technology.
     With few system research on residential construction cost index, in order to budget and control construction cost, this thesis researches residential construction cost index establishing, system analysis, data collection, standards and model so on, according to the way of theory from and applied in practice, meantime, integrated applied the basic theory and principle of construction economics, information sociology, system theory, statistics.
     This thesis consists five parts. Firstly, fixing on the target basing on the research, this thesis analyses and introduces the base concerning theory and establishes theory frame of residential construction cost index.
     Secondly, this paper sets up applied theory base of residential construction cost index, basing on the analysis of residential construction cost index applied in China and Foreign country.
     Thirdly, analyzing the factor and composition of residential construction cost, this thesis sets up the standard of construction cost date collection and the system of residential construction cost index basing on the standard of construction cost date collection.
     Fourthly, basing on the system of residential construction cost index, this thesis tries to analyses and establishes residential construction cost index model,including index type and index model analysis.
     Finally, by applied forecasting technology, integrated the situation of construction cost collection and the character of residential construction, this thesis puts forward the forecasting method and technique adaptation for residential construction cost budget and control, meanwhile, establishing the forecasting model of residential construction cost index and the computer progress flow frame.
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