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In the 11 word classes of Chinese, measure words are the one that is last named and classified. Among the four phrases of the development of measure words, the third one, i.e., the fully developed stage, has not been given to the due attention. One of the erroneous opinions is that the measure words of this time were very close to the ones of modern Chinese without the necessity to be studied, which led to the lack of research of the measure words of this period.
    The author has done a historical and analytical research of grammar, semantics, and pragmatics of Shuihu Quanzhuan, after the complete searches of the measure words of the book, and the result shows that the measure words of the book has characteristics itself, compared with the measure words of the Period of Wei, Jin, and the South and North Dynasties, or even the ones of modern Chinese. Compared with the period of Wei and Jin, the individual exchange and the process of phraseology change greatly; compared with modern Chinese, the individual exchange and the process of phraseology change comparatively slightly, they are still advancing in modern Chinese. The measure words of Chinese, as the unique thing of Chinese language, the developing process was very complicated, influenced by the developing rule of Chinese itself and unique thinking way of Chinese people understanding the world. The thesis only consists of the research of the measure words of Shuihu Quanzhuan, with the aim of attracting the attention
    of research of the measure words of this time and supply some materials of study of measure words.
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