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As the core of modern economy, finance is very important. Handling financial affairs well is thekey to success in this sphere. Whether finance runs well or not depends on financial policy. Financialpolicy relates to financial security and economic security as unsuitable financial policy can hamperthe development of economy,or even can bring disasters to the economy of a country, region and thewhole world. From the1929~1933Wall Street Storm to the1994Mexico financial crisis, from Asiafinancial crisis in1997to American subprime mortgage crisis or global financial crisis which beginsat2007, although all these crises present various forming mechanisms and evolutional characteristics,they have a common feature that called financial policy mistakes. The choice of financial policy is ahot potato that any countries or regions can’t avoid it. How financial policy promotes and facilitateseconomic development is a significant issue to be solved urgently for the theoretical domain.
     The research in this paper based on the theory of economic development, financial developmentand financial policy, using the method of combining standardized research and empirical research,investigates the relationship between financial policy and economic development systematically, andexplores the path and countermeasure that finance promotes development. The thesis is divided intoseven chapters. The first chapter is Introduction which puts forward the study background,definesthe important conception of financial policy, economic growth and economic development, anddesigns the research thought and framework. Then related theories of the second chapter introducesthe theory of economic development, financial development and financial policy systematically,which provides theoretical support for the following study. The third chapter is something aboutaction mechanism of financial policy and economic development which analyzes the transmissionmechanism and endogenous action mechanism among financial policy, financial development andeconomic development, and dissects their relationship by mathematical models. In chapter four, ainternational review of financial policy and economic development, by taking America and Japanesefor example,investigates financial policy and its influence on economic development of westerncountries under different economic background,and summarizes the experience and lessons offinancial policy of America and Japanese. In chapter five, correlation empirical research of financialpolicy and economic development,reviews the financial policy and effect of our country duringvarious economic development periods and quantitatively studies the correlation of financial policyand economic development by using correlation analysis,regression analysis,cointegration test, VARmodeling and Granger Causality estimation. Then in the chapter six, the real choice of financialpolicy of our country, uses a large number of data to judge the macroscopic economic state of ourcountry and analyze the reasons for our countries’ economic sluggishness, then comes up with thechoice direction of financial policy of our country. The last chapter is conclusion and outlook.
     The main conclusions of this research are as follows:
     1. Different financial policy orientation, different financial policy tools are selected. However,by combining monetary market and capital market is the main way to tranform savings intoinvestments, with the features of promoting economic growth, adjustment of economicstructure,boosting economic efficiency, improving living standard and eventually achievingeconomic development. Economic development, on the one hand,it provides the probability for thedevelopment of financial market by increasing income and savings, on the other hand, it provides thenecessity for financial development while economic development requires a constant innovation forfinancial products, a constant development for financial tools and a constant prosperity for financialmarkets.
     2. The all previous economic fluctuations or crises were caused by the central bank’s inappropriate financial policy whether they were in United Sates, Japan or China. Whether they walkout from the crisis as soon as possible, it also depends on the responses of the central bank. Thisglobal financial tsunami which has been triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis is gettingworser, and the main reason is the inappropriate strategies of every country.
     3. The economic development is different from economic growth. Since the reform and openingup, China’s economy has achieved rapid growth, and GDP or GDP per capita is to all maintain ahigh level of growth as well as different international and domestic environment are not in a greatimpact on the economic growth in China, but it is far from optimistic standing in the economicdevelopment point of view. The Engle coefficient and the Gini coefficient are relatively high. Thereis a serious gap between rich and poor and residents of lower happiness index. The rapid growth ofeconomy has not brought about the optimization of economic structure and the sound developmentof economy. The application and selection of financial policies remain to be identified.
     4. The empirical results show as following. Firstly, there is a significant correlation betweenfinancial policy and economic development. The regional economic development differences can beexplained from the difference of the degree of the regional financial development. Secondly, there isthe one-way casual relation between financial policy and economic development,namely financialpolicy leads to economic development which is belong to supply-driven economic development. Atthe same time the contribution of the financial asset structure to economic development is higherthan the financial asset scale. Thirdly, there is the long-run equilibrium cointegration relationshipbetween financial policy and economic development. It requires that they maintain a desired ratiobetween the needs of the scale of financial development and the scale of economic growth. The maininnovative work of the study is as follows:
     1. The relationship has been researched systematically between financial policy and endogenouseconomic growth. There is a complex relationship which may be a mutual causal relationshipbetween financial policy and economic growth. It is not widespread. The causal relationship showsdifferent characteristics, which is often based on the system of different countries, differenteconomic environments, different stages of development and so on.
     2. The relationship has been researched systematically between financial development andsustainable economic development. Financial policies affect the economy of sustainabledevelopment primarily by two ways of directing impact and indirecting impact which arecomplement. They relize efficient allocation of resources and achieve China’s economic balance ofshort-term and long-term sustainable development.
     3. The mechanism and the transmission mechanism of the financial policy for economicdevelopment and the relationship of them have been researched deeply. Particuarly to our country’sactual situation, the question of China’s financial policy transmission mechanism has been studied.Some study results are concretely given about the transmission mechnism of monetary policy,interest rate policy and exchange rate policy and so on.
     4. The long-run equilibrium relationship, the interaction effect mechanism and the extent offactors contribution between financial development and economy have been analyzed from aquantitative point of view by using model and method of the cointegration analysis, Grangercausality test and VAR model ect. And some vague understandings in existing literatures have beenmade clearly.
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