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The formation of industrial cluster is the result of the comprehensive effect of the complicated factors such as economy, humanity, society, politics, geography and history, etc. Thus, the research into industrial cluster will inevitably cover many disciplines such as economics, management, sociology and geography, etc, and its theoretical significance is multi-sided. According to neo-classic economics principle, the labor, technology and economic capability of different countries in the world can be distributed geographically evenly, instead of being concentrated, because the tradable goods and service are the same everywhere and of the same quality except the transport cost. The development of cluster economy will accelerate the intra-industry and inter-industry process of division of labor between different regions, thus the specialization and hierarchy systems of different regions are more obvious, and interdependence and interrelation among the regions are closer. Cluster evolution and intra-cluster enterprise expansion will produce derived industrial cluster, then it follows the industrial chain or innovative chain to form the cluster, that is, economic zone. Therefore, deep research into industrial cluster theory is conducive to enhancing inter-regional labor division efficiency of our country, thus offering basis and new idea for promoting regional harmonious development.
     The theory of deep research into nurturing industrial cluster and enhancing city competitiveness is conducive to the transition from single enterprise development to trans-sector or intra-industry value chain labor division development, the transition from discursive single enterprise to enterprise cluster, the transition from intra-national or intra-regional perspective to locally and globally interactive perspective, the transition from singly emphasizing big bloc to the formation of“big, middle and small-sized entities co-existing”harmoniously developing industrial structure, the transition from singly emphasizing hardware environment to the development of software environment, the transition from blindly“following tide”to determine pillar industries to the nurturing of regionally characteristic industrial cluster to form and enlarge pillar industries, and the transition from system barrier pileup to system penetration and system integration. The theory of deep research into industrial cluster is conducive to solving the problem of local enterprise cluster in our country, and promoting the sustainable development of regional cluster economy. Industrial clusters are fairly common in our country, but these industrial clusters still have the following problems: Cluster uneconomical, industrial parks not clustered, how to form clusters in areas with dense state-owned enterprises, and how to realize the expansion and upgrade of existing clusters. To solve these problems, we need to both explore practically and exert abstract and far-reaching thought of theoretical research to offer basis and direction guidance to them. At the same time, research into the issue of industrial cluster nurturing and city competitiveness enhancement can not only know the redevelopment path of foreign clusters, but also expose and summarize Chinese characteristic cluster development rule and experience, thus offering reference to the regions without clusters in our country.
     City development in the world is on a great momentum. City is gradually becoming the focus of global economic and social development. Economic globalization wave mainly characterized by high fluidity, high intensiveness, high monopoly and high penetrability on the one hand accelerates the internationalization progress of city function, increasing the interdependence among cities, and on the other hand makes competition of countries change into the competition of cities and regions, increasing international competition among cities. Besides, hi-tech revolution characterized by high knowledge nature and high informationalization is now pushing city civilization to have greater changes, thus promoting the reorganization and evolution of city function and structure. Advantage and disadvantage of the cities, mutual supplement and competition of the cities, labor division and cooperation of the cities, and prosperity and decline of the cities are by every means closely related to competitiveness of the cities. Thus, the issue of deep research into city industrial cluster nurturing and city competitiveness enhancement can both help to recognize and evaluate the status quo and potential of cities correctly, make proper competition and cooperation strategies, form reasonable regional economic pattern, realize the mutual supplement of advantages and benign competition among cities, and help to enable cities in our country to participate in international competition and international division of labor.
     Luzhou City is located at the important junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Chongqing, with obvious position advantage and good geographical location. The four big industries of wine, chemical industry, energy and machinery of Luzhou have some advantages throughout the country. Meanwhile, the city has a batch of industrial enterprises with good strength, big scale and high level, such as Luzhou Lao Jiao, Lang Jiu Wine, Lu Tian Hua, Tianhua Company, Northern Chemical Industry, Northern Nitrocellulose Company and“San Chang”, the industrial base of Luzhou is solid and Luzhou has an advantageous position in Sichuan’s industrial development. Luzhou is a famous wine city in China, the development of wine industry in Luzhou has advantaged natural condition, long history and culture, good industrial basis, solid talent and technical support. The strategy of invigorating the city with industry and the nurturing of industrial cluster in Luzhou City shall emphatically develop wine industry, and try to forge nationwide famous wine production base. We will grasp the opportunity that Luzhou Lao Jiao Group and Lang Jiu Wine Group are included in the large group nurturing list of Sichuan, strengthen nurturing efforts, and further solidify and enlarge the two leading wine enterprises, thus increasing the sustaining force and pushing force to Luzhou’s wine industry. We will continue to nurture and enlarge“small giant”enterprises, and complete the technical renovation and construction expansion projects of a batch of“small giants”. We will accelerate the construction of Luzhou wine industry concentrated development zone, further perfect first-phase project construction of Luzhou wine industry concentrated development zone, innovate and perfect industrial park management mechanism and interest mechanism, start second-phase project construction as soon as possible, try to forge industrial chain, form industrial cluster, and make the wine industry concentrated development zone into the largest wine OEM park in China. Through analysis of domestic and overseas industrial cluster theory research and city competitiveness theory research and positive analysis, this article not only discusses industrial cluster nurturing and development of our country in theory and in practice, but also present some innovations concerning the theoretical research into industrial cluster type and mode expansion and city competitiveness enhancement, it also offers targeted and operative measures concerning the implementation of industrial cluster development strategy and city competitiveness enhancement of Luzhou, thus pushing the new-type industrialization and new-type urbanization process.
     I. Research idea and frame
     The article is divided into seven parts. The first part is the lead, generally narrating the theoretical issue of industrial cluster and city competitiveness enhancement, and the frame of the thesis. The second part narrates theoretical viewpoints of economics circle concerning industrial cluster. The third part analyzes city competitiveness theory. The fourth part narrates the interaction between industrial cluster and city competitiveness, discusses the function of industrial cluster, expounds the effect of city competitiveness enhancement on industrial cluster, analyzes industrial cluster competition theory, and believes that industrial cluster nurturing is the inevitable requirement of city competitiveness enhancement. The fifth part narrates the path choice of industrial cluster nurturing and city competitiveness enhancement, analyzes the major problems to be solved in industrial cluster, and expounds the functional effect of city governments in industrial cluster nurturing. The sixth part takes the example of the wine industry concentrated development zone of Luzhou City, Sichuan Province to make positive analysis of industrial cluster development, analyzes the status quo and trend of China’s wine industry development, the status quo, opportunity and challenge of Luzhou’s wine industry, narrates the significance and the layout of constructing wine industry concentrated development zone in Luzhou, and presents the idea of constructing wine industry concentrated zone to enhance the competitiveness of Luzhou. The seventh part presents the measure of forging“Wine City of China”brand and enhancing the competitiveness of Luzhou, analyzes Luzhou’s city situation, believes that forging“Wine City of China”brand is the urgent requirement of enhancing the city competitiveness of Luzhou, and presents the path of forging“Wine City of China”brand and enhancing the city competitiveness of Luzhou.
     II. Research method of this article
     The first method is systematic method. In the process of research, this article uses a great number of systematic methods and principles. Concerning the research object, the article endeavors to follow the interrelation between enterprises and between enterprises and other urban economic entities to explore the formation and evolution rule of clusters which function as city industrial development system, instead of singly analyzing the behavior of single enterprise or only anatomizing its internal structure. That is, it takes the existing competition and cooperation relationship, formal and informal relationship, economic and social relationship between the network nodes mainly composed of enterprises within industrial clusters and clusters and groups resulting from these relationships as research objects. Besides, concerning the retrospect and reference of theoretical basis and absorption of academic nutrition, as enterprise cluster is a“three in one”regional economic system combining industrial network, innovation network and social network, its formation and evolution process involves the comprehensive effects of economic, social, political, geographic and historical factors of the region, research into the object will inevitably cover many disciplines, such as economics, management, sociology, and geography. Therefore, while exposing and analyzing cluster and regional development mechanism with economics theory and method, we need to mutually utilize and fuse the theories and methods of other disciplines, thus we can analyze the innovative and integrative function of sub-systems within the cluster system. Therefore, inter-disciplinary and multi-angled systematic analysis becomes an important research method of this article.
     The second method is the combination of positive analysis and normative analysis, the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the combination of macro, medium and micro analysis. Positive analysis is to make objective description of industrial cluster case, mainly analyzing“What”. Normative analysis is to research the judgment standard of“good”or“poor”industrial cluster, and use the standard to measure and evaluate industrial cluster.
     III. Innovation and shortcoming of the article
     (I) Innovation of the article
     On the basis of learning and borrowing from currently available research achievements, this thesis tries to make the following innovations:
     1.On research perspective, this thesis combines industrial cluster nurturing with city competitiveness enhancement.The article holds the idea that nurturing industrial cluster is the inevitable requirement of enhancing city competitiveness, industrial cluster and city competitiveness interact with each other, industrial competitiveness decides city competitiveness, industrial cluster is conducive to enhancing city competitiveness, and city competitiveness enhancement is conducive to industrial cluster development.
     2.In narrating the path choice of nurturing industrial cluster and enhancing city competitiveness, the article attaches importance to the functional effect of city governments in industrial cluster nurturing, proposing that the government nurture and guide key industrial clusters, strengthen cluster brand marketing and protection, and promote city competitiveness.
     3. In nurturing industrial cluster, we shall erect scientific city development strategy concept, follow market orientation to allocate city resources reasonably, and enhance city competitiveness.
     4.The article persists in the principle of relating theory to practice. It takes the wine industry concentrated zone of Luzhou City, Sichuan Province as an example, makes positive analysis of industrial cluster. Wine industry is a pillar industry of Luzhou, this article has a clear idea about the layout and development of Luzhou’s wine industry concentration, and believes that constructing wine industry concentrated zone is conducive to enhancing city competitiveness of Luzhou. The article presents the measure of forging“Wine City of China”brand and enhancing competitiveness of Luzhou, and believes that if we want to carry forward wine culture, Make the planning well and strengthen promulgation efforts, promote harbor economy development of Luzhou, and enhance the city competitiveness of Luzhou. The thesis proposes the to-be-treated relationship between nurturing industrial cluster and enhancing city competitiveness,and presents the idea and development goal of forging“Wine City of China”.
     (II) Shortcoming of the article
     During the research, this thesis has the following drawbacks due to limitations of many factors, such as the level of the writer and the material collection: Quantitative analysis of industrial cluster needs further deepening; City competitiveness index system needs further improvement; It lacks equivalent quantitative model analysis etc concerning city competitiveness.
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