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In the 21st century, how to improve the national economic development has become the study subject of every nation under the tide of globalization. A country or a region’s economic status is reflected mainly by the competitiveness of its industries. As an advanced industrial organization, industrial cluster can improve the competitiveness of industries of a country or a region,such as the industrial cluster of information technology in the Silicon Valley and near No. 128 Highway of USA, the industrial cluster of software in Bangalore, India, the industrial cluster of leather and clothes in Northern Italy, the industrial cluster of computers in Taiwan, China, etc. Practice has proved that the industrial cluster has become a common feature of today's industries with international competitive excellence, and is an important factor to enhance the competitiveness of industrial and region.
     Based on the existing research, by probing the basic concept and character of industrial clusters, and deeply understands its organization character. By the theory of the division of labor in classical economics and new classical economics, analyses the evolution of industrial cluster on the view of division of labor and specialization. And created an inframarginal analysis model to explain the evolution of industrial cluster network. At the same time, by the analysis of original and embedded development-the two types of Chinese industrial clusters development-further enriches and perfects the inner mechanism of industrial cluster development. In the end, several important issues with the cultivation and development of Chinese regional industrial cluster are discussed, and some suggestions are presented.
     This dissertation falls into 6 parts with structure and main contents listing as the following:
     Part 1 An Introduction:The introduction illuminates the theoretical value and practical significance of this study, includes background of the study, basic thoughts, theoretical innovation, and structure arrangement and the main contents.
     Chapter 1 A Review of Industrial Cluster Theory:This chapter gives a summary of relevant industrial cluster theories: traditional cluster economics theory, externality economics theory, new industrial spatial organization theory and Chinese industrial
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