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Foreign manufacturers are emerging“manufacturing + services”developing trendand the well-known manufacturers,such as GE and GM,are increasing emphasis on theimportant status of services in the business course,or even the core strategic positioningis restructuring to service enterprise,such as IBM.Faced with this new phenomenon,the Western scholars who study manufacturing and service management have pointedout that the border between manufacturing and services have become vague and themanufacturing sector is emerging a clear trend of service.Manufacturing service valueis re-awareness and understanding of the value goals and value achievement ofmanufacturing enterprises,fiom the traditional value of manufacturing process as thecore values shift to the value of service as the core values.Manufacturing service is thecreative process of value based on product life cycle.
     This paper accesses to the study on how a traditional manufacturing enterprises toexplore the value of manufacturing services,how to construct a new service value chainstructure of value realization and how to capture value in the relation of manufacturingservice value creation and distribution.Researching for the core issue,this paper makesservice value space exploration based on the full life cycle of products,explore ways ofhow to make change to value chain of manufacturing firms from the basic relationshipbetween structure and function of service value chain and concern how best to obtainvalue in the manufacturing industry based on the basic manufacturing services relations.
     First,build the core theoretical framework of manufacturing services value chainstructure and value relations.Based on the full life cycle of products we reveal thecontent of the manufacturing services value,based on the basic relations betweenstructure and function we expatiate the internal and external value chain structure andfunction,by discussing the basic relationship to value structure and relations ofmanufacturing services we introduce the structure and function of manufacturingservices chain and the basis of changes.
     Second,undertaking the relation of the structure and function of manufacturingservices value to,we study changes in the value chain.During the inspection of existingvalue creation processes of manufacturing enterprises we explore the potential servicesvalue.We reconstruct the existing manufacturers and recycling processes oriented bythe management pattern of streams,based on the process we discuss the transfer ofservice innovation capability and its development ways.
     Furthermore,following the value relations of manufacturing services,we discussmathematical relationships of manufacturing services value by service pricing.Based onservice value creation by manufacturing enterprises and downstream firms together,weshed light on how to reach the value distribution by pricing.Different pricing powerconfiguration determines the scope of pricing and gives convergence conditions ofprices game of two sides bargaining process.Based on the volume,cost and responsetime the discussion of the pricing process are given.We discuss mathematicalrelationships of service innovation and its value distribution by the two-stage gamemethod.
     Finally,as a reality case we carried out a detailed study on the practice andexploration of service innovation and service value chain change in my long servicecompany of Dongfang Steam Turbine Works.We found some theoretical basis of usefulattempts to explore the service innovation and provided ideas to further thedevelopment of the services value chain.
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