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It has been regarded as a core topic, to research a solution of the problems on competition conflict, benefit allotment and incentive mechanism between mobile commerce industrial chain partners based on context awareness. This dissertation makes a detailed research with the theories and methods of Game Theory and Informational Economics purposes that the operation efificiency of industrial chain can be totally increased.
     This below is the main innovative points for this paper.
     (1) This paper analyzes enterprises competition strategy relation based on Context Awareness Mobile Commerce Industrial Chain, according to the competition theory of Michael Baud. It also takes a theoretical and methodological analysis on the behaviors in respects of symmetric information and asymmetric information to give evidence on decision-making of different enterprises for Context Awareness services, and to improve the total efficiency of the running of Mobile Commerce Industrial Chain based on Context Awareness.
     (2) This paper analyzes and describes the characteristics and targets of the alliance between partners in mobile commerce industrial chain based on context awareness. Based on this analysis, it designs a comparably perfect harmonizing mechanism to meet the requirement of mutual benefit and mutual profit in negotiation between partners.
     (3) Based on the theory and methods of principal-agent suggested in Informational Economics, this paper proposes a designing principle of incentive mechanism between SP and mobile operators. And based on this principle and method of principal-agent and Dynamic Game Theory, it proposes a designing policy for incentive mechanism of one operator against two SP Providers. And it presents evidence that this incentive mechanism can increase the endeavor level of dealer and total expected benefit in mobile commerce industrial chain based on context awareness.
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