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This study focuses on the phenomenon of the elderly aged learning in their lives, interviewing dozens of elderly learners with the in-depth interviews research. Among these learning-life experiences of the respondents, the study focuses on five of them. Mining the elderly study phenomenon with a "native" description, this article studies the phenomenon of elderly learning and lives stories with deeply analysis and interpretation.
     Sorting the respondents, the study finds a representative of five. According to their jobs or titles, they are named Engineer Ji, Designer Liu, Accountant Wang, Nurse Gu and Technician Jin. Although they were engaged in their work with different levels in those years, today they have the same identity, that is, elderly learners. In this study, their learning stories are shared.
     Engineer Ji, the tireless elder aged learner, found that learning makes her find a new direction in her new life from the loss of retirement, and she accepts the idea that "old" is a natural law of life. So, she should "do well" since she chooses the learning. Moreover, learning also dispels "the sense of loss" after her retirement. Good learning environment and atmosphere have benefited her, nice community life increases more mutual understanding and trust, positive impact on family life is inseparable from her elderly learning. Learning has been becoming a part of her retirement.
     After retirement, Designer Liu, who is a seriously dedicated elderly learner, gets the harvest and joys of learning with the encounter learning, whice allows him to achieve his youthful pursuit. His family support his learning activities in different ways, his daughter abroad exchanges with him by achieving pictures, and his friends express their admiration after enjoying the harvest of his learning.
     Accountant Wang had to retire early because of the need of recuperate after cancer cure, she feels learning makes her become open-minded and brings hope to her retirement. Therefore, her passion for learning is very high. She wants to live each day happy, and she also gains a lot. She not only gets the opportunities available to learning from her family, also owns the learning environment from community. Friendship and learning among the students are peering, which not only lets her take learning seriously every day, but lets her feel the warmth and care of family, class and community.
     After retirement, Nurse Gu, who tries her best to catch up with the time, open the door of learning before retirement. So she has been putting her heart into learning, and hard work lets her harvest a lot. She not only helps with the other students and improves together, but also mingles learning closely with the housework. She designs the piano-palying time appropriately, which can't disturb the neighbors living. The harmonious relation with family, and the neighborhood not only brings the convenience to her learning, but also has a positive impact on the family and the neighborhood. All of the rich elderly aged learning makes her a happy life.
     After retirement, Technician Jin, whom learning makes reborn, was plagued by mental distress all day for five years after retirement. Learning dance makes her in high spirits and people around support her learning. Despite some frustration and confusion in her learning process, she becomes acquainted with many of classmates during her learning. Perception of her own learning experience makes her realize that learning is an important part of the fun of retirement. So she is still careful to outline her future learning, and hope to get the care and support in every detail.
     This study makes the deep discussion to the correlation between the elder aged learning and their lives from the perspective of the learning story of elder aged lives above.
     The first correlation is that elder aged learning comes from the elderly lives. This study discusses the origins of the relationship between the two from the angles such as the expectant of material lives and the understanding of spiritual lives of the elderly, the respect of the elderly family life and the concern about the social lives of the elderly.
     The second correlation is that elderly aged learning becomes fully integrated into the elderly lives. This study discusses the inter-relationship between the two from the angles such as the composition of the material lives of the elderly, the reflection of the spiritual of the elderly life, the epitome of family life and the manifestations of social life in elderly.
     The third correlation is that elderly aged learning enriches elderly lives. This study demonstrates the significance of elderly aged learning promoting the elderly lives from the angles such as developing the material lives and enhancing the spiritual lives quality of the elderly, strengthening the harmonious relationship among the elderly family and the sense of social life in elderly.
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