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Along with the increasingly updated knowledge, people need keep learning, lifelong learning in order to work and live better. The learning has become one of the most important parts in one's life. Then, what is the difference between the mode of adults' learning and children's learning? How adults learn? What kind of instructional design can fit in the adult education? How can technology be used to assist adults to learn? Those are the questions that the author has explored and discussed in this dissertation.This dissertation has brought up an idea that the adult learning mode is self-directed, that is, the learning tends to be controlled by himself or herself. The author has explored the concept and theory of self-directed adult learning with theoretical and historical perspectives; discussed philosophical, pedagogical and psychological foundations of adult self-directed learning; and brought up the concept of three-dimensional SDL spectrum and the mathematic function between the factors and degrees of self-directed learning.In order to understand the ways of adult learning, the author has developed questionnaires and studied a group of adult learners who are taught through correspondence. The results have confirmed that the adult learners are more oriented to self-directed learning. It is found that the difference in self-directed learning perspectives, behaviors and approaches exists among different adult learners in different professional fields, and also between male and female adult learners. Regarding the instructional designing for the adult learners, the author has developed an instruction-designing model with fit-to-adult and user-friendly features. This instructional designing model consists of main flow module, hypo-main flow module and assessment-feedback flow module. It not only succeeds the traditional thoughts of instructional designing, but also tries to stand out the features of self-directed learning. In addition, the author has studied and compared dependent, interested, involved and self-directed instructional designing models, illustrated their designing flows, and concluded with three instructional strategic approaches. The three instructional strategic approaches include the best match, the close match, and the avoidance of mismatch. And a series of learning strategies are put forward at the same time.Because of the development and wide use of information technology, adult learning becomes more and more supported by the information technology. While exploring the traditions of self-directed learning, modern technological tools and
    learning supporting systems at home and abroad, the author has noticed that the research and development of adult learning support systems are limited. Therefore, the author has conducted the research on self-directed learning, studied and developed a platform to support adult learning. The purpose of this adult learning support system is to improve the efficiency of adult learning and the management of resources, and to create a positive learning environment for different adult learners. The system operation is based on B/S pattern, can be utilized for the management of local resources and the resource sharing online anytime. This system consists of four modules: resource management, learning management, situation-based learning and weblog. Resource management module is to track and maintain learning resources. Learning management module includes planning the learning, managing the learning progress and assessing the learning. Situation-based learning module consists of self-assessment, diagnoses of learning styles, selection of situations, and management of users. The situation-based learning module has different learner-interfaces featured with different learning styles, and can simulate classroom learning, guided learning, discovery learning and inquiry learning. WeBlog module provides learners with a space for discussion and keeps learning records.In conclusion, the author has systematically explored the theories of adult leaning, studied the better ways for adult
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