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In electronic field, Pd-activation is usually required to initiate the electroless Niplating on Cu circuits with fine dimensions. It will increase cost and sometimescause some defects. Therefore, the development of direct electroless Ni plating onCu without Pd-activation is significant. Because the stability constant ofCu(I)-thiourea complex is14orders of magnitude higher than that of Ni(II)-thioureacomplex, thiourea has been chosen as the specific complexing agent for Cu in thispaper. As a result, the steady potential of Cu in thiourea solution would shiftnegatively and be negative enough for the reduction of Ni2+. According to thesefindings, a methodology for replacement Ni plating on Cu surface was developed.The Ni films prepared under different conditions had significant differences incomposition and properties. Therefore, they could be used as the catalytic films forelectroless Ni plating in order to replace Pd-activation and as the protective films forCu substrate, respectively.
     It was demonstrated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) that Cu+wasgenerated during the dissolution process of Cu in thiourea solution, and wascoordinated by thiourea via S atom. With the increase of the pH value in thioureasolution, a passive film would be formed on Cu surface, resulting in the inhibition ofactive dissolution of Cu. Based on Nernst equation and electrochemicalmeasurements, it was demonstrated that the steady potential of Cu in highconcentrated thiourea solution would be negative enough for Ni deposition.According to the thermodynamic principle, the deposition of Ni on Cu byreplacement plating could be realized, and the obtained Ni films were illustrated byXPS and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX). It suggested that Ni and Swere co-deposited in strong acidic solution, and thiourea was doped in the Ni filmwith the rise of pH.
     The Ni films prepared in strong acidic solution were used as the catalytic filmsfor eletroless Ni plating. The significance of film composition for its catalyticactivity was investigated. EDX results revealed that the sulfur content in theprepared Ni films increased with the increase of plating time and pH. Theelectrochemical measurements indicated that the Ni films with higher sulfur contentwere more prone to be passivated, with negative influence on its catalytic activityfor hypophosphite oxidation. Thus, the catalytic activity for electroless Ni platingwould be the highest when the plating time and pH value were10s and0,respectively. It was demonstrated by electrochemical measurement and XPSanalysis, that the post-treatment to eliminate the adsorbed thiourea must be performed in order to trigger the catalytic activity for electroless Ni plating.Importantly, the developed Ni-activation method was systematically compared withthe traditional Pd-activation method in terms of the catalytic activity, the propertiesof resulting Ni-P layers and the influence on the electroless nickel plating bath. Itindicated that the developed Ni-activation method was capable of replacingPd-activation. Moreover, underlying premonolayer oxidation of Ni electrode inhydrogen evolution reaction potential region was revealed by AC voltammetry andXPS. The relationship between its potential range and that of hypophosphiteoxidation on Ni was investigated. Based on the incipient hydrous oxide adatommediator (IHOAM) model, it was proposed that the premonolayer oxidation of Nicatalyzed hypophosphite oxidation.
     The Ni films prepared in neutral solution were used as protective films for Cusubstrate, which could provide effective electrochemical protection. The influnce offilm composition on corrosion resistance was studied. It was demonstrated thatthiourea and Cu_2O were doped in the Ni film prepared at pH of6.0, which mightplay a promotional role in the improvement of corrosion resistance. The influencesof pH value, plating time, temperature and bath composition on the properties of thedeposited Ni films were investigated in detail to determine the optimized platingconditions. When the pH value was controlled at6.0, the plating time was4minutes,the temperature was maintained at60℃, and the plating bath comprised40g/Lsodium citrate,30~40g/L nickel sulfate and150g/L thiourea, the prepared Ni filmsexhibited the best corrosion resistance.
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