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Work engagement is related with a variety of results (such as job performance,turnover etc.), so research on the factors that affect the work engagement ismeaningful for the organizations to maintain a good performance, and to retain talentsand long-term development. Work values and family factors that affect workengagement are worthy of attention. As a basic evaluation of the individual’spreference for work, work value’s impact on work engagement has been widelyrecognized. However, research on the extent to which the various type of work valuesaffects the work engagement hasn’t been done much. In addition, the Work FamilyConflict has been a hot research topic in the field of work and family balance, whichcan be divided into work - family conflict (work’s interference with the family) andfamily - work conflict (family’s interference with the work). The existing research hasmore concerned about the work - family conflict and its impact on families, andneglected impact of the family - work conflict on the work.
     For the gap of existing literature, this study proposes a theoretical model toexplore the mechanism of the variables, and makes two basic assumptions: (1) workvalue affects work engagement; (2)different work walue affects work engagement todifferent degree; (3)family - work conflict weakens the degree of work engagement.
     In this study, we collects 727 valid questionnaires which include two groups:university teachers (N = 368) and enterprise employees (N = 359). Using thesesamples, we analyze the three variables on their demographic variables differencewith the Spss18.0, and tests the assumptions。The results show that (1) work valueshave a significant impact on work engagement in general,and particularly Status andIndependence aspect of work values has greater effect on work engagement thancomfort and security, Competence and Growth aspect of work values;(2) family -work conflict had no significant effect on work engagement.
     The findings of this study will be useful to the organization's recruitment,training activities and the other important HRM practices,and will provide guidancesto individuals and organizations for their implementation of targeted work familybalance policies. Finally, the limitations of this study and future research directionsare pointed out.
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