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     研究主神经症与个性特征、生活事件的关系研究 中文摘要
     2、研究生精神症状前三位的因子依次是:强迫症状(FZ,0.67土 0.55)、人
     状态 17.6%,基本健康 6.4%。研究生精神疾病患病率 11.5%(神经症与其他精神
     症占 7.po(患病率为口.6the),焦虑症占 5.6%(患病率为 0.4the),疑病症占 4.h
     (患病率为 0.36%),瘴症占 2.n(患病率为 0.24%)。
     险性因素(OR为 2.20,1.33-3.63);而医学专业是保护性因素(OR为 0.40,
     9、研究生个性特征具有以下特点:高持强性“,6.23土 1.69),高兴奋性(F6.23
     土l、80人高紧张性(Q4,6.12土1.10\ 低怀疑性几,3.82士1.62L低忧虑性
     (0,4.64上 l.70),低敏感性(I,4.86土 1.62)。
     10、人格特征中的 4项是神经症的危险性因素:优虑(0),OR为 3.52
     (.12-5.85);敏感门),OR为 2.14(1.25-3.66);怀疑(卜),OR为 1.91
     (.17—3.12);聪慧(C),OR为 1.68(1.05-2.69)。
     11、人格特征中的 6项是神经症的保护性因素:定稳(C),OR为 0.37
     (0.17-0.sl);兴奋(F),OR为 0.40(0.25-0.66):自律(Q),OR为 0.41
I. Objective:
    1 .Making a Survey of Graduate Students' Mental Diseases
    Graduate students' education belongs to the senior one in formal schooling. This group is hoped to succeed in making our country more thriving by applying advanced science and technology. In recent years, studies show that graduate students' mental disorder has become a key factor that could affect the quality of graduate students' training project. Therefore, it is of great significance to show concern about graduate students' mental health and then take effective measures to prevent and cure such diseases. This study, for the first time, gives a more accurate description of various mental diseases, including neurosis, caught by graduate students. Besides, the study evaluates objectively and comprehensively the mental health of the graduate group.
    2. Studying the Relationship between Graduate Students' Personalities, Life Events and Neurosis
    Neurosis is a kind of mental disorder, which is based on a non-confirmed organic disease. Such mental disorder is most commonly encountered in group of graduate students. By applying the case-control study method in epidemiology, we study mainly in the research the effects of two primary sociopsychological factors, personality and life event, upon the disease.
    3.Conducting Psychotherapy for the Graduate Students with Mental Disorders
    In the Screening Examination test, one procedure of the research work, some psychiatrists are invited to make timely psychodiagnoses and to conduct psychotherapies for all the subjects with mental disorders. This is a key link in the chain of establishing case-control groups, and a "timely discovery, definite diagnosis and prompt treatment" principle to those who are suffering from mental disorders as well. In the course of this medical study, the individual client could be extremely concerned and positively treated.
    II. Methods:
    1 . sampling
    828 graduate students (covering 10.2% of the whole) from Tianjin University, Nankai University, Medical University and Normal University were randomly
    selected as samples of study population.
    2 .prevalence survey and screening
    The subjects' mental symptoms are rated and their sociopsychological factors were surveyed according to Symptom Checklist 90, Cattell 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire and Life Event Scale. Afterwards, those with mental problems were screened out.
    3. return visit examination and clinical treatment
    Those who have been screened out were transferred to Tianjin Medical University Hospital, Mental Health Department and given diagnoses and differential diagnose by the psychiatrists with senior titles of technical posts so that various mental diseases could be identified definitely. The graduate students with mental disorders were given proper psychological counseling and psychotherapy as soon as they are confirmedly diagnosed.
    4.case-control study
    To conduct this research project, we divided the subjects into 2 groups梐 case group consisting of the mental clients (71 persons) and a control group consisting of the remaining subjects (757 persons) in study. Statistical analysis of unconditional logistic regression was used to retrospectively analyze effects of various factors on neurosis. These factors include some elementary factors, such as the subject's age, sex, academic degree, specialized subject, marital status, whether one being the only child in his or her family etc., personality factors and life events factors.
    5.statistical analysis
    The statistical analysis is based on SPSS 8.0 analysis software package.
    Ill. Result
    1. General mental symptom index of the graduate students (GSI) is 0.43?.39. No significant differences were found by using w-test and norm comparison.
    2. The first three factors in the students' mental symptoms are displayed in order: obsession-compulsion (F2, 0.67?.55), interpersonal sensitivity (F3, 0.61?.56), and depression (F4, 0.50?.51).
    3. Prevalence rate of mental problems among the graduate students was 26.0%, the rate of their seek
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