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Though the social regulation and its theory studies rose late relative to theeconomic regulation, it has been developed much quicker and accepted more attention.The social regulation is already an important part of government direct regulation.Comparing with the economic regulation, it has extensive regulating objects anduniversal applicability. One of its core content is safety regulation. Safety regulationcontains regulation of product quality safety and productive labor safety. The rise ofsafety regulation is the result of growing global concerned with product quality andproductive labor safety. Concretely speaking, the safety regulation covers the processfrom the designation of product to the application. It also contents workplace safetyand manipulation safety of production personnel.
     The construction industry is a pillar of the national economy which has beenprompting the economic development in china. The construction product is necessarieswhich closely relates to peoples’ daily life. Every signal person is placing himself inthe interaction with building product every day. Once the construction product haspotential safety hazard it may causes crucial personal casualty and property loss. Toensure the product quality and productive labor safety is the inevitable choice for theassurance of life and property safety. But the quality and labor safety problems inreality have become the primary one in the science health development process ofconstruction industry. The number of death from construction safety accident issignificant among numerous kinds of accidents. The production process is relative tomultiple industries widely and socially. Since the safe and healthy development ofconstruction industry decides many industries’ survive, it has great practicalsignificance for the product quality and productive labor safety and government socialregulation to discuss the problems surrounding the subject of safety. So far theacademic circles have had some theoretical research results and it still has strongtheoretical significance to systematically study the government regulation systemreform from the perspective of regulatory economics.
     While studying the safety regulation reform of construction industry, we bringsome mature economic regulation theories into social regulation by using the traditional theories from regulatory economics. Building production and governmentsafety regulation are both public goods. They both have the treasures ofnon-excludability and noncompetitive to a certain extent. The construction safetyproblem involves all parties in transaction agreement and employment contract.Therefore, the externality is excluded from this paper and we regard the internalities asa vital nexus connecting all interesting parties. There is much genesis cause theoccurrence of construction safety problem. Among the genesis the adverse selectionand moral hazard come from information asymmetry are the key two. The occurrenceof safety problem is not only the result of improper activities but also individual choice.The effect from economic regulation simply relying on the market itself is not sound.So the government is the backbone element in improving the safety situation byrealizing the regulation system reform successfully. According to the backwardness ofstructure, archaic mechanism and absence of institution, the paper comes up withgeneral approach of precise categorization, affair priority and sequential reform basingon referring the advanced construction safety regulation experience including structuredevelopment, mechanism establishment and institution construction in the developedcountries and areas. Meanwhile, it creatively re-develops the agency structure and risesa “1+2”mode consist of government and social agencies. All the other relativestructures are redistributed and establish a supervision and cooperation mechanismbetween government and social agencies. The paper improves the rules and institutionsby promulgating new and making up existing rules. By accomplishing the integrationof these three core context we realize the safety regulation system reform in chineseconstruction industry. We expect the research results can provide reasonablesuggestion for the government in economic reform.
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