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Urban sewage discharge is always the main source of pollution in cities andtowns, therefore, to deal effectively with it is the important measures to protect thewater environment. The biological sewage treatment effectiveness is significantlyaffected by the decreased microbial metabolism in north cold seasons, the majorpollutants-nitrogen and phosphorus discharge in particular is threatened. Theexisting sewage treatment facilities are almost ineffective during the cold season inthe North, sewage effluent quality is worse accordingly, and consequently, it is verysignificant to develop low-temperature sewage enhanced processing technology. Inthis study, based on the operation of a lab-scale A~2/O sewage treatment process, theperformance characteristics under23℃and14℃conditions were investigated. Atthe same time, the effect of seasonal temperature variation on A~2/O process systemeffectiveness and microbial mechanisms was analyzed. Moreover, the enhancementof nitrogen and phosphorus in A~2/O process system at14℃has been researched,with a view to provide theory guidance and technology support for engineeringtechnology application.
     The A~2/O reactor was started up and after reaching stable state at HRT10h,MLSS2800~3000mg/L, DO2~3mg/L, sludge return ratio50%, nitrification liquidreturn ratio200%and SRT15d conditions, the results showed that low temperaturenot only slowed down the startup process but also decreased sewage treatmentefficiency with time. The A~2/O system with a temperature of23℃reached its stablestate earlier than the lower temperature system, which was operated at a temperatureof14℃. The COD and TP concentration in effluent of the A~2/O systems stablyoperated both23℃and14℃could meet the First Grade (A) of the ChineseNational Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater (GB18918-2002), with a removal rate of87%and92%, respectively. In addition, undertemperature of14℃, even the sludge return ratio and nitrification liquid return ratiowas optimized, NH_4~+-N and TN concentration in effluent meet only the First GradeB. In future, the regulation and control of A~2/O sewage treatment process in coldweather should focus on the enhancement of ammonia oxidization.
     The seasonal change of temperature in north China has significant impact onthe performance of A~2/O process system. The efficiency of A~2/O process system wasoverall downward following the temperature drop from23℃to18℃,14℃and11℃,step by step. However, even at the temperature of11℃, the TP and COD concentration in effluent still meet the First Grade A, but when temperature wasbelow14℃, the NH_4~+-N and TN removal efficiency dropped significantly, unable tomeet the First Grade A. The activated sludge microbial community structurechanged with the seasonal temperature variation. The new groups of dominantbacteria were able to be detected under specific temperatures. Despite the decline intemperature reduced the metabolism of activated sludge, but the emergence of anew group of dominant bacteria, from a certain extent, make up for the insufficientmetabolism of activated sludge under low temperature conditions. So, the systemstill demonstrated better removal efficiency of pollutants when the watertemperature at14℃~18℃. However, this―compensation‖was a certain limit, whenthe water temperatures was below14℃, although there were new cold-resistantbacteria emerged, but the effectiveness of A~2/O process system was still subject toconsiderable restrictions. In particular, the metabolic and proliferative capacities ofnitrifying&denitrifying bacteria have been severely affected in low temperatureconditions.
     It is an effective measure to enhance A~2/O system efficiency operated underlower temperature by augmenting with cold-adapted functional flora. When thecold-adapted ammonia-oxidizing functional flora was put into the oxic tanks of theA~2/O process with a mass ratio of3.24%(w/w), the average NH_4~+-N and TNremoval increased from65%and59.4%to72.8%and67.2%, respectively. TheCOD removal also increased from88%to91%. Obviously, the cold-adaptedammonia-oxidizing functional flora not only enhanced the system nitrogen removalefficiency, simultaneously sharpened the COD removal ability.
     According to the basic principle of biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal,an anaerobic (including anoxic) and oxic bio-separation function of two-sludgebypass A~2/O improvement process was designed. Therefore, the conflicts onbiological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in metabolic rate and carbon sourcecompetition aspects were solved. The performance of improved A~2/O system hasbeen significantly enhanced by setting the middle sedimentation tank and the sludgeanaerobic phosphorus release tank. When the improved A~2/O system operated stablyat HRT10h, middle sedimentation tank sludge return ratio50%, anaerobic releasephosphorus tank SRT12h, phosphorus release tank sludge return ratio75%, and attemperature of14℃conditions, the effluent COD, NH_4~+-N, TN and TPconcentration were20mg/L,7.76mg/L,18.9mg/L and0.28mg/L, respectively.The COD and TP concentration in effluent meet the First Grade A, the NH_4~+-N andTN concentration in effluent meet the First Grade B.
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