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The members enjoy the fruits of society by distribution channels, including distribution of personal income and distribution of social public welfare. As the important contents in the field of re-distribution, the important functions of public welfare is in a fair-oriented, in order to refine and improve the distribution of personal income distribution mainly in the initial unfairness. Since the reform and opening up, along with the rapid development of economic, inequalities in life of socio-economic has become more prominent. There are not only the regional differences between economic development and income distribution, but also the inequalities situation in the development of public welfare. However, for the field of public welfare inequality, it is still insufficient quantitative differences in measurement studies, especially in the field of public welfare. Describing the results of society members to participate in the distribution of the gap in fairly, objectively, rationally, quantitatively, is in order to enhance the level of welfare fundamentally, eliminate the factor of potential social instability, and achieve a rapid, sustained, steady growth in the country's economy.
     The paper is mainly to discuss the composition of public welfare distribution and to redefine the public welfare distribution. The paper structure system of quantitative indicators, which reflect the distribution of public welfare and base on the system description and inventory & traffic data analysis current status of the distribution of public welfare. Then we use the method of Gini coefficient & Theil index to measure the public welfare distribution and construct the public welfare indicators to measure the regional gap of public welfare distribution. Furthermore, by collecting nearly a decade of financial expenditure data, the thesis measures the regional gap of public welfare distribution within the whole country, the contribution of pubic welfare sub-index to the regional gap of public welfare distribution, and the inside & outside regional gap of public welfare distribution in the eastern, middle and western area respectively. In the last, the paper analyses the reasons for the pubic welfare distribution gap, and puts forward policy remediation to narrow it.
     The level of public welfare in China has been considerable improvement in recent decades, however, there is a large difference in the regional gap of distribution, and remain relatively stable. The public welfare is nature of public goods, mainly depend on the input form Government's public finance. The sub-indicators of education, health care and social security are the most important factors, affecting the overall level of public welfare. As regional "bottleneck", there are a large regional gaps in public welfare, especially in health and social security over the past decade. Analyzing regional gap of public welfare distribution in the eastern, middle and western area, the gap of public welfare in the internal differences are far greater than the differences between the three places, and then the inversion phenomenon between the public welfare and the level of economic development. The most economically developed region of the eastern region has the largest gap of public welfare. There are the binary significant characteristics of cities and towns in development of public welfare in China. Cities have been achieved in some areas covering the whole public welfare, however the development of public welfare in rural areas has just begun.
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