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    第一章从历史的角度分析了风险是相对人及其财富而言的。到目前为止,人类认识并寻找处理风险的方法大约经过三个发展阶段:一是冒险借贷阶段(主观风险时代); 二是大数法则的发现及其应用阶段(客观风险时代); 三是风险分类阶段(混合风险时代)。随着社会经济的发展,人们对风险转移的方式越来越成本观念化,进而使得许多风险转移活动在时间上容不得客观概率产生而产生,对保险业的经营提出了挑战。通过本章的研究,作者得出两个重要结论是:其一,风险的转移不一定非在面临共同风险的人之间进行不可; 其二,保险的风险转移方式和其它财务控制的风险转移方式都是一种财务的风险管理方式,从而为后文关于ART方式的研究和分析奠定风险理论基础。
This dissertation theoretically and practically demonstrates that it is very valuable to study and verify the necessity and feasibility for the existing of Alternative Risk Transfer ( hereinafter called ART ), the relationship between ART and capital efficiency. The emerging ART has transcended the conceptual scope of the traditional (re)insurable risks as well as uncovered the ways how to deal with the catastrophic risks, and, thus promoted the aggregate economy working well.
    The dissertation includes the preliminary remarks and seven chapters:
    The preliminary remarks introduce the readers the backgrounds of the emerging ART and the study levels at home and abroad. It illustrates the necessity, means, targets, theoretic basis and innovative arguments.
    As the basis of the whole dissertation, the first chapter historically studies the risk. It argues that risk is existing only in terms of human and its wealth. So far, there are three stages man has sought a better way to deal with risks: the first is “Bottomry” as we might call the era of subjective risk; the second is the discovery and application of the Large Number Law as we might call the era of objective risk; the third is the risk classification as we might call the mixed era. The more the social economy develops, the more cost-efficient man thinks the way of risk transfer. Thus, hardly had the objective probability been obtained when the necessity needing a new way to transfer risks became imminent, and the (re)insurers face the challenges. The author deduces two important points from this chapter studying: one is that risk-spread might be carried out among those who do not face the same risky situations; (Re)insurance and other risk transfers are the same way of a kind of risk financing, and these base the following text analysis of ART.
    The second chapter financially studies the way of risk transfers and recognizes the intrinsic quality of (re)insurance and ART. As the same with the inheritance and the genetic variation of a creature, the (re)insurance attains its development based on the unification of inheritance and innovation. Actually, ART is the innovation of risk transfers other than (re)insurance innovation. But ART really promotes the development of (re)insurance industry. The second section sets up a conceptual frame of ART and says the channels of ART includes not only captives but also (re)insurance companies, banks and capital markets. This conceptual frame of ART appears to be more realistic, explicit and perfect in comparison with the international theoretical circle.
    Based on the changing risk environment, the third chapter voices that the innovation of risk transfer meets the need of the changing objective world and economic environment. The trend of globalization and the development of technology have also hatched new risks. Catastrophic risks breaks the Large Number Law. The risks many economic organizations face are beyond the traditional (re)insurable ones.
    They need more: not only traditional (re)insurance, but also the security of efficient cash flows. As an efficient way of risk-financing, ART meets their need at most. Improving the cash flows of economic organizations will become the first need of their risk management. The forth chapter is about the basic theory study of emerging ART. The result of individual selection is not in accordance with that of collective ones. As the (re)insurance develops and there is an adverse selection in the market, some of the catastrophic risks or hazards or basic risks in some cases are gradually dissociated from the ordinary risks, and which stimulates longing for the capital market and the ART emerging. The disequilibrium between the demand of risk transfers and the supply of (re)insurance protection manifests that: risk-based capitals pursue the maximum profits rather than the maximum risk transfer. It is the intangible hand that controls the selections of risk transfers, and thus stimulus the innovation. The fifth chapter focuses on the study and analysis of the fair premium. It says that the traditional stochastic procedure is so sophistic and is lack of individual risk characters. ART meets the individual risk characters and has the function of discovering the fair premium and offers the solutions to the unfair pricing as possible. The sixth chapter demonstratively analyzes ART. The study of this chapter shows that ART manifests itself very efficient meeting the need of risk-transfer or risk-spread beyond what is traditionally thought acceptable. The relationship between the traditional (re)insurance and ART is more complementary to each other than substitutional. The seventh chapter first explains and analyze the situations of risk, (re)insurance industry and the capital market in China. Second, it tries to simulate two models and shows the use of ART to deal with the catastrophic losses in China. And it says that, ART has its promising market in this country and the Chinese risk management circle should take it into account and study it as a new assignment.
[1][英]戈登 C·A·迪克森 著/ 罗烈先 译:《保险入门》,1989 年中译版第 1 版,第 2 页。
    [2]Swiss Re:《Reinsurance Manual of the Non-Life Branches》,1986,forth edition, P1。
    [4]Bodie,Kane,Marcus: 《Investments》,1996,third edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill,P123-125。
    [5] 又称行会制度,是欧洲封建社会城市商人和各业手工业者为保障本行业和行业成员的利益,在协议、联盟基础上,以遵守所订严密繁细的行规为条件而建立的封建性的组织体系。许涤新 主编:《政治经济学辞典》(上),1980 年第 1 版,人民出版社,第 284-285 页。
    [6] [英]H·A·L 科克雷尔/埃德温格林著/邵秋芬 颜鹏飞 译:《英国保险史》,1988 年中译版第 1 版,第 7-8页。
    [7] 马克思、恩格斯:《共产党宣言》,《马克思恩格斯选集》第一卷, 1972 年版,人民出版社,第 252 页。
    [8]同[6]第 37-38 页。
    [9] 李嘉华、王建、方春银等编著:《涉外保险法》,1991 年 5 月第 1 版,法律出版社,第 7-8 页。
    [10] 人们经常把“自从大数法则运用与保险经营之后的年代称之为现代保险,而把此前的具有保险概念的损失分摊机制称之为古代保险,这是对保险概念进行含有技术特征的时间划分。
    [11]同[6],第 3 页。
    [12]当然,从相对论角度讲,页不能就说 100%存在,比如“两点构成一直线“。这个命题再任何情况下都成立吗?答案是否定的。
    [13] 刘茂山、江生忠:《保险学原理》,南开大学出版社,1998 年第 1 版,第 23-24 页。
    [14]同[1],第 134 页。
    [15]《中国统计年鉴》,1999 年版,中国统计出版社。
    [16](原)中国人民保险公司:《中国人民保险公司经济体制改革文件汇编(1979 年—1990 年)》,第 144页。
    [17]马克思:《资本论》第三卷(1894 年),1975 年中译版,人民出版社,第 958 页。
    [18]刘茂山:“保险发展学“,《保险研究》,2000 年第 11 期。
    [19]魏润泉、方春银等编著:《国际保险概论》,1991 年 4 月第 1 版,中国金融出版社,第 3-9 页。
    [20]刘茂山 编著:《保险经济学》,南开大学出版社,1991 年 7 月第 1 版,第 26 页。
    [21]同[6],第 2 页。
    [23]“金融中介“一词源于《货币金融学》([美]米什金 著,李扬等译,1998 年 1 月中译本第 1 版,中国人民大学出版社,第 2 页)。
    [24]与表 3-5 统计口径不同。表 3-5 是从飓风角度进行统计分析的。事实上,与飓风、台风等灾害发生相伴随的是洪水灾害。而这里的数据主要是从洪水灾害角度进行分析的。
    [25]Harold D.Skipper,Jr.:《International Risk and Insurance——An Environmental-Managerial Approach》,Irwin McGraw-Hill,1998,P.425。
    [26]周立波、邹捍、季崇萍、吴瑞欢著:“斯堪的纳维亚臭氧亏损和地面加热”,《气候与环境研究》,第五卷,第三期,2000 年 9 月,中国科学院大气物理研究所。
    [27]王明星著:“关于温室气体浓度变化及其引起的气候变化的几个问题”,《气候与环境研究》,第五卷,第三期,2000 年 9 月,中国科学院大气物理研究所。
    [28]The Economist Newspaper Group Inc.,1994。
    [29]Swiss Re:《Sigma》2/2000。
    [30] Harold D.Skipper,Jr.:《International Risk and Insurance——An Environmental-Managerial Approach》,Irwin McGraw-Hill,1998,P.49。
    [31][美]米什金 著,李扬等译:《货币金融学》,1998 年 1 月中译本第 1 版,中国人民大学出版社,第 2 页。
    [32][英]斯蒂芬·马奥尼著,朱家详译:《国际金融》,2000 年 8 月中文版第 1 版,经济科学出版社,第 301-385。
    [33]参见: 黄毅、杜要忠 译, 王传纶 校:《美国金融服务现代化法》,2000 年 5 月第 1 版,中国金融出版社。
    [35] Donald J. Riggin, CPCU, ARM:“Risk Financing in the 21st Century Securitization and Financial Reinsurance”, International Risk Management,1998,P.10.
    [36] 段开龄:《风险及保险理论之研讨——向传统的智慧挑战》,1996 年第 1 版,南开大学出版社,第 3页。
    [37]钱铁:“京沪两地 为芯而战”,《科学时报》,2001 年 3 月 28 日。
    [38][ 美] H·范里安著, 费方域等译; 《微观经济学:现代观点》,1994 年 12 月第 1 版,上海三联书店/上海人民出版社出版,第 276-280 页。
    [39]同 30,P.31。
    [40]参加保险的预期效用总是大于不参加保险的预期效用,这个结论第一次出现在 1968 年茆辛(Mossin)的保险教科书中。
    [41]阿陆(Arrow)1963 年首次在其经济学文献中提出道德风险概念。
    [42] 逆选择的概念是由乔治·艾克勒夫(George Akerlof)1970 年首次提出的,迪奥尼和德尔惕(Dionne and Doherty)在 1992 年对这一概念在保险市场的运用进行了调查和论证。罗斯切尔德和斯第格利茨(Rothschild and Stiglitz)就逆选择对保险市场的影响提出了学术报告。
    [43]同 31,P.187。
    [44]Neil A. Dohert, Lisa L. Posey:”On the Value of a Checkup: Adverse Selection, moral Hazard and the Value of Information”,《The Journal of Risk and Insurance》,June 1998,V.65,No.2。
    [45]中国证监会从业人员资格考试委员会办公室编:《证券投资分析》,1999 年 7 月第 1 版,上海财经大学出版社,第 290 页。
    [46]魏迎宁、杨家发、方春银等编著:《保险企业经济活动分析》,1994 年 5 月第 1 版,国际文化出版社,第 265-276。
    [47] Kenneth A. Froot:“Limited financing of catastrophe risk: An Overview—A Harvard University Working Paper”, Harvard Business School and National Bureau of Economic Research.
    [49]图 4-8 横轴表示损失规模(10 亿美元),纵轴表示获得再保险保障比例(%)。
    [50] Berkshire Hathaway Inc: Chairman’s Letter, Annual report 1996.
    [52]参见“张维迎 著:《博奕论与信息经济学》,1996 年 8 月第 1 版,上海三联书店/上海人民出版社,第397-403”有关委托—代理理论。
    [53]Casualty Actuarial Society: 《Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science》,Third edition 1996,chapter I.
    [54]Kai-Jaung Pei: Introduction to Ratemaking, Fall 1998,中美高级保险培训及信息中心赠。此处有关费率(保险费法和损失率法,等)的论述,系笔者根据裴(Mr.Pei)先生等专家的有关精算理论和思想编辑而成的。如果论述中存在任何错误,均系笔者水平有限而致,笔者对此错误负所有责任。
    [55]为了应对美国的责任险危机,1986 年的《联邦责任险自留法》提出了旨在便于承保责任险的两种机制:即风险自留集团和购买集团。风险自留集团是专业性的责任险互助保险公司。其成员仅限于某一经营领域里的公司。购买集团则是由同一行业的公司组成,其目的是购买团体责任险保障。近几年,风险自留集团的数目一直停留在 70 个左右,而购买集团到 1998 年年底已稳步上升到 669 个。——资料来源:1998 年 12月的《风险自留报导》。参见①《Sigma》1999 年第 2 期。②Harold D.Skipper,Jr.《:International Risk and Insurance——An Environmental-Managerial Approach》,Irwin McGraw-Hill,1998。
    [56] ① Guy Carpenter:Captive 1995; ② Harold D.Skipper,Jr.: 《 International Risk and Insurance —— An Environmental-Managerial Approach》,Irwin McGraw-Hill,1998,chapter 26; ③《Sigma》2/1999。
    [57]P&I 和传统的相互保险人与自保性公司间的区别在于,前者出资人不参与经营管理,而后者则参与管理。
    [58]① John Covaleski:《Alternative Markets》,Bests’ Review. P/C. Feb.1996. ②Donald J. Riggin, CPCU, ARM:“Risk Financing in the 21st Century Securitization and Financial Reinsurance”, International Risk Management,1998,P.10.
    [60]David L. Wasserman:“Financial (Finite Risk) Reinsurance”,《Reinsurance》,Strain,1997, P.279-285.
    [61]方春银:“尝试一下财务再保险”,《中国保险报》1998 年 8 月 7 日第 3 版。
    [62]中国家庭财产地震再保险课题组报告:《中国家庭财产地震再保险运作机制的研究》,1998 年。
    [64]欲更多了解选择权内在价值,请参阅张志强著:《期权理论与公司理财》,2000 年 1 月第 1 版,华夏出版社,第 6-9 页。
    [67]张志强著:《期权理论与公司理财》,2000 年 1 月第 1 版,华夏出版社,第 146-154 页。
    [70]资料来源:《Best’s Review, P/C》,1999 年 2 月; 《Sigma》2/1999。
    [71]马永伟:《强化管理 加快发展 开创保险工作的新局面》,中国保险监督管理委员会,2001 年工作报告。
    [72]《中国证券报》2000 年 12 月 14 日第 1 版。
    [73]国际著名保险经纪公司嘎·本特(GuyCarpenter)巨灾指数的英文缩写,即 GuyCarpenter Catastrophic Index.这里我们借此缩写既代表指数概念,也代表该公司组织。John A.Major:“A Synthetic History of the Guy Carpenter Catastrophe Index_Methodology,data, and Analysis”, ASA, May28,1997. Guy Carpenter: Emerging Assets—Insured Risks, Report in June 1995.
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