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    第一章 绪论。本章阐述了如下内容:选题背景;选题目的和意义;国内外研究动态;研究思路和研究方法以及论文创新之处。
    第二章 商业银行营销组合策略的基本理论。本章首先分析了商业银行营销组合策略的内涵,突破了传统内涵,富于了新的内容,拓宽了营销组合策略所覆盖的领域;其次,分析了商业银行营销组合策略的特征和现实意义;最后,从微观环境、中观环境和宏观环境三个层次比较系统地分析了我国银行业所处的复杂多变的营销环境。
    第三章 美、日商业银行营销组合策略的国际比较。通过对美、日银行营销组合策略进行国际比较,它们的共同特点是,注重产品创新、强调产品多元化和差异化;以差别化价格策略和“非价格”策略来避免价格战以提高获利能力;以网络银行、并购重组和国际渠道来扩展业务领域;以客户经理制和公共关系促销为新型的促销模式。也分析了它们的不同点。最后,阐述了国际比较后所得到的启迪。
    第四章 我国商业银行营销组合策略的演变、问题与挑战。论述了我国商业银行营销组合策略演变的三个历程, 以及我国商业银行营销组合策略的特征及存在的问题,针对上述问题,提出了相应对策:调整产品开发战略,尤其是大力拓展中间业务;实行差
    第五章 产品策略博弈分析。1.运用经典博弈模型对原始创新和模仿创新进行分析和比较。模仿创新是处于劣势地位银行利用后发优势的赶超行为,而原始创新是获得“先动优势”的长期战略。2.运用完全信息两阶段博弈模型来比较分析两种新产品开发形式。采取合作开发有利于实现利润最大化和刺激金融创新。3.金融监管、经营绩效和产品同质性关系模型。在我国,严厉的监管导致银行业高度集中,但是市场结构与绩效结构不对称,其原因就是产品同质性现象严重,因此,必须利用差别化策略来提升我国银行业的经营绩效。4.在相应章节中,对我国商业银行产品策略进行了实证分析。
    第六章 定价策略博弈分析。本章研究了五个方面的问题:1.运用博弈模型分析影响产品价格的因素;2.研究了水平性差异下成本优势银行的定价策略;3.研究了银行差别化定价策略模型;4.研究了产品生命周期与金融产品定价策略的关系;5.对我国商业银行的定价策略进行了实证考察并提出相应的对策。
    第七章 渠道策略博弈分析。本章运用两个博弈模型来进行研究,即银行分销渠道的位置-产量模型和银行分销渠道的比较模型。银行产品替代性对分销渠道的布局起着决定性作用;银行应采用直销渠道和间接渠道并举的渠道策略。在模型研究的基础上,对我国商业银行营销渠道进行了实证分析并提出了相应对策。
    第八章 促销策略博弈分析。本章通过建立两个博弈模型来研究此问题,并运用我国商业银行促销策略的相关事实进行实证检验。1.通过求解广告促销博弈模型发现,银行广告的一个重要功能就是塑造产品的差异性来吸引不同的客户群。2.运用博弈模型分析银行与客户、同业、政府以及职工之间的博弈关系。关系促销需要长期投入,银行必须表现出足够的耐心;关系促销可以营造一种融洽的公共关系氛围,形成稳定持久的关系情感链。
    第九章 国际营销博弈分析。通过建立市场进入模型和营销组织体制选择模型来进行研究,并在模型研究的基础上,运用我国商业银行国际营销现状来进行实证分析。1.跨国银行形成机理与市场进入模型。东道国银行无法阻止跨国银行进入本国市场,要想使其阻止行为发生一定作用,只有通过改变博弈结构和博弈双方的实力。2.国际营?
With the quick process of finance globalization, competitions among banks have become more furious than ever before. It shows the direct competition in the power of marketing. We can say,the power of marketing is the key point to the bank existence and development. Now that we have entered the WTO, what should our weak banking do? How should we strengthen ourselves to meet the challenge from much stronger overseas banks? These are the inevitable problems for all decision-makers, industrialists and theorists to be confronted with. The study methods are still traditional economics and administrations even if the new theories on the marketing have been emerging endlessly. It is a new attempt to analyze and understand the marketing mix strategy in the game theory from a new angle.
    Combining the game analysis with the marketing theory, this dissertation is to do some researches on the practice of commercial banks in marketing. First, the dissertation fully analyzes the complicated and changeable market environment after our banking entering WTO. Then, it compares the marketing mix theory and the practice with international ones in order to expound the problems, differences and reasons so as to make the power of marketing among our commercial banks an objective orientation. Finally, it makes pertinently systemic analysis and adequate demonstrations on the product strategy, the price strategy, the place strategy, the promotion strategy and the international promotion strategy, relating with the market practice in our commercial banks in order to have a definite object in view and draw a real and constructive conclusion theoretically. Meanwhile, it advances idiographic measures to improve our commercial bank marketing in the end of each chapter and make a combination with theoretical feasibility to practical performance on the basis of game theories.
    There are some brief illuminations and main results in the following ten chapters:
    Chapter I. Introduction. It expounds the following contents: the background, purpose and signification of this dissertation as well as some correlative researches around the world; including study structure, methods and some innovations.
    Chapter II.The Basic Theory of Commercial Banks’ the Marketing Mix Strategy. Frist, analyze the connotation of Commercial Banks’ the Marketing Mix Strategy and broaden its connotation. Second, the characters and profound significance of the marketing mix strategy are expounded. Last, the complicated and changeable market environment has deeply influenced the marketing power and conduction of our banking. The dissertation analyzes the marketing environment in China systemically from three levels.
    Chapter III. Compare of the International Marketing Mix Strategy in American and Japan. Comparing with the international marketing mix strategy such as those in America and Japan, it is obvious to discover their common characteristics that are novelty, variety and differentiation of products. Take price differentiation strategy and non-price strategy to avoid the price war and gain more profits. To expand the business realm with internet-banks, taking merger ( acquisition and international channels. Put into a new promotion model with client-manager system and public relationship. Analyze the differences between the two countries. Expound the revelation by comparing finally.
    Chapter IV. The Evolvement, Problems and Challenge of the Marketing Mix Strategy in China. Three problems have been researched in this chapter. 1. It shows the three evolvement periods of the marketing mix strategy in China. 2. It expounds the characters and existing problems of our marketing mix strategy. 3. The corresponding countermeasures are considered. (1) Rectify the emphasis of product exploitation, and change save and loan products into off-balanced sheet business, from wholesale into retail. Take differentiation strategy so as to change the unhealthy product similarity, transform imitation to novelty mainly. (2) Advocate off-balance sheet business charge to match the servi
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