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Along with the fast development of the industry of bankcard, it becomes extremely urgent bottleneck problem to establish and perfect market machine-made. In which, perfecting pricing machine-made is the key because it decides the benefit distribution of main bodies that have participated in the market of credit card, and it also has important sense for the healthy ,orderly and well development of market for bankcard.
     There are survive and perish material relations among the every economy principal part of bank card. Merchant, cardholder and issuer are called together "3 essential factors" of bankcard. Merchant and cardholder are two containing factors for each other. For bank, the quantity as well as quantity of cardholders directly influences the volume of trade of merchant; And for cardholder, whether banks can develop much merchant that accord with their demands directly affected them use card actively. When merchant and issuer become alliance to develop customer crowds in concert, they have to become competitors to fight for merchant discount. The special relation requires establishing reasonable pricing mechanism in order to ensure the benefit of merchant and cardholder, and to promote market balanced developing. Any quit of economy principal part will lead the market of bankcard to atrophy and even disappear. However, domestic and international research shows that, in the present, the documents of market pricing mechanism and strategy mostly look the bankcard as a special case of commercial bank intermediate business, and there are few fruits in the field of problem-oriented research. This dissertation tries to narrow the gap in this field.
     Discussing the two-side market characteristics of the bankcard, applying two-side market theories in the competitive game analyses between bankcard organization and merchant in switch market, and the demand scale economy of network externality is used in the ATM network pricing system, This paper try to dissect the present situation and questions of the mechanism of POS discount and interest rate of overdraw. In addition, the effect of the market competition and the differentiation of customer and product on the pricing strategy of the bankcard is also explored.
     In the light of the price control and fixed interest rate, this dissertation provide that, in the future, the differential pricing will be the tendency of bankcard pricing strategy of our country based on analysis on the present situation and questions of the mechanism of POS discount and interest rate of overdraw.
     In order to more intensively explore the pricing strategy and method of bankcard market of our country, the game analyze is used in the competition between bankcard organization and merchant in switch market based the comparison between the share profit model of "8:1:1" and "7:1:1". The effect of the relative superiority or inferiority of the rate of profit and discount of merchant, the degree of seniority of the loss rate due to refusing bankcard by merchants and the pursue scale by bankcard settlement on the merchants' choice of means of payment are explored. At the same time, this dissertation continues to discuss the competitive pricing with universal-usage in chapter five. The effect of the differentiation degree of the rate of market posses of ATM among different issuers on the difference of service fee, and the inferiority issuer how to adjust the competitive price to gain the more market are explored. Then, this dissertation more intensively studies the differential pricing strategy of bankcard in the sixth chapter. The effect of the differential degree of product service, cost constitutes and customers' characteristic on pricing of bankcard is explored.
     Working in concert with the third, fourth, fifth and sixth chapter, the seventh chapter provides that bankcard organization should choose the appropriate pricing strategy matched itself market strategy: bankcard organizations that are not the superiority should take the expand bankcard pricing; those have certain market scale while vary in contribute of customers could adopt the differential pricing strategy. At the end, this dissertation combines the KNV risk model with the profitability of cardholder, and builds an encouraging and punishing model of interest rate of overdraw.
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