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随着社会的发展,社会分工越来越明确,越来越细致。教师,作为一个职业,在这个分工的大潮中,也开始逐渐地凸显其专业化发展的趋势。世界各国对教师及教师教育的研究也日趋活跃,教师专业化发展也已成为教育改革的中心主题之一。怎么促进教师专业化发展呢?这个问题成为了教师教育改革的关键性问题。在众多的理论中,美国著名教育家舒尔曼提出的领域教学知识(pedagogical content knowledge,简称PCK)日渐得到认可,自成了一个独具特色的研究流派。
     每个老师都有自己的学科教学知识,学前教师也不例外。本研究由四个研究问题组成:(1)学前教师领域教学知识的现状是什么样的?(2)基本信息对学前教师的领域教学知识有什么影响?(3)比较学前教师在语言、数学和美术三个领域的领域教学知识。(4)在现实教学过程中,学前教师是如何获得领域教学知识三要素的?前三个研究问题,研究者采用了量化分析的方法。从上海各个区抽取165名学前教师作为研究对象,然后运用视频分析法和问卷调查法相结合的研究方法,并借用了美国埃里克森学院早期数学项目组开发的编码手册对教师问卷进行测评。通过SPSS17.0软件对研究进行检验,利用General Factorial ANOVA方差分析、相关分析等,对这三个板块的问题进行剖析和探讨。第四个研究问题,笔者从165名学前教师抽取了9名非常优秀的教师作为研究对象,主要采用了文本分析法、观察法、访谈法等质化的研究方法进行研究。
     本研究还对教师的基本信息和她们的PCK之间的相关性做了检验,发现:“教龄”、“学历”和“职称”对于PCK的总分和what, who, how上都没有统计学意义上的显著性的相关,但“园所等级”有显著性的相关。而且园所等级与教师在PCK的总体水平和what, who, how上均呈正相关,即园所等级越高,教师的PCK各项指标水平越高。另外一个基本信息——“教龄”进行检验的时候,发现:教龄为11-20年的教师,其PCK总体水平和what, who, how上显著得好于其他教龄段的教师。
As the development of society, work division has been more and more specific and meticulous. Teacher, as a career, following this tide, also starts to show the trend of its professional development. Research on teacher and teacher's education is more and more active in different countries around the world. And the professional development of teacher becomes one of the key themes in education reform. How to promote the professional development of teacher? It becomes a key question on teacher's education reform. Among various theory, PCK (pedagogical content knowledge), proposed by well-known American educationist Shulman, has won wide acknowledgement and formed its unique research school.
     Every teacher has his or her own PCK, no exception for preschool teachers. This study is organized in four sub-studies:(1) An analysis of the status of preschool teachers'PCK will be reported.(2) The correlation between basic information and PCK of preschool teachers will be reported.(3) A comparison is made among PCK of preschool teachers on language, mathematics and arts.(4) How do preschool teachers obtain the three components of PCK in their practical teaching? As for the first three issues, the researcher takes the method of quantitative analysis, taking165preschool teachers as the participants, with the combined research method of video analysis and questionnaire survey. Data was collected by using the coding manual developed by American Ericson School early mathematics project team. The hypothesis was tested with SPSS17.0and by using General Factorial ANOVA and its relative analysis. As for the last issue, selecting9excellent teachers from the165teachers, the researcher takes the qualitative research methods as text analysis, observation method and interview method.
     What is discovered from the PCK status is that the differences between every two of the three elements of preschool PCK are extremely obvious. Ranked the top is knowledge of instructional methods (how), which is followed by knowledge of children (who), the poorest being content knowledge (what). Preschool teachers are best at judging the effectiveness of teaching and worst at grasping the relation among various concepts. PCK of the preschool teachers can be ranked at the second level, that is, they can generally and limitedly understand the components of PCK.
     After inspection on the correlation between the teacher's basic information and their PCK, we discover that statistically there is no obvious correlation between teaching years, education degree, qualification title and PCK total score plus its what, who and how. However the kindergarten level has obvious correlation with the later. There is a positive correlation between them, i.e., the higher of the school level, the higher of the teacher's PCK. What is discovered is that teachers with11-20teaching years are remarkably better than the rest on the general level of PCK and its what, who, how.
     Comparing the PCK level of language, mathematics and art, we discover that the teachers' PCK level keep consistent with their performance on specific subject, ie., being very poor on "recognize connections among the subject ideas", being on "General and limited understanding of components of PCK" level. In the three areas,"how" wins the highest score, followed by "who", with "what" at last. Comparing the correlation of the three components, we found that the correlation between "who" and "how" is the highest, followed by "what" and "who", with "what" and "how" the lowest. Compare the correlation of three area, we find that mathematics is the best, art is in the middle and language is the worst. The result of comparing each components in three subjects indicate that the fine art performs best in PCK total score and "how", language is the best on "what", while mathematics has no satisfactory performance in any way. The three subjects have no obvious differences on "who".
     Through qualitative analysis, in this section what mostly discussed is how the nine excellent teachers obtain the three components of PCK. Conclusions are as follows:teaching practice is the best way in acquiring the three components; teaching reflecting is the forceful way in acquiring them; among the three components, knowledge of children and knowledge of instructional methods serves each other as a channel; content knowledge obtained is lacking of completeness, and it has little interchange with the knowledge about knowledge of children and knowledge of instructional methods.
     Through the above series of researches, there are a few following final conclusions:(1)the components of the preschool teacher's PCK are content knowledge, knowledge of children, knowledge of instructional methods. Its organic blending is not tight.(2)The three components are unevenly developed.(3)The preschool teacher's PCK is discrepant in three subjects.(4) Teaching practice is the best way in acquiring the three components.
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    1 注:本部分研究作为论文研究的部分成果,已先期发表,发表于《教育科学》2012年第5期。
    2 Shulman,L.S..Those Who Understand:Knowledge Growth in Teaching[J].Educational Researcher,1986,15 (2): 4-14
    3 Shulman,L.S..Knowledge and teaching:Foundations of the New Reform [J]. Harvard Educational Review,1987,57 (1):1-22.
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    2 Diane Barrett Kris Green. Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a Foundation for an Interdisciplinary Graduate Program [J].Science Educator,2009,18(1):17-28.)
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    2 Shulman, L.S..Those Who Understand:Knowledge Growth in Teaching[J].Educational Researcher,1986,15(2): 4-14.
    3 Shulman, L.S..Knowledge and teaching:Foundations of the New Reform [J]. Harvard Educational Review, 1987,57(1):1-22.
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