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     (1)秦岭红桦林群落内共含维管植物182种,隶属128属66科,其中乔木层16科18属39种;灌木层21科34属54种;草本层32科76属82种;层间植物5科6属8种。其中,科的地理分布类型中,世界分布科最多,占到42.41%;属的地理分布区类型中,78.13%的属为温带分布属,其中北温带属(包括北温带和南温带间断分布、欧亚和南美洲温带间断分布)为主要分布属。可以充分说明秦岭红桦林具有明显的温带特性。从秦岭山地红桦林群落外貌来看,秦岭红桦林中高位芽植物占61.82%,在高位芽植物种,落叶阔叶植物78种,占95.12%;说明红桦林中落叶阔叶成分占绝对优势,反应出红桦林分布区的温带气候特征。根据红桦林群落的外貌和乔木优势种组成将所调查红桦林群落分为红桦纯林(B. ablosinensis community)、红桦-辽东栎林(B.ablosinensis-Quercus liaotungensis community)、红桦-五裂槭-华山松林(B.ablosinensis-Acer oliverianum-Pinus armandii community)、红桦-太白杨-少脉椴林(B.ablosinensis-Populus purdomii-Tilia latevirens community)、红桦-华西枫杨林(B.ablosinensis-Pterocarya insignis community)、红桦-华山松林(B. ablosinensis-Pinusarmandii community)、红桦-华山松-牛皮桦林(B. ablosinensis-Pinus armandii-Betula utiliscommunity)、红桦-牛皮桦-巴山冷杉林(B. ablosinensis-Betula utilis-Abies fargesiicommunity)、红桦-牛皮桦林(B. ablosinensis-Betula utilis community)9个群落类型。
With the worsening of ecological environment over the world, exploring the mechanismof the biological and environmental interactions and adaptation mechanism has been a hotissue in today's ecological studies. Therein, the stability of forest communities and theirmaintaining mechanism is one important aspect. As a key region of the terrestrial ecosystemin China, the Qinling Mountains has been a hotspot over the global forest research. Betulaalbosinensis is an important vegetation type in Qinling Moutains. The palynological evidenceindicates that the Betula forests have been existing as zonal forests at geological period andmodern times in Qinling Moutain. However, the published reports on B. albosinensis forestsuggest that the natural regeneration of B. albosinensis in mature B. albosinensis forests ispoor, and it is impossible for B. albosinensis to keep their dominance for long time. So, thesereporters conclude that B. albosinensis is one of successional series and would be replaced bythe climax species. Until now, there is no a clear conclusion about the stability of B.albosinensis forests. Therefore, in order to determine the stability of B. albosinensiscommunities and its predominant mechanism in the Qinling Mountains, we studied thepopulation and community characteristics as well as the stability of the B. albosinensiscommunities from the viewpoints of population, community and environmental factors. Theinformation obtained is also useful from ecological and silvicultural perspectives. The mainresults were as follows:
     1. There exist182tracheophyte plant species, belong to128genera and66families in B.albosinensis forest of Qinling Mountains. Of all the plant species, tree layer shares39speices,18genera of16families; shrub layer shares54species,34genera of21families; herb layershares82species,76genera of32families. Besides, there are8vine species, belong to6genera and5families. World-widely distributed families dominate the flora of the B.albosinensis forest, while the distribution types of plant genera is dominated by temperategenera. This well suggests that there are clear temperate characteristics in B. albosinensisforest. From structural characteristics of B. albosinensis communities, it can be found thatphanerophytes occupied a dominant position among all life form spectra, and deciduousbroad-leaved species accounts for most. It indicates a temperate climate characteristic in B. albosinensis forest region. According to the appearance and dominant species composition,the B. albosinensis communities are divided into nine community types: B. ablosinensiscommunity、 B. ablosinensis-Quercus liaotungensis community、 B. ablosinensis-Aceroliverianum-Pinus armandii community、B. ablosinensis-Populus purdomii-Tilia latevirenscommunity、B. ablosinensis-Pterocarya insignis community、B. ablosinensis-Pinus armandiicommunity、B. ablosinensis-Pinus armandii-Betula utilis community、B. ablosinensis-Betulautilis-Abies fargesii community、B. ablosinensis-Betula utilis community.
     2. The study on the regeneration of B. albosinensis communities indicated: the seedlingand sapling pool of B. albosinensis communities is dominated by Aceraceae species andPinaceae species. The seedlings of B. albosinensis recruitment are abundant in young B.albosinensis communities and scarce in mature communities. Dense tree layer and shrub layerrestrict the regeneration of tree species. The density of seedlings and saplings has a significantnegative correlation both with tree basal area and shrub coverage. Differently, there was nosignificant relationship between seedling and sapling pool and herb coverage. In addition, alarge number of recruitments were found in stands with subsequent regenerationapproximately50years after strip clearcutting. After stripclearcutting, the sudden exposure ofpreviously forested lands andmore sunlight reaching the forest floor seemed responsible forthe successful regeneration of sunlight-loving B. albosinensis.
     3. The gap characteristics and disturbance regime in the B. albosinensis forest in theQinling Mountains were studied, including the type, quanity and causal factors of gaps andthe type, number, species composition and size structure of gap maker. The results indicatedthat the average gap area was73.71±21.54m2, and65.5%of the gaps were between20m2and80m2. Most gaps (78.1%) were caused by one or two standing death, and few werecaused by three or more gap makers. B. albosinensis were the major gap makers, and it wasmost possible to create gap by standing death. There was no apparent change between gap andnon-gap in species compostion, but in species abundance. In the gaps, the seedlings andsaplings of B. albosinensis were the main gap filler, and the large gap was more suitable for B.albosinensis regeneration. The results suggested that B. albosinensis depends on canopy gapsfor pulsed recruitment, which may make them capable of maintaining population stability.
     4. In order to understand the recruitment mechanism and recovery process of Betulaalbosinensis forest, using data collected from1hm2plots, univariate and bivariate O-ringfunctions were employed to determine spatial distribution of standing trees and snags indifferent age classes and correlate standing trees and snags. The results indicated that all B.albosinensis individuals showed a random distribution in space. B. albosinensis saplings weresignificantly clustered as a whole at the range from0to10m, but the pattern intensities decreased with increasing age so that large trees showed a stochastic spatial distribution atmost scales. In addition, patterns in the distribution of B. albosinensis saplings appear topersist and were consistent with highly aggregated patterns of snags caused by naturaldisturbances across the stand. Findings suggest cohorts of the B. albo-sinensis populationQinling Mountains are spatially clumped and the aggregation of different cohorts representspulsed recruitment after canopy disturbance.
     5. We studied the seed dispersal property, the seed bank and the germinationcharacteristics of B. albosinensis seeds. We found the seed density in seed rain is3951±2119ind/m2in the range of100m from mother tree. The seed rain intensity is maximum in thedistance10-30m from the mother tree and it is significantly difference in the differentdirection due to wind. In the seed bank ranged from0to50m from B. albosinensis cohort, thevisible seed density in the up litter layer was4029±2424ind/m2, and the density in the lowerhumus layer762±456ind/m2. The visible seed density estimated from the seeds collected inthe litter layer was significant higher than that estimated from the seeds on the soil surface.Besides, the recorded germination rates found that more than half of seeds in the seed bankwere active. The high output and dispersal capacity of B. ablosinensis them have anoverwhelming advantage in density and space occupation in the seed bank of their range.
     6. We studied the community sability of B. albosinensis communities in the QinlingMountains with Godron stability index method and principal component analysis method. Theresults indicated that B. ablosinensis-Pinus armandii community,B. ablosinensis-Pinusarmandii-Betula utilis community and B. ablosinensis-Betula utilis-Abies fargesii communityare the most stable community types in the B. albosinensis forest of Qinling Mountains, ofwhich the B. albosinensis communities at2200-2600m range of altitude were most stable,suggesting an optimum environment for B. albosinensis. Additionally, the results showed thatthe thickness of fallen leaves, trees competition index, the quantity proportion of seedlings,saplings and adults were the main factors influencing the community stability. The evaluationresult on the community stability from Godron stability index is consistent to the resultexamined by principal component analysis method. The species diversity index is a importantfactor in accessing the stabiligy of a community, However, we could not ascertain the stabilityof community only according the diversity index due to the interaction of other factors.
     The results above indicate that B. albosinensis forest in the Qinling Mountains is a stablevegetation type. On the one hand, high seed output and dispersibility make B. ablosinensispopulation have a large seed bank in density and space occupation.On the other hand, the B.ablosinensis population prone to cause canopy gaps under the natural disturbances (e.g.,windstorms, floods, heavy snows), which would provide a ideal environment for their regeneration. The rapid growth after germination of B. ablosinensis seeds can colonize rapidlythe new patchs created by canopy gaps, and than make them persist and dominate. At thesame time, the frequent canopy gaps also can reduce the dominance of the bettershade-tolerant species and maintain the typical species compostion. With the help of canopydisturbance, B. albosinensis achieve a stable mosaic structure of different-spatiotemporalcohorts. Besides, environment condition is also important for the persistence of B.ablosinensis forest. The altitude range between2000m and2800m in the Qinling Mountainshas a stable and cool-warm moist climate, which is most adaptive for the growth of B.albosinensis. Therefore, B. ablosinensis that distributes in the cool-warm moist zone betweenthe temperate deciduous broadleaf forest and the cold-temperate conifer forest in QinlingMountains attain stability.
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