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The present dissertation argues that, due to the combining effects of social milieu, gender and race, Virginia Woolf s body of work exhibits a national identity complex and confusion similar to that of the postcolonial writers, immigrant writers and diaspora writers living in an increasingly globalized world.
     The decline of the British Empire galvanizes Woolf's psychological mechanism of self-defense, driving her to operate a textual construction of Englishness similar to that of other metropolitan modernists like Forster and Lawrence. Woolf s construction of Englishness is embodied in Englishmen's expression of cultural superiority and longing for homeland in an exotic environment on the one hand (as in The Voyage Out and Orlando), and the highlighting of an expanding and centripetal imperial space centered around a metropolitan environment on the other (as in Mrs Dalloway and The Years). These two models incorporate the identity logic that foregrounds the Self in opposition to the Other, reflecting the colonialist connotations of Englishness.
     But, as a female writer, Woolf is instinctively resistant to the imperial national narrative, and therefore seeks to deconstruct Englishness while constructing it. Woolf deconstructs Englishness by dismantling the colonial vision of the travel and adventure literature, carving out a pastoral space in metropolis characteristic of an authentic and original England, and rewriting the official history of England, giving voice to the obscured and the marginal (as in Orlando, The Years and Between the Acts).
     However, a further contextualization of Woolf s work discloses that Woolf s relationship with Englishness goes beyond the clear-cut opposition between construction and destruction, featuring a more innate and delicate resistance to and compromise with England's imperial identity. England's imperial history from the mid Victorian age to the Second World War suggests that women and the British Empire are in most cases cooperative, rather than confrontational. On the one hand, the evolutionary and eugenic discourses in the context of imperial contraction empowered the females to be the spiritual and biological guardians of the race and the nation. On the other, the imperial administrators took advantage of women's privileges, creating "Mother-Country" to ensure the Empire's authority and domination. Mrs Dalloway in Mrs Dalloway and Mrs Ramsay in To the Lighthouse, depicted as eugenic mothers, are responses to these privileges; while offering insights into Woolf s feminist stance, they suggest also Woolf's racial and national superiority as a white metropolitan female writer. Yet, the association with Empire didn't uproot the patriarchal social system that maltreated women, denying them full citizenship. This inadequacy compels Woolf to create masculinized female characters and female imperialists in her works, taking advantage of the colonial rhetoric to make literary compensations for the political power women lack in reality. The eugenic discourse and "Mother-Country" image in Mrs Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, and the masculinized female characters and female imperialists, demonstrate once again Woolf s resistance to and compromise with Englishness.
     On the whole, Woolf's writing of the English national identity is expressed as the imagination of a female community, which conditionally appropriates the imperial identity of England, the purpose of which is to ensure women's full citizenship, to provide them with platform and capital for survival, and finally, to establish women's cultural and political authority. Woolf s writing of English national identity bespeaks her works' high social relevance, and her democratic notion of the "nation", which favors neither nationalism nor cosmopolitanism, is undoubtedly revealing for us to get a clearer view of the geopolitical issues in today's world.
1 Malcolm Bradbury, The Social Context of Modern English Literature. Oxford:Basil Blackwell, 1972, pp.74-75.
    2 Pericles Lewis, Modernism, Nationalism and the Novel. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000, p.4.“民族”的英文表述是nation,但nation也有“国家”的意思。民族和国家是一对既互相区别,又相互依存的概念。民族强调族员之间的文化和传统维系,国家则突出集体对个体的规训和体制化,但两者又都是一种具有排他性的共同体建构。在特定语境中,现代主义者的民族意识也表现为一种国家意识。
    1 转引自E.F库庭霍:“小说在巴西民族身份建构中的作用”,严志军译,《外国文学》,1999年第4期,第45页。
    2 E.F库庭霍:“小说在巴西民族身份建构中的作用”,严志军译,《外国文学》,1999年第4期,第45页。
    3 埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆:《民族与民族主义》,李金梅译,上海:上海世纪出版社,2006年,第34页。
    4 Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities:Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London:Verso,1983, p.13.
    5 同上,第14页。
    6 同上,第30页。
    7 同上,第31页。
    8 Timothy Brennan, "The National Longing for Form", in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.49.
    1 王宁:“叙述、文化定位和身份认同——霍米·巴巴的后殖民批评理论”,《外国文学》,2002年第6期,第49页。
    2 Homi K. Bhabha, "Introduction:Narrating the Nation", in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, pp.2-3.着重号为原文。Pedagogy字面意思指“教育”、“教学”、“教导”,在巴巴的论述中有“规训”和“压制”的意思。本文取生安锋在其专著《霍米·巴巴的后殖民理论研究》中的译法,译为“训导”。
    1 Homi K. Bhabha, "DissemiNation:time, narrative, and the margins of the modern nation," in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.292.着重号为笔者加。
    2 Performative有“操演”、“表演”和“演现”等不同译法。本文借用生安锋在其专著《霍米·巴巴的后殖民理论研究》中的译法,译为“演现”。
    3 Homi K. Bhabha, "DissemiNation:time, narrative, and the margins of the modern nation," in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.297.着重号为原文。
    4 生安锋:《霍米·巴巴的后殖民理论研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2011年,第54页。
    5 同上,第55页。
    6 同上。
    7 Homi K. Bhabha, "DissemiNation:time, narrative, and the margins of the modern nation," in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.309着重号为笔者加。
    1 Malcolm Bradbury & James Macfarlane, "The Name and Nature of Modernism", in Malcolm Bradbury & James Macfarlane, eds., Modernism:A Guide to European Literature,1890-1930. London:Penguin Books,1991, p.26.
    2 陶家俊:《文化身份的嬗变:E.M.福斯特小说和思想研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年,第133页。
    1 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England, My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, p.16.
    2 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.161.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas. New York:Harcourt, Inc.,1966, p.109.
    2 详见本文第四章第二节对伍尔夫小说中男性化女性角色和女性帝国主义者形象的解读。
    1 Christine D. Pristash's Ph. D. Dissertation, Englishness:Traditional and Alternative Conceptions of English National Identity. Indiana University of Pennsylvania,2011, p.26.
    1 Catherine Hall, "Introduction:thinking the postcolonial, thinking the empire", in Catherine Hall, ed., Cultures of Empire:Colonizers in Britain and the Empire in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Manchester:Manchester University Press,2000, p.2.
    3 比较有代表性的学术专(编)著包括:Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture,1880-1920. London:Croom Helm,1986; Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness,1900-1950. London & New York:Routledge,1995; Jonathan Rutherford, Forever England:Reflections on Race, Masculinity and Empire. London:Lawrence & Wishart,1997; Antony Easthope, Englishness and National Culture. London & New York:Routledge,1999; Robert Colls, Identity of England. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2002; Krishan Kumar, The Making of English National Identity. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003; David Rogers & John McLeod, The Revision of Englishness. Manchester:Manchester University Press, 2004; Graham MacPhee & Prem Poddar, eds., Empire and After:Englishness in Postcolonial Perspective. New York & Oxford:Berghahn Books,2007; Arthur Aughey, The Politics of Englishness. Manchester:Manchester University Press,2007; Robert J. C. Young, The Idea of English Ethnicity. Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,2008.
    1 Simon Gikandi, Maps of Englishness:Writing Identity in the Culture of Colonialism. New York: Columbia University Press,1996, p.161.
    2 Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffths & Helen Tiffin, The Empire Writes Back:Theory and Practice in Post-colonial Literature. London & New York:Routledge,2002, p.154.
    3 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第267页。
    1 利维斯认为伍尔夫的作品因为“对视觉意象的不懈追求、‘优美的’文字和人物刻画中道德关怀的缺失”而具有一种“明显而老练的唯美主义色彩”。转引自Merry M. Pawlowski,ed., Virginia Woolf and Fascism:Resisting the Seduction. New York:Palgrave,2001, p.172.刘易斯对伍尔夫的文学观提出质疑,认为她与阿诺德·贝内特(Arnold Bennett)的争辩“不过是那种老掉牙的永恒女性气质和粗野如足球运动员般的‘他’原则,也就是永恒男子气概之间的水火不容”。转引自Robin Majumdar & Allen McLaurin, eds., Virginia Woolf:The Critical Heritage. London & New York:Routledge,1997, p.332.
    Berenice A. Caroll,'"To Crush Him in Our Own Country':The Political Thought of Virginia Woolf, Feminist Studies,4:1 (1978:Feb.):101.
    Alex Zwerdling, Virginia Woolf and the Real World, Berkeley & Los Angeles:University of California Press,1986, pp.13-14.
    4 这篇论文最初发表在卡伦·劳伦斯(Karen Lawrence)主编的《将传统去殖民化:20世纪“英国”文学经典新解》(Decolonizing Tradition:New Views of Twentieth-Century "British" Literary Canons,1992)一书中,后收录于马库斯本人的专著《那些黑暗的心:白人女性书写种族》(Hearts of Darkness:White Women Write Race,2004),本文所引均出自这本书。
    5 但事实上,吉利恩·比尔(Gillian Beer)在1990年就撰文,分析伍尔夫如何利用飞行意象颠覆传统的英格兰民族形象。详见Gillian Beer, "The Island and Aeroplane:the Case of Virginia Woolf", in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,2000, pp. 265-90.
    1 Jane Marcus, Hearts of Darkness:White Women Write Race, New Brunswick, New Jersey and London:Rutgers University Press,2004, p.65.
    Patrick McGee, "The Politics of Modernist Form; or, Who Rules The Waves?"Modern Fiction Studies,1992,38 (3):647.
    Patrick McGee, Telling the Other:The Question of Value in Modern and Postcolonial Writing, Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,1992, p.120.
    Laura Doyle, "Sublime Barbarians in the Narrative of Empire; or, Longinus at Sea in The Waves", Modern Fiction Studies,42:2 (1996:Summer):323.
    3 Jaime Hovey,'"Kissing a Negress in the Dark':Englishness as a Masquerade in Woolf's Orlando", PMLA, Vol.112, No.3 (May,1997):394.
    6 艾勒克·博埃默:《殖民与后殖民文学》,盛宁、韩敏中译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第162页。
    1 这一时期还出现了从后殖民视角研究伍尔夫的博士论文,比如:Nalini Iyer, Masked Fictions: English Women Writers and the Narrative of Empire. Purdue University,1993; Jaime E. Hovey, Imagining Lesbos:Identity and National Desire in Sapphic Modernism,1900-1930. The State University of New Jersey,1995; Lucia Thomas Olson, "This, This is England. But We Only Passed By":Reclamations and Subversions of English National Identity in Works by Woolf Waugh, Rhys and Naipaul. University of Illinois,1998.
    Sonita Sarker, "Locating a Native Englishness in Virginia Woolf's The London Scene," NWSA Journal,13,2001 (2), p.1.
    3 2000年以来出现了更多的从后殖民视角解读伍尔夫的博士论文,比如:Elizabeth Andersen, Excavating the Remains of Empire:War and Postimperial Trauma in the Twentieth-Century Novel. University of New Hempshire,2002; Ching-Fang Tseng, The Imperial Garden:Englishness and Domestic Space in Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing, and Tayeb Salih. University of Wisconsin-Madison,2003; Michelle Denise Auster, "England, My England":Re-imagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005; Charles Andrews, Modernism's National Scriptures:Nation, Religion, and Fantasy in the Novel, 1918-1932. Loyola University Chicago,2007; Scott Michael Stanfield, A Failure of the Imagination:The National Narrative of the First World War and its Representation in British Literature, University of California, Irvine,2010; Robert Lee Colson, Reimagined Communities: The Critique of Nationalism in Modernist and Postcolonial Narratives, Claremont Graduate University,2010.
    Susan Friedman, Mappings:Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,1998, p.119.
    1 Susan Friedman, Mappings:Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,1998, p.120.
    2 卡伦·劳伦斯(Karen Lawrence)在弗里德曼之前就注意到这个问题,但没有进行系统地阐释。劳伦斯以《远航》为例解读伍尔夫的“旅行”叙事,认为小说表达的悖论是:“驶出英国后,这些游客反而重新演绎了‘英格兰性’,而支撑这种‘英格兰性’的正是那种到远离祖国的地方寻找新殖民地的欲望。”Karen Lawrence, Penelope Voyages:Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition, Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,1994, p.157.
    David Adams, Colonial Odysseys:Empire and Epic in the Modernist Novel, Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press,2003, p.3.
    4 同上,第45页。
    5 Jessica Berman, "Modernism's Possible Geographies", in Laura Doyle & Laura Winkiel, eds., Geomodernisms:Race, Modernism, Modernity. Bloomington & Indianapolis:Indiana University Press,2005, p.296.
    6 Sonita Sarker, "Locating a Native Englishness in Virginia Woolf's The London Scene," NWSA Journal,13,2001 (2), p.1.
    1 Jane Marcus, Hearts of Darkness:White Women Write Race. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London:Rutgers University Press,2004, p.35.
    2 同上,第38页。
    3 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.18.
    4 同上,第244页。
    Laura Winkiel, Modernism, Race and Manifestos. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2008, p.192.
    6 同上,第193页。
    7 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.12.
    8 Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island:Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press,2004, p.17.
    1 Jeanette Mcvicker, "Postcolonial Approaches", in Anna Snaith, ed., Palgrave Advances in Virginia Wool/Studies, New York:Palgrave,2007, p.210.
    2 2005年,英国年度伍尔夫诞辰纪念演讲的题目是“弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫与帝国”。参见简·戈德曼(Jane Godman):《弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫剑桥导读》(The Cambridge Introduction to Virginia Woolf),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008年,第134页。2010年出版的《弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫剑桥》(The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf)第二版在第一版的基础上增加了“伍尔夫、帝国和种族”一章。
    3 许芳、蔡青:“伍尔夫《到灯塔去》的后殖民主义解读”,《外国语言文学研究》,2005年第2期,第75、70页。
    4 杨莉馨:“《远航》:向无限可能开放的旅程”,《外国文学评论》,2010年第4期,第107页。
    5 谢江南:“弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说中的大英帝国形象”,《外国文学研究》,2008年第2期,第77页。
    6 朱艳阳:“弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说中的双重语境”,《苏州大学学报》,2011年第1期,第 158页。
    1 吕洪灵:“双重的统治逻辑:《远航》中的自然与殖民”,《外语与外语教学》,2013年第2期,第84页。
    2 参见高奋、鲁彦:“近20年国内弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫研究述评”,《外国文学研究》,2004年第5期,第36页。
    1 高奋:“新中国六十年伍尔夫小说研究之考察与分析”,《浙江大学学报·人文社会科学版》,2011年第5期,第83-93页。
    2 吕洪灵、王秀红:“《夜与日》中空间、行动与自我的追寻”,《南京师范大学文学院学报》,2013年第2期,第125-131页。
    3 徐晗、吕洪灵:“弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫《岁月》对传统成长小说的继承与超越”,《南京师范大学文学院学报》,第127-132页。
    4 吕洪灵、徐晗:“《弗拉希:一条狗的传记》的故事空间与意义建构”,《外语研究》,2012年第4期,第97-102页。
    5 郑佰青:“‘一部早期的《奥兰多》’:论伍尔夫的新传记《友谊长廊》”,《国外文学》,2013年第1期,第109-116页。
    1 潘建的“对强制异性恋文化的反叛——论伍尔夫的女同性恋文学叙事”是近几年比较有特色的从性别角度解读伍尔夫的研究成果。作者以女同性恋文学为切入,分析伍尔夫女同性恋叙事的表现形式和深层原因,对深入研究伍尔夫的女性写作和女权主义思想具有启发意义。参见潘建:“对强制异性恋文化的反叛——论伍尔夫的女同性恋文学叙事,《外国文学研究》,2011年第2期,第60-68页。
    2 李博婷在研究中意识到种族因素在塑造伍尔夫女权思想中发挥的作用,分析了伍尔夫的女权立场对“犹太性”的利用。参见李博婷:“从女权思想看弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的犹太写作”,《山东外语教学》,2012年第5期,第77-83页。
    3 Jeanette Mcvicker, "Postcolonial Approaches", in Anna Snaith, ed., Palgrave Advances in Virginia Woolf Studies, New York:Palgrave,2007, p.219.
    1 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第426页。
    1 钱乘旦、许洁明:《英国通史》,上海:上海社会科学出版社,2007年,第19页。
    2 七国分别是:肯特、诺森布里亚、东盎格列亚、麦西亚、埃塞克斯、萨塞克斯和韦塞克斯。
    5 Anthony D. Smith, National Identity. Reno, Las Vegas & London:University of Nevada Press, 1991, p.14.
    1 钱乘旦、许洁明:《英国通史》,上海:上海社会科学出版社,2007年,第26页。
    2 阎照祥:《英国史》,北京:人民出版社,2003年,第60页。
    3 同上。
    4 阎照祥:《英国史》,北京:人民出版社,2003年,第126页。
    1 Krishan Kumar, The Making of English National Identity. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003, p.66.
    2 阎照祥:《英国史》,北京:人民出版社,2003年,第167页。
    3 钱乘旦、许洁明:《英国通史》,上海:上海社会科学出版社,2007年,第172页。
    4 阎照祥:《英国史》,北京:人民出版社,2003年,第225页。
    1 一组数据可以说明英帝国当时的强大:“1850年,英国生产了全世界金属制品、棉织品和铁产量的一半,煤产量的2/3。其他如造船业、铁路建筑都居世界首位。1860年,英国生产了世界工业产品的40%—50%,欧洲工业品的55%—60%。”阎照祥:《英国史》,北京:人民出版社,2003年,第296页。
    2 1870年,英帝国占世界工业总产值比重的32%,到1913年下降到14%;同期在世界贸易中的份额由22%降至15%。但同时,帝国的版图却在不断扩大,1877年,帝国的殖民地面积为2110万平方公里,人口为20350万人,到1900年增至2780万平方公里,人口达到35250万人,时至1913年,英国的殖民地面积相当于本土面积的100多倍。参见阎照祥:《英国史》,北京:人民出版社,2003年,第339、337页。
    3 钱乘旦、许洁明:《英国通史》,上海:上海社会科学出版社,2007年,第311页。
    1 王业昭:“英格兰民族的构建与民族特性的演变”,《世界民族》,2009年第3期,第45页。
    2 Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer. Bantam Books, p.9.
    3 Gillian Beer, "The Island and the Aeroplane:the case of Virginia Woolf", in Homi Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.269.
    1 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第426页。
    2 Krishan Kumar, The Making of English National Identity. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003, p.62.
    3 王逢振:“民族—国家”,《外国文学》,2010年第1期,第117页。
    4 陶家俊:《文化身份的嬗变:E.M.福斯特小说和思想研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年,第137页。
    5 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第9页。
    1 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第16页。
    1 阎照祥:《英国史》,北京:人民出版社,2003年,第140页。
    2 Simon Gikandi, Maps of Englishness:Writing Identity in the Culture of Colonialism. New York: Columbia University Press,1996, p.68.
    3 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第47页。
    4 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.22.
    5 参见Krishan Kumar, The Making of English National Identity. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003, p.146.
    1 Krishan Kumar, The Making of English National Identity. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003, p.193.
    2 同上,第179页。
    3 Robert J. C. Young, The Idea of English Ethnicity. Malden, Oxford & Victoria:Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2008, p.231.
    1 转引自Robert J. C. Young, The Idea of English Ethnicity. Malden, Oxford & Victoria: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2008, p.212.
    2 陶家俊:“身份认同导论”,《外国文学》,2004年第2期,第37页。
    3 转引自Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness,1900-1950:An introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge, p.98.
    4 艾勒克·博埃默:《殖民与后殖民文学》,盛宁、韩敏中译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第35页。
    1 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/3643826/Enoch-Powells-Rivers-of-Blood-speech.html
    2 参见Simon Gikandi, Maps of Englishness:Writing Identity in the Culture of Colonialism. New York:Columbia University Press,1996, p.71.
    3 Chi-Fang Tseng's Ph. D. Dissertation, The Imperial Garden:Englishness and Domestic Space in Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing, and Tayeb Salih. University of Wisconsin-Madison,2003, p.6.
    1 Paul Peppis, "Forster and England", in David Bradshaw, ed., The Cambridge Companion to E. M. Forster. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007, p.47.
    2 转引自Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness,1900-1950:An introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge, pp.41-42.
    3 转引自Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness,1900-1950:An introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge, p.46.
    4 转引自Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness,1900-1950:An introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge, p.33.
    3 http://jpkc.fudan.edu.cn/s/61/t/96/0e/26/info3622.htm
    1 参见岳峰:“旅行写作与身份认同:E.M.福斯特小说中‘联结’的最终尴尬”,《外国语文》,2009年第1期,第66页。
    1 福斯特:《看得见风景的房间》,巫漪云译,上海:上海译文出版社,2005年,第103页。
    2 同上,第78页。
    3 同上,第133-134页。
    4 岳峰:“旅行写作与身份认同:E.M.福斯特小说中‘联结’的最终尴尬”,《外国语文》,2009年第1期,第67页。
    1 岳峰:“旅行写作与身份认同:E.M.福斯特小说中‘联结’的最终尴尬”,《外国语文》,2009年第1期,第86页。
    2 佩平斯认为,莉莉娅的悲惨命运“是对摆脱‘英格兰性’这种做法的质疑,利用了英格兰人与外国人交往时的普遍焦虑”。参见Paul Peppis, "Forster and England", in David Bradshaw, ed., The Cambridge Companion to E. M. Forster. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007,p.50.本文的观点受此启发,同时又对其加以完善。莉莉娅的孩子虽然是意大利人,但正是因为这一点,他的死才更具象征意义,更能突出英格兰人对异己的戒备和排斥心理。
    3 福斯特:《天使不敢涉足的地方》,马爱农译,北京:人民文学出版社,2009年,第96、121页。
    4 福斯特:《天使不敢涉足的地方》,马爱农译,北京:人民文学出版社,2009年,第167页。
    1 Paul Peppis, "Forster and England", in David Bradshaw, ed., The Cambridge Companion to E. M. Forster. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007, p.50.
    2 福斯特:《天使不敢涉足的地方》,马爱农译,北京:人民文学出版社,2009年,第148页。
    3 参见岳峰:“旅行写作与身份认同:E.M.福斯特小说中‘联结’的最终尴尬”,《外国语文》,2009年第1期,第67页。
    1 岳峰:“旅行写作与身份认同:E.M.福斯特小说中‘联结’的最终尴尬”,《外国语文》,2009年第1期,第67页。
    2 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《论小说与小说家》,瞿世镜译,上海:上海译文出版社,2000年,第295页。
    3 19世纪40年代,随着社会矛盾的加剧,关注时事、反映社会问题(特别是阶级问题)的“英格兰状况”小说应运而生。20世纪初,威尔斯的《托诺·邦盖》(Tono-Bungay,1909)和高尔斯华绥的《友爱》(Fraternity,1909)重拾这种题材。20、30年代的经济大萧条见证了“英格兰状况”小说的繁荣。参见Chris Baldick, The Modern Movement. Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2007, p.180.
    4 福斯特:《霍华德庄园》,苏福忠译,北京:人民文学出版社,2009年,第111页。
    1 同上,第31页。
    2 David Galef, "Forster, Ford, and the New Novels of Manners", in John Richetti, ed., The Columbia History of the British Novel. Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2005, p.826.
    3 福斯特:《霍华德庄园》,苏福忠译,北京:人民文学出版社,2009年,第403页。
    4 E. M. Forster, Howards End. New York:Signet Classics,1998, p.23.
    5 同上,第24页。
    6 同上,第65、66页。
    7 E. M. Forster, Howards End. New York:Signet Classics,1998, p.163.
    1 福斯特:《霍华德庄园》,苏福忠译,北京:人民文学出版社,2009年,第70页。
    2 E. M. Forster, Howards End. New York:Signet Classics,1998, pp.152-153.
    3 福斯特:《霍华德庄园》,苏福忠译,北京:人民文学出版社,2009年,第26-27页。
    4 E. M. Forster, Howards End. New York:Signet Classics,1998, p.243.
    1 Petra Rau, English Modernism, National Identity and the Germans,1890-1950. London: Ashgate Publishing Limited,2009, p.10.
    1 E. M. Forster, Howards End. New York:Signet Classics,1998, p.178.
    2 参见David Galef, "Forster, Ford, and the New Novels of Manners", in John Richetti, ed., The Columbia History of the British Novel. Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2005, p.829.
    3 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第70页。
    4 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第147页。
    5 福斯特:《霍华德庄园》,苏福忠译,北京:人民文学出版社,2009年,第32页。
    1 E. M. Forster, Howards End. New York:Signet Classics,1998, p.114.
    2 关于19世纪中期之前英国文学印度书写的介绍,参见尹锡南:《英国文学中的印度》,成都:巴蜀书社,2008年,第16-22页。
    1 张中载:“《印度之行》不和谐的双声:反殖民主义与殖民主义话语”,《外国文学》,2000年第3期,第42-43页。
    2 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第42页。
    3 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第52页。
    4 杨汩、朱望:“论《印度之行》的反欧洲民族中心主义观”,《国外文学》,1998年第3期, 第39页。
    1 张中载:“《印度之行》不和谐的双声:反殖民主义与殖民主义话语”,《外国文学》,2000年第3期,第43页。
    2 陶家俊:《文化身份的嬗变:E.M.福斯特小说和思想研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年,第133页。
    3 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第237页。
    4 陶家俊:“启蒙理性的黑色絮语:从《印度之行》论后殖民知识分子的民族—国家意识”《解放军外国语学院学报》,2003年第3期,第87页。
    1 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第139页。
    2 同上,第229页。
    3 同上,第286页。
    4 同上,第288页。
    5 E. M. Forster, A Passage to India. Penguin Books,2005, p.306.
    1 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第72页。
    2 同上,第119页。
    3 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第286页。
    4 Sara Suleri, "The Geography of A Passage to India", in Harold Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views:E. M. Forster. New York:Chelsea House Publishers,1987, p.170.
    5 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第3-4页。
    1 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第51页。
    2 同上,第249-250页。
    3 Amar Acheraiou, Rethinking Postcolonialism:Colonialist Discourse in Modern Literatures and the Legacy of Classical Writers. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.5.
    4 艾勒克·博埃默:《殖民与后殖民文学》,盛宁、韩敏中译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第172页。
    5 陶家俊:《文化身份的嬗变:E.M.福斯特小说和思想研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年,第146页。
    6 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第189页。
    1 Peter Morey, "Postcolonial Forster", in David Bradshaw, ed., The Cambridge Companion to E. M. Forster. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007, p.265.
    2 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第21页。
    3 同上,第160页。
    4 陶家俊:《文化身份的嬗变:E.M.福斯特小说和思想研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年,第141页。
    5 福斯特:《印度之行》,杨自俭译,南京:译林出版社,2008年,第111页。
    6 同上,第126页。
    7 李建波:“跨文化障碍的系统研究:福斯特国际小说的文化解读”,《外国文学评论》,2000年第4期,第123页。
    1 侯维瑞:《现代英国小说史》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1985年,第157-158页。
    2 参见Randall Stevenson,'"Forster and Modernism", in David Bradshaw, ed., The Cambridge Companion to E. M. Forster. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007, pp.219-220.
    3 Roger Ebbatson, An Imaginary England:Nation, Landscape and Literature,1840-1920. London: Ashgate,2005, p.192.
    4 转引自Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness 1900-1950:an introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge,1995, p.32.
    5 Charles Andrews'Ph. D. Dissertation, Modernism's National Scriptures:Nation, Religion, and Fantasy in the Novel,1918-1932. Loyola University Chicago,2007, p.92.
    1 劳伦斯:《虹》,黄雨石译,上海:上海译文出版社,2011年,第362页。
    2 同上,第546页。
    3 D. H. Lawrence, Women in Love. Wordsworth Editions Limited,1999, p.346.
    4 同上,第345页。
    5 劳伦斯:《查泰莱夫人的情人》,黑马译,北京:中央编译出版社,2010年,第161页。
    1 Charles Andrews'Ph. D. Dissertation, Modernism's National Scriptures:Nation, Religion, and Fantasy in the Novel,1918-1932. Loyola University Chicago,2007, p.94.
    David Gervais, Literary Englands:Versions of "Englishness " in Modern Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1993, p.84.
    3 刘洪涛:《劳伦斯小说与现代主义文化政治》,台北:威秀资讯科技股份有限公司,2007年,第273-274页。
    4 分别是:《意大利的曙光》(Twilight in Italy,1916)、《大海与撒丁岛》(Sea and Sardinia,1921)和《伊特拉斯坎概览》(Sketches of Etruscan,1932)。
    1 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.62.
    2 D. H. Lawrence, The Lost Girl. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1981, p.279.
    1 劳伦斯:《阿伦的杖杆》,徐明译,济南:山东文艺出版社,2010年,第185页。
    2 Bridget Chalk,'"I Am Not England':Narrative and National Identity in Aaron's Rod and Sea and Sardinia," Journal of Modern Literature,31,2008 (4), p.61.
    Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.62.
    Ronald Granofsky,'"Jews of the Wrong Sort':D. H. Lawrence and Race," Journal of Modern Literature,23,1999-2000 (2), p.210.
    1 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.15.
    2 劳伦斯:《误入歧途的女人》,赵小鹏译,济南:山东文艺出版社,2010年,第195页。
    3 D. H. Lawrence, The Lost Girl. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1981, p.305.
    4 同上,第314页。着重号为笔者加。
    5 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.73.
    0 D. H. Lawrence, The Lost Girl. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1981, p.316.
    1 D. H. Lawrence, The Lost Girl. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1981, pp.324-25.
    1 劳伦斯:《阿伦的杖杆》,徐明译,济南:山东文艺出版社,2010年,第195页。
    2 同上,第197页。
    3 同上,第277页。
    4 同上,第151页。
    5 同上,第254-255页。
    6 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.78.
    7 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.80.
    1 劳伦斯:《阿伦的杖杆》,徐明译,济南:山东文艺出版社,2010年,第17页。
    2 同上,第19页。
    3 同上,第170页。
    4 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership " Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.84.
    5 Neil Roberts, D. H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference. New York:Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, p.37.
    6 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership " Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.63.
    7 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and
    "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.70.
    1 D. H. Lawrence, Kangaroo. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.259.
    2 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England, My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, p.91.
    3 艾勒克·博埃默:《殖民与后殖民文学》,盛宁、韩敏中译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第91-92页。
    1 D. H. Lawrence, Kangaroo. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.64.
    2 同上,第75页。
    3 同上,第14、143、77页。
    4 Neil Roberts, D. H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference. New York:Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, p.73.
    5 转引自Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.89.
    1 D. H. Lawrence, Kangaroo. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.90.
    3 D. H. Lawrence, Kangaroo. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.27.
    2 同上,第20页。
    4 D. H. Lawrence, Kangaroo. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.345.
    5 Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence's Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.92.
    1 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England, My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, p.112.
    1 Neil Roberts, D. H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference. New York:Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, p.2.
    3 转引自Neil Roberts, D. H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2004, p.2.
    1 D. H. Lawrence, The Plumed Serpent. Wordsworth Editions Limited,2009, p.16.
    2 同上,第133页。
    3 艾勒克·博埃默:《殖民与后殖民文学》,盛宁、韩敏中译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第166-167页。
    4 D. H. Lawrence, The Plumed Serpent. Wordsworth Editions Limited,2009, pp.377-378.
    1 同上,第378页。
    2 转引自Edina Pereira Crunfli, "Representing the'Primitive'in Mexico:Lawrence's Endeavor in The Plumed Serpent", in Virginia Crosswhite Hyde & Earl G. Ingersoll, eds., "Terra Incognita": D. H. Lawrence at the Frontiers. Madison & Teaneck:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,2010, p.61.
    3 D. H. Lawrence, The Plumed Serpent. Wordsworth Editions Limited,2009, p.104.
    1 D. H. Lawrence, The Plumed Serpent. Wordsworth Editions Limited,2009, p.391.
    2 Charles Andrews'Ph. D. Dissertation, Modernism's National Scriptures:Nation, Religion, and Fantasy in the Novel,1918-1932. Loyola University Chicago,2007, p.122.
    3 转引自Eunyoung Oh, D. H. Lawrence s Border Crossing:Colonialism in His Travel Writings and "Leadership" Novels. New York & London:Routledge,2007, p.124.
    Hugh Stevens, "Sex and the nation:'The Prussian Officer'and Women in Love", in Anne Fernihough, ed., The Cambridge Companion to D. H. Lawrence. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2003, p.50.
    5 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England, My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, pp.120-121.
    1 Edina Pereira Crunfli, "Representing the'Primitive'in Mexico:Lawrence's Endeavor in The Plumed Serpent", in Virginia Crosswhite Hyde & Earl G. Ingersoll, eds., "Terra Incognita ":D. H. Lawrence at the Frontiers. Madison & Teaneck:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,2010, pp. 68-69.
    2 Howard J. Booth, "Lawrence in Doubt:A Theory of the'Other'and its Collapse", in Howard J. Booth & Nigel Rigby, eds., Modernism and Empire. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2000, p.218.
    3 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第267页。
    4 转引自Patrick Williams, "'Simultaneous Uncontemporaneities':Theorising Modernism and Empire", in Howard J. Booth & Nigel Rigby, eds., Modernism and Empire. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2000, p.17.
    1 Michael Valdez Moses, "Disorientalism:Conrad and the Imperial Origins of Modernist Aesthetics", in Richard Begam & Michael Valdez Moses, eds., Modernism and Colonialism: British and Irish Literature,1899-1939, Durhan & London:Duke University Press,2007, p.56.
    1 Alex Zwerdling, Virginia Woolf and the Real World. Berkeley & Los Angeles:University of California Press,1986, p.36.
    2 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.33.
    1 Peter Childs, Modernism and the Post-Colonial:Literature and Empire 1885-1930. London: Continuum,2007, p.63.
    2 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England. My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, p.16.
    1 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《论小说与小说家》,瞿世镜译,上海:译文出版社,2000年,第174页。
    2 同上,第238页。
    3 Jed Esty, "The British Empire and the English Modernist Novel", in Robert L. Caserio, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Twentieth-Century English Novel. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.23.
    4 参见杨莉馨:“《远航》:向无限可能开放的旅程”,《外国文学评论》,2010年第4期,第102页。
    5 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第68-69页。
    1 Mary Louise Pratt, Imperial Eyes:Travel Writing and Transculturation. London & New York: Routledge,2008, p.4.
    2 杨金才:“英美旅行文学与东方主义”,《外语与外语教学》,2011年第1期,第79页。
    3 Julia M. Rawa's Ph. D. Dissertation, The Imperial Quest and Modern Memory. University of South Florida,2003, p.43.
    David Adams, Colonial Odysseys:Empire and Epic in the Modernist Novel. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press,2003, p.1.
    5 Karen R. Lawrence, Penelope Voyages:Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press, pp.173-174.
    1 转引自Mark Wollaeger, Modernism, Media, and Propaganda:British Narrative Form, 1900-1945. Princeton & Oxford:Princeton University Press,2006, p.106.
    2 参见Jed Esty, "Virginia Woolf s Colony and the Adolescence of Modernist Fiction", in Richard Begam & Michael Valdez Moses, eds., Modernism and Colonialism:British and Irish Literature, 1899-1939. Durhan & London:Duke University Press,2007, p.71.
    Jed Esty, "Virginia Woolf's Colony and the Adolescence of Modernist Fiction", in Richard Begam & Michael Valdez Moses, eds., Modernism and Colonialism:British and Irish Literature, 1899-1939. Durhan & London:Duke University Press,2007, p.77.
    Simon Gikandi, Maps of Englishness:Writing Identity in the Culture of Colonialism. New York: Columbia University Press,1996, p.89.
    1 Rod Edmond, "Home and Away:Degeneration in Imperialist and Modernist Discourse", in Howard J. Booth & Nigel Rigby, eds., Modernism and Empire. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press,2000, p.56.
    2 Andrea Lewis's Ph. D. Dissertation, Empire, Gender, and the Politics of Display: Twentieth-Century British Women Writers. The Pennsylvania State University,1995, p.32.
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.80.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.80.
    2 Fredrick P. W. McDowell,'"Surely Oder Did Prevail':Virginia Woolf and The Voyage Out", in Ralph Freedman, ed., Virginia Woolf:Revaluation and Continuity. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London:University of California Press,1980, p.74.
    3 Karen R. Lawrence, Penelope Voyages:Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,1994, p.160.
    4 Mary Louise Pratt, Imperial Eyes:Travel Writing and Transculturation. London & New York: Routledge,2008, p.197.
    1 转引自Mary Louise Pratt, Imperial Eyes:Travel Writing and Transculturation. London & New York:Routledge,2008, pp.197-198.
    2 Mary Louise Pratt, Imperial Eyes:Travel Writing and Transculturation. London & New York: Routledge,2008, p.200.
    3 同上,第201页。
    4 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第152页。
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.79.着重号为笔者加。
    2 Mary Louise Pratt, Imperial Eyes:Travel Writing and Transculturation. London & New York: Routledge,2008, p.200.
    3 杨金才:“英美旅行文学与东方主义”,《外语与外语教学》,2011年第1期,第82页。
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.82.
    2 同上,第100页。
    3 同上,第110页。
    4 Terry Eagleton, The English Novel. Malden, Oxford & Victoria:Blackwell Publishing Ltd., p. 321.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.214.
    2 同上,第134-135页。
    3 同上,第208页。
    4 Simon Gikandi, Maps of Englishness:Writing Identity in the Culture of Colonialism. New York: Columbia University Press,1996, p.90.
    5 Karen R. Lawrence, Penelope Voyages:Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,1994, p.157.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.124.
    2 同上,第222页。着重号为笔者加,下同。
    3 同上,第246页。
    4 同上,第250页。
    5 同上,第269页。
    6 同上。
    7 Andrea Lewis's Ph. D. Dissertation, Empire, Gender, and the Politics of Display: Twentieth-Century British Women Writers. The Pennsylvania State University,1995, p.63.
    8 David Spurr, The Rhetoric of Empire:Colonial Discourse in Journalism, Travel Writing, and Imperial Administration. Durhan & London:Duke University Press,1993, p.19.
    Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.89.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.256.
    1 Julia Briggs, Reading Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh University Press,2006, p.198.
    2 转引自Kanren R. Lawrence, Penelope Voyages:Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,1994, p.183.
    1 转引自Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell
    2 转引自Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.176. University Press,2010, p.173.着重号为笔者加。
    3 Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.170.
    4 Kanren R. Lawrence, Penelope Voyages:Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press.1994.p.183.
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol.3:1923-1928. Eds. Nigel Nicolson & Joanne Trautmann. New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1977, p.291.
    1 同上,第238页。
    2 转引自Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.171.
    3 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第268页。
    Robin Hackett, Sapphic Primitivism:Productions of Race, Class, and Sexuality in Key Works of Modern Fiction. New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London:Rutgers University Press,2004, p.7.
    5 现实中的维塔有一定的双性恋倾向,加之她与伍尔夫的同性恋人关系,所以《奥兰多》中的性别身份一直是评论界津津乐道的话题。一个比较有代表性的观点是:“在《奥兰多》中,男女关系主要存在于人物内部。这部小说是关于女性特质和男性特质在同一个人物身上的共存,同时也关涉它们如何改变和影响男女人际关系。总之,这本书讲述的是双性同体和女同性恋,就像维塔,而不是弗吉尼亚本人所表现的那样。”Jean O. Love, "Orlando and Its Genesis: Venturing and Experimenting in Art, Love, and Sex", in Ralph Freedman, ed., Virginia Woolf: Revaluation and Continuity. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London:University of California Press, 1980, p.191.
    0 Jaime Hovey,'"Kissing a Negress in the Dark':Englishness as a Masquerade in Woolf's Orlando,"PMLA, Vol.112, No.3 (May,1997), p.394.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.5.
    2 同上,第6页。
    3 Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.168.
    4 参见Sara Marie Stefani's Ph.D. Dissertation, Constructing the Other:Defining the Nation and Defining the Self in Early Soviet and British Modernist Prose. Yale University,2008, pp.26-31.
    1 Sara Marie Stefani's Ph.D. Dissertation, Constructing the Other:Defining the Nation and Defining the Self in Early Soviet and British Modernist Prose. Yale University,2008, p6, p.37.
    2 Homi K. Bhabha, The Location of Culture. London & New York:Routledge,1994, p.66.
    3 Sara Marie Stefani's Ph.D. Dissertation, Constructing the Other:Defining the Nation and Defining the Self in Early Soviet and British Modernist Prose. Yale University,2008, p.9.
    4 有论者认为,伍尔夫的小说具有陀思妥耶夫斯基小说的多声部特征,她在巴赫金对陀思妥耶夫斯基的诗学问题进行研究之前就已经注意到这一点。参见Sara Marie Stefani's Ph.D. Dissertation, Constructing the Other:Defining the Nation and Defining the Self in Early Soviet and British Modernist Prose. Yale University,2008, p.9.
    5 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《论小说与小说家》,瞿世镜译,上海:译文出版社,2000年,第245页。
    2 Sara Marie Stefani's Ph.D. Dissertation, Constructing the Other:Defining the Nation and Defining the Self in Early Soviet and British Modernist Prose. Yale University,2008, pp.4-5.
    3 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《论小说与小说家》,瞿世镜译,上海:译文出版社,2000年,第240页。
    4 Sara Marie Stefani's Ph.D. Dissertation, Constructing the Other:Defining the Nation and Defining the Self in Early Soviet and British Modernist Prose. Yale University,2008, p.76.
    5 同上,第77页。
    6 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.22.
    4 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第49页。
    1 Virginia Woolf, A Passionate Apprentice:The Early Journals 1897-1909. Ed. Mitchell A. Leaska. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1990, p.347.
    2 同上,第348页。
    3 Anne Maxwell, "Encountering the Cultural Other:Virginia Woolf in Constantinople and Katherine Mansfield in the Ureweras," ARIEL:A Review of International English Literature, Vol. 38, No.2-3 (2007), p.22.
    4 Virginia Woolf, A Passionate Apprentice:The Early Journals 1897-1909. Ed. Mitchell A. Leaska. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1990, p.349.
    5 同上,第352页。
    2 Virginia Woolf, A Passionate Apprentice:The Early Journals 1897-1909. Ed. Mitchell A. Leaska. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1990, p.349.
    3 同上,第352页。
    4 同上,第354页。
    5 同上,第357页。
    6 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第136页。
    7 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第10页。
    8 Virginia Woolf, A Passionate Apprentice:The Early Journals 1897-1909. Ed. Mitchell A. Leaska. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1990, p.352.
    1 Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.140.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.59.
    3 同上,第59页。
    4 同上,第58页。
    5 Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.169.
    6 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.61.
    2 Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.184.
    3 Karen Kaivola, "Revisiting Woolf s Representations of Androgyny:Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Nation," Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, Vol.18, No.2 (Autumen,1999), p.249.
    4 Kirstie Blair, "Gypsies and Lesbian Desire:Vita Sackville-West, Violet Trefusis, and Virginia Woolf," Twentieth Century Literature, Vol.50, No.2 (Summer,2004), p.142.
    5 Julia Briggs, Reading Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2006, p.157.
    1 Kirstie Blair, "Gypsies and Lesbian Desire:Vita Sackville-West, Violet Trefusis, and Virginia Woolf," Twentieth Century Literature, Vol.50, No.2 (Summer,2004), p.143.
    2 同上,第146页。
    3 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.70.
    4 同上,第71页。
    5 同上,第72页。
    6 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.73.
    2 Homi K. Bhabha, "DissemiNation:time, narrative, and the margins of the modern nation," in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.295.
    3 Lucia Thomas Olson's Ph. D. Dissertation, "This, This is England. But We Only Passed By": Reclamations and Subversions of English National Identity in Works by Woolf, Waugh, Rhys and Naipaul. University of Illinois,1998, p.107.
    4 Homi K. Bhabha, "DissemiNation:time, narrative, and the margins of the modern nation," in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.319.
    5 Karen R. Lawrence, Penelope Voyages:Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition, Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,1994, p.202.
    2 Ching-Fang Tseng'Ph. D. Dissertation, The Imperial Garden:Englishness and Domestic Space in Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing, and Tayeb Salih. University of Wiscosin-Madison,2003, p.66.
    3 《远航》和《奥兰多》都是对文学创作民族身份认同功能的文学表述。这在《奥兰多》中表现得更加明显。小说通过将奥兰多的成长与英国文学传统的演变并置,突出英国文学承载和刻写英国历史文化记忆的功能。这与当时英格兰的社会文化语境密切相关。进入20世纪,英语在弥合英格兰社会内部阶级和文化裂痕方面的作用越来越受重视。纽波特(Henry Newbolt)在《英格兰的英语教学》(The Teaching of English in England,1921)中指出,对英语语言和文学的热爱“将会实现阶级间的融合,产生一种正确的民族自豪感”。Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness 1900-1950:An introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge,1995, p.154.还可参见Brian Doyle, "The Invention of English", in Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture 1880-1920. London, Sydney, Dover & New Hampshire:Croom Helm,1986, pp.89-111.
    4 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.148.
    3 Lucia Thomas Olson's Ph. D. Dissertation, "This, This is England. But We Only Passed By": Reclamations and Subversions of English National Identity in Works by Woolf, Waugh, Rhys and Naipaul. University of Illinois,1998, p.45.
    6 Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.177.
    1 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.145.伍尔夫本人虽没有直接经历英土两国的冲突,但还是通过阅读对此有大致的了解。维塔的丈夫哈罗德·尼克尔森曾作为英方代表参与解决一战后的土耳其政治危机,并于日后出版回忆录《一些人》(Some People,1927),用文字再现了这段经历。伍尔夫于1927年9月在《纽约先驱论坛报》上为其撰写书评。尼克尔森融传记和自传、事实和虚构于一体的写作手法倍受伍尔夫的赞许,成为她创作《奥兰多》的灵感来源之一。参见Julia Briggs, Reading Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,2006, pp.158-160.
    2 David Adams, Colonial Odysseys:Empire and Epic in the Modernist Novel. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press,2003, p.45.
    3 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第103页。
    4 Jed Esty, "The British Empire and the English Modernist Novel", in Robert L. Caserio, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Twentieth-Century English Novel. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.31.
    5 Alexandra Peat, Travel and Modernist Literature:Sacred and Ethical Journeys. New York & London:Routledge,2011, p.3.
    1 艾勒克·博埃默:《殖民与后殖民文学》,盛宁、韩敏中译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第34页。
    2 Richard Begam & Michael Valdez Moses, "Introduction," in Richard Begam & Michael Valdez Moses, eds., Modernism and Colonialism:British and Irish Literature,1899-1939. Durhan & London:Duke University Press,2007, p.2.
    1 谢江南:“弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说中的大英帝国形象”,《外国文学研究》,2008年第2期,第77页。
    2 同上,第78页。
    3 Peter F. Alexander, Leonard and Virginia Woolf:A Literary Partnership. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo & Singapore:Harvester Wheatsheaf,1992, p.52.
    4 Susan Stanford Friedman, Mappings:Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter Princeton:Princeton University Press,1998, p.119.
    1 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《伦敦风景》,宋德利译,南京:译林出版社,2010年,第5页。
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol.6:1936-1941. Eds. Nigel Nicolson & Joanne Trautmann. New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1980, p.460.
    5 Malcolm Bradbury, "The Cities of Modernism," in Malcolm Bradbury & James McFarlane, eds., Modernism:A Guide to European Literature,1980-1930. London:Penguin Books,1991, p.96.
    1 Elleke Boehmer, Empire, the National, and the Postcolonial,1890-1920:Resisitance in Literature. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2002, p.170.
    2 Celena E. Kusch, "Disorienting Modernism:National Boundaries and the Cosmopolis," Journal of Modern Literature, Vol.30, No.4 (Summer,2007), p.39.
    3 Fredric Jameson, "Modernism and Imperialism," in Terry Eagleton, Fredric Jameson & Edward Said, Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature. Minneapolis & London:University of Minnesota Press,1990, pp.50-51.
    4 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第104页。
    6 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.91.
    1 Peter J. Kalliney, Cities of Affluence and Anger:A Literary Geography of Modern Englishness. Charlottesville & London:University of Virginia Press,2006, p.34.
    2 李维屏、张定铨等著:《英国文学思想史》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2012年,第558页。
    3 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.23.
    4 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.24.
    5 同上,第27页。英国皇室在定义英国民族身份方面发挥重要作用,其象征力量是激发民众爱国热情,增强民族凝聚力的重要因素,特别是在公共场合举行的各类皇家庆典和仪式,更能体现皇室对于促进民族认同所具有的价值。“君主在公共场合举行活动,民众通过自愿 和积极参与确保君主在国家中的主导地位,同时赋予国家以价值。”Paul Ward, Britishness since 1870. London & New York:Routledge,2004, p.18.《达洛维夫人》中的这个场景很好地说明了皇室对英格兰民众的整合力和象征意义。
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.84.着重号为笔者加。
    2 同上,第85页。着重号为笔者加。
    3 J. Hillis Miller, "Mrs. Dalloway:Repetition as the Raising of the Dead", in Harold Bloom, ed., Virginia Woolf. New York & Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986, p.172.
    3 J. Hillis Miller, "Mrs. Dalloway. Repetition as the Raising of the Dead", in Harold Bloom, ed., Virginia Woolf. New York & Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,1986, p.173.着重号为笔者加。
    4 同上。
    5 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.11.着重号为笔者加。
    6 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.28.这两个例子也是米勒在他的文章中用到的。本文调整了第二个例子的内容。
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.2:1920-1924. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1980, p.263.
    Gillian Beer, Virginia Woolf:The Common Ground. Edingburgh:Edingburgh University Press, 1996,54.
    3 Hsu Jen-Yi's Ph. D. Dissertation, Melancholic Flaneries:Urban Images and Utopian Imagination in the Works of Charles Baudelaire, Virginia Woolf, Zhu Tianxin, and Tsai Ming-Liang. New Brunswick:The State University of New Jersey,2005, p.113.
    4 Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities:Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London:Verso,1983, p.15.
    5 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England, My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, p.60.
    1 魏小梅:“都市、心灵、阶层:《达洛维夫人》中的伦敦”,《国外文学》,2012年第1期,第97页。
    2 德里克·肯因:“城市与帝国”,载孙逊、杨剑龙主编:《都市、帝国与先知》,上海:上海三联书店,2006年,第72页。
    3 迈克·克朗:《文化地理学》,杨淑华、宋慧敏译,南京:南京大学出版社,2005年,第50页。
    4 Susan Stanford Friedman, Mappings:Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1998, p.119.
    5 Susan Stanford Friedman, Mappings:Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter Princeton:Princeton University Press,1998, p.120.
    1 Elizabeth Clea Lamont, "Moving Tropes:New Modernist Travels with Virginia Woolf", Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, No.21, (2001), pp.161-62.
    1 Steve Attridge, Nationalism, Imperialism and Identity in Late Victorian Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2003, p.140.
    2 Ralph J. Crane, Inventing India:A History of India in English-Language Fiction. London: Macmillan Academic and Professional, Ltd.,1992, p.3.
    3 同上,第4页。
    Rosemary Marangoly George, The Politics of Home:Postcolonial Relocations and Twentieth-Century Fiction. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996, p.2.
    5 Amy Kaplan, The Anarchy of Empire in the Making of U. S. Culture. Cambridge, Massachusetts 6 London:Harvard University Press,2002, p.3.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.9.
    2 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England, My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, p.60.
    3 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.63.
    4 同上,第71页。
    5 同上,第92页。
    6 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.226.
    7 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.92.
    1 Catherine Hall & Sonya O. Rose, "Introduction:Being at Home with the Empire", in Catherine Hall & Sonya Rose, eds., At Home with the Empire:Metropolitan Culture and the Imperial World. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2006, p.25.
    2 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,2007年,第119页。
    3 Benita Parry, Delusions and Discoveries:Studies on India in the British Imagination 1880-1930. London:Verso,1998, p.30.
    4 同上。
    5 参见Benita Parry, Delusions and Discoveries:Studies on India in the British Imagination 1880-1930. London:Verso,1998, p.42.
    6 Benita Parry, Delusions and Discoveries:Studies on India in the British Imagination 1880-1930 London:Verso,1998, p.44.
    1 转引自Benita Parry, Delusions and Discoveries:Studies on India in the British Imagination 1880-1930. London:Verso,1998, p.45.
    2 转引自Benita Parry, Delusions and Discoveries:Studies on India in the British Imagination 1880-1930. London:Verso,1998, pp.45-46.
    3 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England, My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, p.36.
    1 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第102页。
    2 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.141.着重号为笔者加。1763年,英法“七年战争”以法国的战败而告终,同年签订的《巴黎和约》使加拿大成为英属殖民地。1867年,加拿大联邦成立,成为英国最早的自治领。1931年,英国国会通过《威斯敏斯特法案》,进一步明确了加拿大的自主权和平等地位,为其自治领身份提供了法理依据。20世纪20年代是英加关系的敏感期,虽然大英帝国的衰落加速了加拿大的独立进程,但加拿大在政治、经济、文化等方面对帝国仍有很强的依赖性,离真正意义上的独立尚有一段距离。20年代的加拿大政客认为,加拿大“作为伟大皇权的一部分而不是在陌生的北半球与美国北部隔离的前殖民地,会在国际上有更大的发言权”。罗伯特·博斯韦尔:《加拿大史》,裴乃循等译,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2012年,第279页。《达洛维夫人》中的这一细节正是对当时宗主国和殖民附属国这种权力关系的描述。
    3 萨义德:《文化与帝国主义》,李琨译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第98页。
    4 艾勒克·博埃默:《殖民与后殖民文学》,盛宁、韩敏中译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第162页。
    1 Petra Rau, English Modernism, National Identity and the Germans,1890-1950. London: Ashgate Publishing Limited,2009, p.10.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.161.
    3 同上,第14-15页。
    4 同上,第15页。
    5 19世纪末,德国完成工业革命,经济实力大增,与其它主要资本主义国家实力的对比发生明显变化。1900年,英国和德国占世界工业生产的比重分别为18%和16%;10年后1910年,德国已经赶超英国,上升到16%,英国则为14%,德国已经成为世界第二大经济体。在贸易份额方面,德国也紧追世界贸易霸主英国。1913年,英国占15%,德国占13%,德国是世界第二大贸易国。经济实力的激增,加之国内军国主义和民族沙文主义的煽动,德国迅速走上了对外扩张的道路,与英法等传统殖民强国分庭抗礼。参见丁建弘:《德国通史》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,2012年,第272-282页。
    1 Petra Rau, English Modernism, National Identity and the Germans,1890-1950. London: Ashgate Publishing Limited,2009, p.129.
    2 Mary C. Madden's Ph. D. Dissertation, Virginia Woolf and the Persistent Question of Class: The Protean Nature of Class and Self. University of South Florida,2006, p.192.
    3 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.162.
    4 同上,第168页。
    5 同上,第169页。
    6 同上。
    7 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.163.
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol.1:1888-1912. Eds. Nigel Nicolson & Joanne Trautmann. New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1975, p.403.
    4 Petra Rau, English Modernism, National Identity and the Germans,1890-1950. London: Ashgate Publishing Limited,2009, p.131.
    1 尹星:“作为城市漫步者的伍尔夫——街道、商品与现代性”,《外国文学》,2012年第6期,第129页。
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.118.
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.68.
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.175.
    2 Michelle Denise Auster's Ph. D. Dissertation, "England, My England":Reimagining Englishness in Modernist and Contemporary Novels. Stony Brook University,2005, p.34.
    4 James Naremore, "Nature and History in'The Years'", in Harold Bloom, ed., Virginia Woolf. New York & Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publisher,1986, p.245.
    Charles Andrews'Ph. D. Dissertation, Modernism's National Scriptures:Nation, Religion, and Fantasy in the Novel,1918-1932. Chicago:Loyola University Chicago,2007, p.178.
    1 参见罗伯特·基:《爱尔兰史》,潘兴明译,上海:东方出版中心,2010年,第2-8页。
    2 罗伯特·基:《爱尔兰史》,潘兴明译,上海:东方出版中心,2010年,第130页。
    3 同上,第132页。
    4 同上,第139页。
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.17.
    1 Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism. New York:Vintage Books,1994, p.51.
    2 Suzanne Lynch, "Virginia Woolf and Ireland:The Significance of Patrick in The Years", in Anna Snaith & Michael H. Whitworth, eds., Locating Woolf:The Politics of Space and Place. New York: Macmillan,2007, p.123.
    3 Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities:Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London:Verso,1983, p.40.
    4 Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities:Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London:Verso,1983, p.39.
    3 在《远航》中,到南美度假的英格兰游客也是整日报不离手,经常聚在一起谈论在《泰晤士报》上看到的新闻,由此体现出他们的相互关联,强化作为英格兰人的身份感。而在这些新闻中,恰好也有关于爱尔兰局势的报道。比如,索恩伯里先生在一个版面上读到:“三个礼拜前,爱尔兰议员在威斯敏斯特就海军效率问题争论不休。”Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.103.
    4 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.82.
    5 同上,第82-83页。
    6 同上,第84页。
    7 Suzanne Lynch, "Virginia Woolf and Ireland:The Significance of Patrick in The Years", in Anna Snaith & Michael H. Whitworth, eds., Locating Woolf:The Politics of Space and Place. New York: Macmillan,2007, p.121.帕内尔的死讯不仅影响了帕吉特上校一家,也将整个帕吉特家族关联在一起。得知帕内尔的死讯后,帕吉特上校去弟弟迪格比家串门,而迪格比也已经知道这个消息了。参见Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.91.
    1 Suzanne Lynch, "Virginia Woolf and Ireland:The Significance of Patrick in The Years", in Anna Snaith & Michael H. Whitworth, eds., Locating Woolf:The Politics of Space and Place. New York: Macmillan,2007, p.127.
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.84.
    3 Suzanne Lynch, "Virginia Woolf and Ireland:The Significance of Patrick in The Years", in Anna Snaith & Michael H. Whitworth, eds., Locating Woolf:The Politics of Space and Place. New York: Macmillan.2007. pp.122-123.
    4 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books.1998.p.87.
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.183.
    1 参见罗伯特·基:《爱尔兰史》,潘兴明译,上海:东方出版中心,2010年,第7-9页。
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.2:1920-1924. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1980, pp.72-73.麦克斯威尼(Terence McSwiney,1879-1920)是爱尔兰第二大城市科克市市长,在伦敦监狱绝食73天后于1920年10月25日去世,引起轰动。此处的罢工是指1920年10月18日英国矿工要求加薪发起的罢工。
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.2:1920-1924. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1980, p.100, p.122.
    4 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.292.
    1 1916年的都柏林起义和1922年的爱尔兰内战是比较典型的例子,其中的一些细节很能说明问题。都柏林起义爆发后,英军赶来增援,当他们往城里进发时,“他们遇到的第一件意想不到的事情,就是好几十个爱尔兰妇女给他们送来了茶、甜饼和饼干”。内战中,爱尔兰民族独立运动领袖迈克尔·柯林斯被射杀后,“有一个都柏林妇女,她在一年前曾情愿为柯林斯献出自己的生命,但在事发的第二天看到报上的这则新闻时两眼放光,高声喊道:‘这消息不是太棒了吗?’”。罗伯特·基:《爱尔兰史》,潘兴明译,上海:东方出版中心,2010年,第195、233页。
    2 伍尔夫曾经在爱尔兰碰到一对爱尔兰夫妇,丈夫对她说:“‘我爱我的国王和王公们。不管他们让我做什么,我都乐意效劳’……‘没错,我们相信大英帝国;我们恨德瓦莱拉那个疯子。’”Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.4:1931-1935. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1982, p.211.显然,这个现实中的爱尔兰人正是伍尔夫塑造帕特里克的灵感来源。德瓦莱拉(Emaonn de Valera,1882-1975):爱尔兰共和党领袖,1932至1937年任爱尔兰自由邦行政委员会主席。
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.4:1931-1935. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1982, p.210, p.216.
    1 同上,第215页。西肯辛顿(West Kensington)是伦敦的高档社区;圣斯蒂芬格林公园(St. Stephen's Green)和梅里恩广场(Merrion Square)是都柏林的重要公共建筑;林肯律师学院广场(Lincoln'Inn Fields)和贝德福德广场(Bedford Square)是伦敦的著名广场,前者是伦敦最大的公共广场。
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.4:1931-1935. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1982, p.215.
    3 Suzanne Lynch, "Virginia Woolf and Ireland:The Significance of Patrick in The Years", in Anna Snaith & Michael H. Whitworth, eds., Locating Woolf:The Politics of Space and Place. New York: Macmillan,2007, p.126.
    1 Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism. New York:Vintage Books,1994, p. ⅹⅹⅴ.
    2 管新福、洪刚:“反犹主义视阈中的犹太商人形象——以三部英国涉犹文学经典为例”,《江汉论坛》,2009年第4期,第117页。
    3 Tony Kushner, "Heritage and Ethnicity:An Introduction", in Tony Kushner, ed., The Jewish Heritage in British History:Englishness and Jewishness. London:Frank Cass,1992, p.2.
    4 Lara Trubowitz, "Concealing Leonard's Nose:Virginia Woolf, Modernist Antisemitism, and 'Duchess and the Jeweller'", Twentieth Century Literature, Vol.54, No.3 (Fall,2008), p.279.
    5 同上,第277页。
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol 1:1915-1919. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1977, p.6.
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.3:1925-1930. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1980, pp.320-321.“长鼻子犹太人”是对犹太人一种负面的脸谱化,nosey在此有一语双关的意思。
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol.4:1929-1931. Eds. Nigel Nicolson & Joanne Trautmann. New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1978, pp.195-196.
    4 李博婷:“从女权思想看弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的犹太写作”,《山东外语教学》,2012年第5期,第78页。
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.23.
    6 同上,第188页。在和《岁月》创作于同一时期的短篇小说《公爵夫人和珠宝商》(The Duchess and the Jeweller)中,伍尔夫再次拿“鼻子”做文章,塑造了犹太主人公奥利弗·培根贪婪的敛财者形象:“的确如此,他是英格兰最富有的珠宝商,但他的鼻子又长又灵活,像大象的鼻子一样,鼻孔在奇怪地颤抖(但好像是整个鼻子在颤抖,而不只是鼻孔),好像在说他 还不满足,又嗅到了远处地下的什么东西。”Virginia Woolf, The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf. New York:Harcourt Inc.,1989, p.249.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, pp.248-249.着重号为笔者加。
    2 李博婷:“从女权思想看弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的犹太写作”,《山东外语教学》,2012年第5期,第81页。
    1 萨义德:《世界·文本·批评家》,李自修译,北京:三联书店,2009年,第56页。
    2 Sue Thomas, Imperialism, Reform, and Making of Englishness in Jane Eyre. New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.2.
    3 Paul Peppis, Literature, Politics, and the English Avant-garde:Nation and Empire,1901-1918. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000, pp.4-6.
    4 Helen Carr, "Virginia Woolf, Empire and Race", in Susan Sellers, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2010, p.198.
    5 Sonita Sarker, "Locating a Native Englishness in Virginia Woolf s The London Scene", NWSA Journal, Vol.13, No.2 (Summer,2001), p.16.
    1 Simon Gikandi, "Africa and the Epiphany of Modernism", in Laura Doyle & Laura Winkiel, eds., Geomodernisms:Race, Modernism, Modernity. Bloomington & Indianapolis:Indiana University Press,2005, p.46.
    1 Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious:Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act. London & New York:Routledge,2002, p.64.
    1 Anthony D. Smith, National Identity. Reno, Las Vegas & London:University of Nevada Press, 1991, p.11.
    1 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.161.
    Mark Hussey, "Living in a War Zone:An Introduction to Virginia Woolf as a War Novelist", in Mark Hussey ed., Virginia Woolf and War:Fiction, Reality and Myth. New York:Syracuse University Press,1991, p.2.
    2 Kathy J. Phillips, Virginia Woolf against Empire. Knoxville:The University of Tennessee Press, 1994, p. vii.
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Captain s Death Bed and other Essays. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,1950, pp.226-227.
    1 Scott Cohen, "The Empire from the Street:Virginia Woolf, Wembley, and Imperial Monuments" Modern Fiction Studies, Vol.50, No.1 (Spring 2004), p.93.
    2 Jane Marcus, "Thinking Back through Our Mothers", in Jane Marcus, ed., New Feminist Essays on Virginia Woolf. London:The Macmillan Press, Ltd.,1981, p.1.
    3 Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas. New York:Harcourt, Inc.,1966, p.107.
    1 Nicholas Daly, "Colonialism and Popular Literature at the Fin de Siecle", in Richard Begam & Michael Valdez Moses, eds., Modernism and Colonialism:British and Irish Literature,1899-1939. Durham & London:Duke University Press,2007, p.21.
    2 Peter Childs, Modernism and the Post-Colonial:Literature and Empire 1885-1930. London: Continuum,2007, pp.10-11.
    3 Mark Wollaeger, Modernism, Media, and Propaganda:British Narrative Form,1900-1945. Princeton & Oxford:Princeton University Press,2006, p.89.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.28.
    2 同上,第114页。
    3 实际上,不仅仅是雷切尔,小说中的男性角色也体现出这种特点。例如,当谈到自己与赫斯特的不同时,休伊特以一位不可知论者的语气对雷切尔说:“人们根本无法做任何决定,越来越不能进行判断。你发现这点了吗?而且一个人永远不知道别人的感受。我们都被蒙在鼓里。我们是想发现什么,但你还能想到比一个人对另一人的看法更可笑的东西吗?人们总是认为自己明白,其实什么都不明白。”Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.206.
    4 Jed Esty, "Virginia Woolf's Colony and the Adolescence of Modernist Fiction", in Richard Begam & Michael Valdez Moses, eds., Modernism and Colonialism:British and Irish Literature, 1899-1939. Durhan & London:Duke University Press,2007, pp.77-78.
    1 Carey J. Snyder, British Fiction and Cross-Cultural Encounter:Ethnographic Modernism from Wells to Woolf. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.104.
    2 Peter Childs, Modernism and the Post-Colonial:Literature and Empire 1885-1930. London: Continuum,2007, p.28.
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.16.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.77.
    2 同上,第201页。
    3 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.46.
    4 这是伍尔夫女权思想的重要内容,本文将在第四章中展开讨论。
    5 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.46.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.55.
    2 同上,第56、57页。
    3 同上,第66-67页。
    Nick Montgomery, "Colonial Rhetoric and the Maternal Voice:Deconstruction and Disengagement in Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out", Twentieth Century Literature, Vol.46, No.1 (Spring,2000), p.40.
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.57.
    6 Nick Montgomery, "Colonial Rhetoric and the Maternal Voice:Deconstruction and Disengagement in Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out", Twentieth Century Literature, Vol.46, No.1 (Spring,2000), p.38.
    1 Howard J. Booth & Nigel Rigby, "Introduction", in Howard J. Booth & Nigel Rigby, eds., Modernism and Empire. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2000, pp.3-4.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.269.着重号为笔者加。
    2 转引自Howard J. Booth & Nigel Rigby,"Introduction", in Howard J. Booth & Nigel Rigby, eds., Modernism and Empire. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press, p.18.
    3 Carey J. Snyder, British Fiction and Cross-Cultural Encounter:Ethnographic Modernism from Wells to Woolf. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.109.
    4 Mark Wollaeger, Modernism, Media, and Propaganda:British Narrative Form,1900-1945. Princeton & Oxford:Princeton University Press,2006, p.117.
    3 Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffths & Helen Tiffin, The Empire Writes Back:Theory and Practice in Post-colonial Literature. London & New York:Routledge,2002, p.102.
    6 Ching-Fang Tseng'Ph. D. Dissertation, The Imperial Garden:Englishness and Domestic Space in Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing, and Tayeb Salih. University of Wiscosin-Madison,2003, pp. 69-70.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.72.
    2 同上。
    3 同上。
    Julia Briggs, Reading Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh University Press,2006, p.202.
    Ching-Fang Tseng's Ph. D. Dissertation, The Imperial Garden:Englishness and Domestic Space in Virginia Woolf Doris Lessing, and Tayeb Salih. University of Wisconsin-Madison,2003, p.71.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.85.
    2 Ching-Fang Tseng'Ph. D. Dissertation, The Imperial Garden:Englishness and Domestic Space in Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing, and Tayeb Salih. University of Wisconsin-Madison,2003, p.70.
    3 朱迪斯·巴特勒:《性别麻烦:女性主义与身份的颠覆》,宋素凤译,上海:三联书店,2009年,第46页。
    4 同上,第47页。
    5 Rachel Bowlby, Virginia Woolf:Feminist Destinations. Oxford:Basil Blackwell Ltd.,1988, p. 59.
    6 Ching-Fang Tseng'Ph. D. Dissertation, The Imperial Garden:Englishness and Domestic Space in Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing, and Tayeb Salih. University of Wisconsin-Madison,2003, p.60.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.110.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, pp.135-36.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.161.
    2 Allison Elizabeth Adler Kroll's Ph. D. Dissertation, National Faith:Heritage Culture and English Identity from Tennyson to Byatt. University of California,2004, p.166.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol.6:1936-1941. Eds. Nigel Nicolson & Joanne Trautmann. New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1980, p.460.着重号为笔者加。
    2 有论者就以此为例论述伍尔夫以异域他者为参照对“英格兰性”的建构。见Suzanne Lynch, "Virginia Woolf and Ireland:The Significance of Patrick in The Years", in Anna Snaith & Michael H. Whitworth, eds., Locating Woolf:The Politics of Space and Place. New York:Macmillan,2007, pp.126-127.
    3 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.18.
    1 Patrick Deer, Culture in Camouflage:War, Empire and Modern British Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2009, p.14.
    2 Scott Michael Stanfield's Ph. D. Dissertation, A Failure of the Imagination:The National Narrative of the First World War and Its Representation in British Literature. Claremont Graduate University,2010, p.262.
    3 Homi K. Bhabha, "DissemiNation:time, narrative, and the margins of the modern nation," in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.309.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.43.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.176.
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.3.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, pp.68-69.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.203.
    2 Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture,1880-1920. London, Sydney & Dover, New Hemshire:Croom Helm,1986, p.62.
    1 Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture,1880-1920. London, Sydney & Dover, New Hemshire:Croom Helm,1986, p.67.
    2 转引自Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness,1900-1950:An introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge, p.88.
    3 转引自Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness,1900-1950:An introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge, p.101.
    4 Raymond Williams, The Country and the City. New York:Oxford University Press,1982, p.2.
    1 Elleke Boehmer, Empire, the National, and the Postcolonial,1890-1920:Resistance in Literature. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2002, p.172.
    2 Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island:Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press,2004, p.28.
    3 艾勒克·博埃默:《殖民与后殖民文学》,盛宁、韩敏中译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第162页。
    Jonathan Rutherford, Forever England:Reflections on Race, Masculinity and Empire. London: Lawrence & Wishart,1997, p.53.
    1 Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island:Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press,2004, p.39.
    2 同上。
    3 Raymond Williams, The Country and the City. New York:Oxford University Press,1982, p. 281.
    4 Allison Elizabeth Adler Kroll's Ph. D. Dissertation, National Faith:Heritage Culture and English Identity from Tennyson to Byatt. University of California,2004, p.166.
    5 Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island:Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press,2004, p.17.
    1 Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island:Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press,2004, p.98.
    2 虽然《幕间》可以说是伍尔夫小说乡村叙事的集大成之作,但鉴于本节的议题是伍尔夫都市小说中的乡村形象及其文化内涵,《幕间》的乡村书写就不详论了。本章将在下一节中论述《幕间》的乡村书写与英格兰民族身份认同的关联。值得一提的是,伍尔夫在《岁月》中就已经为《幕间》里的露天剧演出做了铺垫。小说提到,埃莉诺到哥哥莫里斯家暂住时,遇见嫂子西莉亚和朋友为了庆祝教堂新塔尖的落成举行的一场莎士比亚戏剧的露天演出。参见Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.144.
    Alison Light, Forever England:Femininity, Literature and Conservatism between the Wars. London & New York:Routledge,1991, p.8.
    4 Youngjoo Kim's Ph. D. Dissertation, Revisiting the Great Good Place:The Country House, Landscape and Englishness in Twentieth-Century British Fiction. Texas A & M University,2002, p.45.
    1 转引自Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, eds., Writing Englishness,1900-1950:An introductory sourcebook on national identity. London & New York:Routledge, p.26.着重号为原文。
    2 Youngjoo Son, Here and Now:The Politics of Social Space in D. H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf. New York & London:Routledge,2006, p.11.
    3 Werner J. Deiman, "History, Pattern, and Continuity in Virginia Woolf", Contemporary Literature, Vol.15, No.1 (Winter,1974), pp.49-50.
    1 Alex Zwerdling, Virginia Woolf and the Real World, Berkeley & Los Angeles:University of California Press,1986, pp.13-14.
    2 Rachel Bowlby, Virginia Woolf:Feminist Destinations. New York:Basil Blackwell,1988, p.15.
    3 伍尔夫的父亲莱斯利·斯蒂芬是维多利亚时代著名的史学家,他曾希望伍尔夫能够继承自己的事业,将来从事历史研究。参见Angeliki Spiropoulou, Virginia Woolf, Modernity and History:Constellations with Walter Benjamin. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2010, p.42.
    4 Virginia Woolf, A Passionate Apprentice:The Early Journals 1897-1909. Ed. Mitchell A. Leaska. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1990, p.87.卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle,1795-1881)是英国维多利亚时代著名的批评家、文学家和史学家,《法国革命》(The French Revolution)是其代表作。麦考利(Thomas Macaulay,1800-1859)同样是英国维多利亚时代著名的历史学家,五卷本《英格兰史》(The History of England)是其代笔作。威廉指英格兰国王威廉三世(1650-1702),又称奥兰治威廉(William of Orange)。
    5 参见Erica Gene Delsandro's Ph. D. Dissertation, National History and the Novel in 1930s Britain. Washington University in St. Louis,2011, p.15.
    1 Leslie Kathleen Hankins, "Virginia Woolf and Walter Benjamin Selling Out(Siders)", in Pamela L. Caughie, ed., Virginia Woolf in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc.,2000, p.12.
    2 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 76.
    3 特里维廉(G. M. Trevelyan,1876-1962),英国现代著名历史学家,《英格兰史》(History of England,1926)是其代表作。
    4 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 77.
    5 同上,第78页。
    6 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.2:1920-1924. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1980, p.115.
    'Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol.3:1923-1928. Eds. Nigel Nicolson & Joanne Trautmann. New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1977, p.454.
    8 Melba Cuddy-Keane, Virginia Woolf, the Intellectual and Public Sphere. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003, p.148.
    1 刘炳善编:《伍尔夫散文》,北京:中国广播电视出版社,2000年,第366页。
    2 Melba Cuddy-Keane, Virginia Woolf, the Intellectual and Public Sphere. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003, pp.150-151.
    3 朱立元:《当代西方文艺理论》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2005年,第393-394页。
    1 海登·怀特:《后现代历史叙事学》,陈永国,张万娟译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年,第49页。
    2 王岳川:《后殖民主义与新历史主义文论》,济南:山东教育出版社,1999年,第158页。
    3 同上,第183页。
    4 海登·怀特:《元史学:十九世纪欧洲的历史想象》,陈新译,南京:译林出版社,2004年,第2页。
    1 海登·怀特:《元史学:十九世纪欧洲的历史想象》,陈新译,南京:译林出版社,2004年,第39页。
    2 琳达·哈琴:《后现代主义诗学:历史·理论·小说》,李杨、李锋译,南京:南京大学出版社,2009年,第150页。
    3 海登·怀特:《后现代历史叙事学》,陈永国,张万娟译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年,第49页。
    4 Linda Hutcheon, The Politics of Postmodernism. London & New York:Routledge,2002, p.54.着重号为原文。
    5 琳达·哈琴:《后现代主义诗学:历史·理论·小说》,李杨、李锋译,南京:南京大学出版社,2009年,第165页。
    1 转引自琳达·哈琴:《后现代主义诗学:历史·理论·小说》,李杨、李锋译,南京:南京大学出版社,2009年,第151页。
    2 乔伊斯·阿普比尔等:《历史的真相》,刘北成、薛绚译,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第192页。
    3 柯林武德:《历史的观念》,何兆武等译,北京:北京大学出版社,2010年,第152页。
    1 柯林武德:《历史的观念》,何兆武等译,北京:北京大学出版社,2010年,第233、238、243页。
    2 柯林武德是论者在分析伍尔夫的历史观时比较常用到的一个参照。可参见:Sabine Hotho-Jackson, "Virginia Woolf on History:Between Tradition and Modernity", Forum for Modern Language Studies,27:4 (1991:Oct.), pp.293-313; Melba Cuddy-Keane, "Virginia Woolf and the Varieties of Historicist Experience", in Beth Carole Rosenberg & Jeanne Dubino, eds., Virginia Woolf and the Essay. London:Macmillan,1997, pp.59-77; Melba Cuddy-Keane, Virginia Woolf the Intellectual and Public Sphere. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003; Angeliki Spiropoulou, Virginia Woolf Modernity and History:Constellations with Walter Benjamin. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2010.
    3 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫随笔全集》(第三卷),王斌等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第1333页。
    4 Sabine Hotho-Jackson, "Virginia Woolf on History:Between Tradition and Modernity", Forum for Modern Language Studies,27:4(1991:Oct.), p.301.
    5 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫随笔全集》(第四卷),王义国等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第1828页。
    6 Melba Cuddy-Keane, "Virginia Woolf and the Varieties of Historicist Experience", in Beth Carole Rosenberg & Jeanne Dubino, eds., Virginia Woolf and the Essay. London:Macmillan,1997, p.60.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Pargiters. Ed. Mitchell A. Leaska. London:The Hogarth Press,1978, p.9.
    2 Lyndall Gordon, Virginia Woolf:A Writer's Life. New York & London:W.W. Norton & Company,1993, p.161.
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol.1:1888-1912. Eds. Nigel Nicolson & Joanne Trautmann. New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1975, p.499.
    4 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.3:1925-1930. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1980, p.37.
    5 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫随笔全集》(第一卷),王斌等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第105页。
    6 Melba Cuddy-Keane, "Virginia Woolf and the Varieties of Historicist Experience", in Beth Carole Rosenberg & Jeanne Dubino, eds., Virginia Woolf and the Essay. London:Macmillan,1997, p.61.
    1 Linden Peach,Virginia Woolf.New York:St.Martin's Press,2000,p.12.
    2 Linda Hutcheon,The Canadian Postmodern:A Study of Contemporary English-Canadian Fiction.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1988,p.22.着重号为原文.
    3 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫日记选》,戴红珍、宋炳辉译,天津:百花文艺出版社,1997年,第107页。
    4 秦海花:“传记、小说和历史的奏鸣曲——论《奥兰多》的后现代主义叙事特征”,《国外文学》,2010年第3期,第132页。
    5 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫日记选》,戴红珍、宋炳辉译,天津:百花文艺出版社,1997年,第95页。
    1 秦海花:“传记、小说和历史的奏鸣曲——论《奥兰多》的后现代主义叙事特征”,《国外文学》,2010年第3期,第134页。
    2 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.12.
    3 同上,第31页。
    4 同上,第47页。
    5 童燕萍:“谈元小说”,《外国文学评论》,1994年第3期,第13页。
    Patricia Waugh, Metafiction:The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction. London & New York:Methuen,1984, p.6.
    7 赵白生:“传记里的故事——试论传记的虚构性”,《国外文学》,1997年第2期,第48页。
    8 这是艾布拉姆斯在《文学术语汇编》中解释传记时援引德莱顿的话。参见M. H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms. Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004, p.22.
    1 转引自赵白生:“传记里的故事——试论传记的虚构性”,《国外文学》,1997年第2期,第47页。
    2 秦海花:“传记、小说和历史的奏鸣曲——论《奥兰多》的后现代主义叙事特征”,《国外文学》,2010年第3期,第135页。
    3 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.58.
    4 同上,第94页。
    5 Rachel Bowlby, Virginia Woolf:Feminist Destinations. New York:Basil Blackwell,1988, p. 129.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, p.50.
    2 同上,第51页。
    3 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 155.
    1 Avrom Fleishman, The English Historical Novel:Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf. Baltimore & London:The Jones Hopkins Press,1971, p.234.
    2 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 132.
    3 Jane de Gay, Virginia Woolf's Novels and the Literary Past. Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2006, p.158.
    4 Virginia Woolf, Orlando. Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions,2003, pp.43-44.
    1 Beth Carole Rosenberg, "Virginia Woolf's Postmodern Literary History", Comparative Literature Issue,115:5 (Dec.,2000), p.1120.
    2 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫随笔全集》(第三卷),王斌等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第1334页。
    1 Robert Lee Colson's Ph. D. Dissertation, Reimagined Communities:The Critique of Nationalism in Modernist and Postcolonial Narratives. University of California,2010, p.7.
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.10.
    3 同上,第28页。
    4 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.109.
    1 Robert Lee Colson's Ph. D. Dissertation, Reimagined Communities:The Critique of Nationalism in Modernist and Postcolonial Narratives. University of California,2010, p.51.
    2 Anna Snaith, Virginia Woolf:Public and Private Negotiations. London:Macmillan Press Ltd., 2000, p.52.
    3 据记载,严重旱情发生在1887年登记庆典之后,所以驾车人所指应该是维多利亚女王登基50周年庆典。见《岁月》文后的注释。Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.342.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.160.
    2 斯特雷奇在《维多利亚女王传》(Queen Victoria)中描述了两次登基庆典的盛况:1887年“是她登极五十周年,六月里举行庄严、盛大的庆祝。维多利亚,左右是济济跄跄的当朝显贵,前后是赫赫奕奕的各国王公,在人山人海、欢腾狂热的京华道上,驾车往威思明斯德教堂行感恩礼”;1897年,“当辉煌的杖仪,护送维多利亚经过拥挤的、哄动的伦敦街市,前往圣保罗教堂行感恩礼的时候,她的王国的伟大、她臣民的崇仰,一齐放出光芒来了”。斯特雷奇:《维多利亚女王传》,卞之琳译,北京:商务印书馆,1992年,第292页、314页。3 若将小说对维多利亚女王和爱尔兰民族独立运动领袖帕内尔的再现对照来看的话,这一点就表现得更加明显了。前文指出,《岁月》中的帕内尔是一个英格兰人借以想象和建构自我民族身份的“他者”。但也正是通过这位反帝反殖民英雄,小说表达了对一种同质和排他性的英格兰民族身份建构的反思。与对维多利亚女王的一笔带过不同,小说极力渲染帕内尔之死对英格兰人的震动和冲击,在“括入”和“括除”之间,小说的取向和立场一目了然。
    Steve Ellis, Virginia Woolf and the Victorians. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007, p. 125.
    James Naremore, "Nature and History in'The Years'", in Harold Bloom, ed., Virginia Woolf. New York & Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publisher,1986, p.246.
    1 Angeliki Spiropoulou, Virginia Woolf, Modernity and History:Constellations with Walter Benjamin. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2010, p.123.
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Captain's Death Bed and other Essays. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,1950, p.41.
    3 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.123.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, pp.198-99.
    3 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫随笔全集》(第一卷),石云龙等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001
    2 Hermione Lee, The Novels of Virginia Woolf, London:Methuen & Co Ltd.,1977, p.182.年,第134、137页。
    4 Angeliki Spiropoulou, Virginia Woolf, Modernity and History:Constellations with Walter Benjamin. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2010, p.118.
    1 殷企平、高奋等:《英国小说批评史》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001年,第183页。
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, pp.268-269.
    3 James Naremore, "Nature and History in The Years'", in Harold Bloom, ed., Virginia Woolf. New York & Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publisher,1986, p.247.
    4 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫随笔全集》(第一卷),石云龙等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第138页。
    1 Werner J. Deiman, "History, Pattern, and Continuity in Virginia Woolf", Contemporary Literature, Vol.15, No.1 (Winter,1974), p.56.
    2 Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1969, p.4.
    3 同上,第8-9页。
    4 Rachel Bowlby, Virginia Woolf:Feminist Destinations. Oxford:Basil Blackwell Ltd.,1988, p. 147.
    1 参见Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island:Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton & Oxford:Princeton University Press,2004, pp.56-58.
    2 《欢愉的英格兰大地》由伍尔夫夫妇创办的霍加斯出版社出版;伍尔夫创作《幕间》的灵感和动机在很大程度上正来自福斯特的戏剧创作。参见Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton& Oxford:Princeton University Press, 2004, p.86.
    1 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.203.
    2 Eric L. Berlatsky's Ph. D. Dissertation, Fact, Fiction and Fabrication:History, Narrative, and the Postmodern Real from Woolf to Rushdie. University of Maryland,2003, p.112.
    1 Catherine Wiley, "Making History Unrepeatable in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts", Clio,25: 1 (1995:Fall), p.12.
    2 Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1969, p.83.
    1 “白人的负担”(The White Man's Burden)的说法出自吉卜林的同名诗歌。吉卜林在诗中呼吁大英帝国的子民要勇挑重担,为帝国分忧,为帝国的长治久安贡献自己的力量。
    2 Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1969, pp.162-163.
    3 同上,第163页。
    4 Angeliki Spiropoulou, Virginia Woolf, Modernity and History:Constellations with Walter Benjamin. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2010, p.148.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1969, p.94, p.140, p.180.
    2 同上,第156页。
    3 Angeliki Spiropoulou, Virginia Woolf, Modernity and History:Constellations with Walter Benjamin. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2010, p.139.
    4 Jane Marcus, Virginia Woolf. Horndon:Northcote House Publishers Ltd.,2004, p.183.
    5 Angeliki Spiropoulou, Virginia Woolf, Modernity and History:Constellations with Walter Benjamin. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2010, p.147.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1969, p.82.
    2 同上,第195页。
    3 Avrom Fleishman, The English Historical Novel:Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf. Baltimore & London:The Jones Hopkins Press,1971, p.255.
    Werner J. Deiman, "History, Pattern, and Continuity in Virginia Woolf", Contemporary Literature, Vol.15, No.1 (Winter,1974), p.58.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1969, p.188.
    2 Laura Winkiel, Modernism, Race and Manifestos. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2008, p.191.
    3 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.198.
    Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1969, p.157.
    5 参见本章第一节对伍尔夫小说乡村叙事的讨论。
    6 Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island:Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press,2004, p.61.
    7 同上,第90页。
    1 Homi K. Bhabha, "DissemiNation:time, narrative, and the margins of the modern nation," in Horni K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration. London:Routledge,1990, p.309.
    2 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.166.
    3 Elleke Boehmer, "Stories of Women:Gender and Narrative in the Postcolonial Nation", in Mary Eagleton, ed., Feminist Literary Theory:A Reader. Oxford:Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2011, p. 436.
    1 Sonita Sarker, "Locating a Native Englishness in Virginia Woolf's The London Scene" NWSA Journal,13,2001 (2), p.12.
    1 Catherine Hall & Keith McClelland, "Introduction", in Catherine Hall & Keith McClelland, eds., Race, Nation and Empire:Making Histories,1750 to the Present. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press,2010, p.2.
    2 Clare Midgley, "Gender and Imperialism:Mapping the Connection", in Clare Midgley, ed., Gender and Imperialism. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,1998, pp.1-2.
    1 Anne McClintock, Imperial Leather:Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest. New York & London:Routledge,1995, p.353.着重号为原文。
    2 同上,第359页。
    3 Paul Ward, Britishness since 1870. London & New York:Routledge,2004, p.37.
    1 Paul Ward, Britishness since 1870. London & New York:Routledge,2004, p.39.
    2 参见Nupur Chaudhuri & Margaret Strobel, "Introduction", in Nupur Chaudhuri & Margaret Strobel, eds., Western Women and Imperialism:Complicity and Resistance. Indiana:Indiana University Press,1992, p.3.
    3 Susan Stanford Friedman, Mappings:Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1998, p.21.
    4 Chandra Talpade Mohanty, "Under Western Eyes:Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses", in Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths & Helen Tiffin, eds., The Post-colonial Studies Reader. London & New York:Routledge,1995, p.243.
    1 Judith M. Bennett, "Feminism and History", Gender and History, Vol.1, No.3 (Autumn 1989), pp.262-63.
    2 Clare Midgley, "Bringing the Empire Home:Women Activists in Imperial Britain,1790s-1930s", in Catherine Hall & Sonya Rose, eds., At Home with the Empire:Metropolitan Culture and the Imperial World. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2006, p.241.英布战争期间,“女孩友好社团”的会员刊物“友好的树叶”(Friendly Lea ves)发表了一首题为“帝国女儿”(Daughters of the Empire)的诗歌,号召女性为国效力:“你们要完成的任务/和战场上的英勇行为一样 艰难,/真正的大不列颠精神会帮助你们渡过难关——/那些受伤的将士需要你们/来吧,勇敢的帝国女儿!/为你们的女王排忧,为你们的主解难,/从乡村,到郡县,到城市,/请你们慷慨解囊/!从南到北,从东到西,/跨过遥远的海岸线,把女儿的心团结在一起!/你们的帝国需要你们做到最好——/请最大限度地给与你们的精神和物质支持!”转引自Julia Bush, Edwardian Ladies and Imperial Power. London & New York:Leicester University Press, p.50.
    1 Jane Mackay & Pat Thane, "The Englishwoman", in Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture,1880-1920. London, Sydney & Dover, New Hemshire:Croom Helm,1986, p.203.
    2 Julia Bush, Edwardian Ladies and Imperial Power. London & New York:Leicester University Press, p.178.
    3 Patrick Brantlinger, "Victorians and Africans:The Genealogy of the Myth of the Dark Continent", in Henry Louis Gates, ed., "Race", Writing, and Difference. Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1986, p.206.
    4 Jane Mackay & Pat Thane, "The Englishwoman", in Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture,1880-1920. London, Sydney & Dover, New Hemshire:Croom Helm,1986, p.199.
    5 刘英、姚海燕:“优生学与女性主义——英美女性主义文学经典再解读”,《天津大学学报·社会科学版》,2009年第6期,第534页。
    1 参见Anna Davin, "Imperialism and Motherhood", History Workshop, No.5 (Spring,1978), p. 15.
    2 Julia Bush, Edwardian Ladies and Imperial Power. London & New York:Leicester University Press, p.106.
    3 Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics:Woolf, Eliot, Yeats and the Culture and Degeneration. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.21.
    4 Laura Doyle, Bordering on the Body:The Racial Matrix of Modern Fiction and Culture. New York & Oxford:Oxford University Press,1994, p.11.
    5 Jane Mackay & Pat Thane, "The Englishwoman", in Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture,1880-1920. London, Sydney & Dover, New Hemshire:Croom Helm,1986, p.206.
    6 Catherine Hall, "Of Gender and Empire:Reflections on the Nineteenth Century", in Philippa Levine, ed., Gender and Empire. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004, p.47.
    7 Jane Mackay & Pat Thane, "The Englishwoman", in Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture,1880-1920. London, Sydney & Dover, New Hemshire:Croom Helm,1986, p.193.
    Barbara Bush, "Gender and Empire:The Twentieth Century", in Philippa Levine, ed., Gender and Empire. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004, p.81.
    Mrinalini Sinha, "Nations in an Imperial Crucible", in Philippa Levine, ed., Gender and Empire. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004, p.195.
    3 昆汀·贝尔:《伍尔夫传》,萧易译,南京:江苏教育出版社,2005年,第7页。
    1 Mrinalini Sinha, "Nations in an Imperial Crucible", in Philippa Levine, ed., Gender and Empire. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004, p.196.
    2 Mrinalini Sinha, "Nations in an Imperial Crucible", in Philippa Levine, ed., Gender and Empire. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004, p.192.
    3 转引自Jane Marcus, Virginia Woolf and the Language of Patriarchy. Bloomington & Indianapolis:Indiana University Press,1987, p.83.
    4 Jane Marcus, Hearts of Darkness:White Women Write Race. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London:Rutgers University Press,2004, p.72.
    5 Julia Bush, Edwardian Ladies and Imperial Power. London & New York:Leicester University Press, p.2.
    1 Antoinette M. Burton, "The White Woman's Burden:British Feminists and'The Indian Woman,'1865-1915", in Nupur Chaudhuri & Margaret Strobel, eds., Western Women and Imperialism:Complicity and Resistance. Indiana:Indiana University Press,1992, pp.138-39.
    2 转引自Antoinette M. Burton, "The White Woman's Burden:British Feminists and'The Indian Woman,'1865-1915", in Nupur Chaudhuri & Margaret Strobel, eds., Western Women and Imperialism:Complicity and Resistance. Indiana:Indiana University Press,1992, p.142.
    1 转引自Antoinette M. Burton, "The White Woman's Burden:British Feminists and'The Indian Woman,'1865-1915", in Nupur Chaudhuri & Margaret Strobel, eds., Western Women and Imperialism:Complicity and Resistance. Indiana:Indiana University Press,1992, p.144.
    2 这是19世纪晚期英格兰女权主义的主要特点,当时的女权主义者善于运用一种“同情和痛苦修辞”(rhetoric of pathos and suffering),通过表达对被殖民者的同情来彰显她们与帝国的维系。参见Antoinette M. Burton,'" States of injury':Josephine Butler on slavery, citizenship and the Boer War", in Ian Christopher Fletcher, Laura E. Nym Mayhall & Philippa Levine, eds., Women's Suffrage in the British Empire:Citizenship, Nation and Race. London & New York: Routledge,2000, p.19.
    3 转引自Antoinette M. Burton, "The White Woman's Burden:British Feminists and'The Indian Woman,'1865-1915", in Nupur Chaudhuri & Margaret Strobel, eds., Western Women and Imperialism:Complicity and Resistance. Indiana:Indiana University Press,1992, p.149.
    4 Antoinette M. Burton, "The White Woman's Burden:British Feminists and'The Indian Woman,'1865-1915", in Nupur Chaudhuri & Margaret Strobel, eds., Western Women and Imperialism:Complicity and Resistance. Indiana:Indiana University Press,1992, p.150.
    1 Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics:Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.14.
    2 伍尔夫的社交圈——像费边社的韦布夫妇、经济学家凯恩斯和剧作家萧伯纳等——在帮助她了解优生学方面发挥了关键作用。关于阅读和社交对伍尔夫熟悉优生学发挥的作用,参见Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics:Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, pp.25-28.
    3 从伦纳德个人角度看,优生只是他考虑的一个方面,主要原因是他不喜欢孩子,同时担心生育可能会加重伍尔夫的精神病。参见Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics:Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, p. 29.
    1 Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics:Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.61.
    2 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 21.
    1 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 171.
    2 同上,第37页。
    3 同上,第197页。
    4 唐纳德·恰尔兹在其专著《现代主义与优生学》中对此有更加详细的论述,本文的观点即受其启发。参见Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics:Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, pp.58-74.
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.302.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.88小说中另外一位与达尔文相关的人物是海伦娜。在达洛维夫人的聚会上,当别人提起缅甸时,海伦娜“禁不住想起查尔斯·达尔文对她那本关于缅甸兰花的小书所作的评价”。Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.234.
    2 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.101.
    3 William Greenslade, Degeneration, Culture and the Novel,1880-1940. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.2.
    4 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.129.
    1 Alex Zwerdling, Virginia Woolf and the Real World, Berkeley & Los Angeles:University of California Press,1986, p.120.
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.2:1920-1924. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1980, p.248.
    3 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.129.
    4 Alex Zwerdling, Virginia Woolf and the Real World, Berkeley & Los Angeles:University of California Press,1986, p.128.
    5 参见杜志卿:“一个反抗规训权力的文本——重读《达洛卫夫人》”,《外国文学评论》,2007年第4期,第46-53页。
    6 有关这方面的论述,可参见:Alex Zwerdling, Virginia Woolf and the Real World, Berkeley & Los Angeles:University of California Press,1986; William Greenslade, Degeneration, Culture and the Novel,1880-1940. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994; Persephone Emily Harbin's Ph. D. Dissertation, Transforming the Race-Mother:Motherhood and Eugenics in British Modernism. Vanderbilt University,2008; Scott Michael Stanfield's Ph. D. Dissertation, A Failure of the Imagination:The National Narrative of the First World War and Its Representation in British Literature. Claremont Graduate University,2010.
    1 William Greenslade, Degeneration, Culture and the Novel,1880-1940. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.213.
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol 1:1915-1919. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1977, p.13.着重号为笔者加。
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.109.这是恰尔兹在论证中用到的例子,本文借用。
    2 同上,第117页。例子是恰尔兹在论证中用到的,本文借用。
    3 Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics:Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.56.
    4 Alex Zwerdling, Virginia Woolf and the Real World, Berkeley & Los Angeles:University of California Press,1986, p.130.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.160.这是恰尔兹在论证中用到的例子,本文借用。
    2 参见Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics:Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, pp.48-51.
    3 参见Anna Davin, "Imperialism and Motherhood", History Workshop, No.5 (Spring,1978), p. 10.
    4 Barbara Bush, "Gender and Empire:The Twentieth Century", in Philippa Levine, ed., Gender and Empire. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004, p.85.
    3 Laura Doyle, Bordering on the Body:The Racial Matrix of Modern Fiction and Culture. New York & Oxford:Oxford University Press,1994, p.19.
    1 可参见本文第二章第二节关于小说对基尔曼他者再现的论述。实际上,达洛维夫人也有同性恋倾向,但因为“正确的”种族和民族身份,所以她的同性恋是没有问题的。参见Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.64.
    2 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, p.80.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, pp.20-21.
    2 参见本文第二章第二节的论述。
    3 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, pp.56-57.着重号为笔者加。
    4 马库斯认为,伍尔夫家族的殖民背景,特别是其祖父的“母国”说对女性的禁锢是伍尔夫反抗父权制的一个重要原因。参见Jane Marcus, Virginia Woolf and the Language of Patriarchy. Bloomington & Indianapolis:Indiana University Press,1987, p.84.本文更认同阿克莱欧的观点,他认为伍尔夫因为家族的殖民背景而有一种负罪感,但她不愿摒弃帝国的种族和文化偏见,而这种种族和文化优越感与她的优生信念不无关系。参见Amar Acheraiou, Rethinking Postcolonialism:Colonialist Discourse in Modern Literatures and the Legacy of Classical Writers. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.97.
    5 William Greenslade, Degeneration, Culture and the Novel,1880-1940. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.232.
    1 William Greenslade, Degeneration, Culture and the Novel,1880-1940. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994, p.8.
    2 Jane Garrity, Step-daughter of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.2.
    3 同上,第80页。
    Jane Mackay & Pat Thane, "The Englishwoman", in Robert Colls & Philip Dodd, eds., Englishness:Politics and Culture,1880-1920. London, Sydney & Dover, New Hemshire:Croom Helm,1986, p.197.
    3 Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. London:The Hogarth Press,1982, p.65.
    1 Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.151.
    2 Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. London:The Hogarth Press,1982, p.20.
    1 Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. London:The Hogarth Press,1982, p.15.
    2 同上,第27页。
    3 珍妮特·温斯顿指出,在这个场景中,“文本通过把对拉姆齐夫人的语言描写叠加在维多利亚女王的临摹画上,在空间上将她放在女王的位置上。事实上,文本用拉姆齐夫人的形象替换了女王的形象。在这种再现性置换过程中,拉姆齐夫人以转喻的方式进入了帝国的象征——维多利亚女王的角色,成为艺术表现的寓言性主题”。Janet Winston,'"Something out of Harmony':To the Lighthouse and the Subject (s) of Empire", in Woolf Studies Annual, Vol.2. New York:Pace University Press,1996, p.41.
    4 Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. London:The Hogarth Press,1982, pp.128-29.
    5 Janet Winston,'"Something out of Harmony':To the Lighthouse and the Subject (s) of Empire", in Woolf Studies Annual, Vol.2. New York:Pace University Press,1996, p.49.
    1 Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. London:The Hogarth Press,1982, p.159.
    2 Laura Doyle, Bordering on the Body:The Racial Matrix of Modern Fiction and Culture. New York & Oxford:Oxford University Press,1994, p.159.
    Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.165.
    4 同上,第152页。
    5 Persephone Emily Harbin's Ph. D. Dissertation, Transforming the Race-Mother:Motherhood and Eugenics in British Modernism. Vanderbilt University,2008, p.146.
    1 Maria Dibattista, "To the Lighthouse:Virginia Woolf's Winter Tales", in Ralph Freedman, ed., Virginia Woolf:revaluation and continuity. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London:University of California Press,1980, p.184.
    Persephone Emily Harbin's Ph. D. Dissertation, Transforming the Race-Mother:Motherhood and Eugenics in British Modernism. Vanderbilt University,2008, p.54.
    3 Anne McClintock, Imperial Leather:Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest. New York & London:Routledge,1995, p.39.
    Persephone Emily Harbin's Ph. D. Dissertation, Transforming the Race-Mother:Motherhood and Eugenics in British Modernism. Vanderbilt University,2008, p.8.
    5 关于伍尔夫对公共和私人领域划分的思考,国外学界已经有论及,比如:Anna Snaith, Virginia Woolf:Public and Private Negotiations. London:Macmillan Press Ltd.,2000; Melba Cuddy-Keane, Virginia Woolf, the Intellectual and Public Sphere. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003.国内研究方面,潘建的论文“伍尔夫对父权中心体制的批判”(《外国文学评论》,2008年第3期)分析了伍尔夫对公私领域二元论的质疑和批判,比较有代表性。但这些论述都没有在帝国主义文化语境中探讨这个问题。
    1 Janet Winston,'"Something out of Harmony':To the Lighthouse and the Subject (s) of Empire", in Woolf Studies Annual, Vol.2. New York:Pace University Press,1996, pp.51-52.
    2 Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. London:The Hogarth Press,1982, p.100.
    3 杨莉馨:“《远航》:向无限可能开放的旅程”,《外国文学评论》,2010年第4期,第105 页。
    1 Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. London:The Hogarth Press,1982, p.13.
    2 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.268.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.20.
    2 同上,第21页。
    3 同上,第119页。
    4 Virginia Woolf, The Waves. London:Wordsworth Classics,2000, p.96.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Waves. London:Wordsworth Classics,2000, p.76.
    3 Jane Marcus, Jane Marcus, Hearts of Darkness:White Women Write Race, New Brunswick,
    2 同上,第78页。New Jersey and London:Rutgers University Press,2004, p.83.
    4 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.265.
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.122.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.124.
    2 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, pp.137-38.
    1 Clare Midgley, "Bringing the Empire Home:Women Activists in Imperial Britain,1790s-1930s", in Catherine Hall & Sonya Rose, eds., At Home with the Empire:Metropolitan Culture and the Imperial World. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2006, p.240.
    2 Clare Midgley, "Bringing the Empire Home:Women Activists in Imperial Britain,1790s-1930s" in Catherine Hall & Sonya Rose, eds., At Home with the Empire:Metropolitan Culture and the Imperial World. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2006, p.241.
    3 Kathy J. Phillips, Virginia Woolf against Empire. Knoxville:The University of Tennessee Press,1994,p.71.关于伍尔夫对女性与帝国主义共谋的揭露和批判,还可参见马库斯的论述。详见Jane Marcus, Hearts of Darkness:White Women Write Race, New Brunswick, New Jersey and London:Rutgers University Press,2004, p.69, p.71.
    4 Virginia Woolf, The Years. London:Penguin Books,1998, p.21.
    5 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out. London:Penguin Books,1992, p.122.
    1 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, pp.236-37.
    2 Anna Snaith, Virginia Woolf:Public and Private Negotiations. New York:Macmillan,2000, p. 6.
    3 参见Anna Snaith, Virginia Woolf:Public and Private Negotiations. New York:Macmillan, 2000, pp.6-7.
    4 潘建:“伍尔夫对父权中心体制的批判”,《外国文学评论》,2008年第3期,第95页。
    1 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 8, p.11.
    2 Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas. New York:Harcourt, Inc.,1966, p.54.
    3 Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999, pp.178-79.
    4 Virginia Woolf, The Waves. London:Wordsworth Classics,2000, p.89.
    1 潘建:“伍尔夫对父权中心体制的批判”,《外国文学评论》,2008年第3期,第99页。
    2 Anna Snaith, Virginia Woolf:Public and Private Negotiations. New York:Macmillan,2000, p. 9.
    3 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 195.
    1 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫随笔全集》(第四卷),王义国等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第2039页。
    2 Amar Acheraiou, Rethinking Postcolonialism:Colonialist Discourse in Modern Literatures and the Legacy of Classical Writers. New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.96.
    3 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.8.
    1 参见Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.45.
    Julia Bush, Edwardian Ladies and Imperial Power. London & New York:Leicester University Press, p.80.还可参见Birte Siim, Gender and Citizenship:Politics and Agency in France, Britain and Denmark. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000, p.82.
    1 Nalini Iyer's Ph. D. Dissertation, Masked Fictions:English Women Writers and the Narrative of Empire. Purdue University,1993, p.18.
    2 Lisa Williams, The Artist as Outsider in the Novels of Toni Morrison and Virginia Woolf. Westport:Greenwood Press,2000, p.25.
    3 转引自“中译者序”,德里克·希特:《何谓公民身份》,郭忠华译,长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2007年,第12页。
    4 露丝·里斯特:《公民身份:女性主义的视角》,夏宏译,长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2010年,第106页。
    1 参见Rian Voet, Feminism and Citizenship. London:Sage Publications,1998, p.21.
    2 Francesca Klug,'"Oh to be in England':the British Case Study", in Nira Yuval-Davis & Floya Anthias, eds., Woman-Nation-State. London:Macmillan,1989, pp.21-22.
    Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.46.
    4 Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas. New York:Harcourt, Inc.,1966, p.82.
    5 同上,第109页。
    6 Mrinalini Sinha, "Nations in an Imperial Crucible", in Philippa Levine, ed., Gender and Empire. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004, p.182.
    1 进入21世纪,伍尔夫作品中的世界主义主题开始受到学界关注。相关研究可参考:Rebecca Lara Walkowitz's Ph. D. Dissertation, Cosmopolitan Style:English Modernism, International Cultures, and the Twentieth-Century Novel. Harvard University,2000; Jessica Berman, Modernist Fiction, Cosmopolitanism, and the Politics of Community. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001; Paul Kintzele's Ph. D. Dissertation, On the Verge of the World:Internationalism in the Text of Modernism. University of Pennsylvania,2002; Alexander McRaven Bain's Ph. D. Dissertation, Making the Heart of the World:Internationalism and Anglo-American Modernism, 1919-1941. The State University of New Jersey.2004.
    2 德里克·希特:《何谓公民身份》,郭忠华译,长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2007年,第139页。
    3 Jessica Berman, Modernist Fiction, Cosmopolitanism, and the Politics of Community. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.22.
    4 露丝·里斯特:《公民身份:女性主义的视角》,夏宏译,长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2010年,第88页。
    1 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.51.
    2 Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas. New York:Harcourt, Inc.,1966, p.109.
    3 同上,第110-111页。
    4 同上,第111页。
    5 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.2.
    6 Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas. New York:Harcourt, Inc.,1966, p.105.
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.2:1920-1924. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. San Diego, New York & London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,1980, p.341.
    2 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.,1934, p. 88.
    3 Jane Marcus, Hearts of Darkness:White Women Write Race, New Brunswick, New Jersey & London:Rutgers University Press,2004, p.38.着重号为笔者加。
    Srila Nayak's Ph. D. Dissertation, Citizens Everywhere:Modernism, Decolonization, and Discourses of Citizenship. Carnegie Mellon University,2007, p.193.
    1 转引自德里克·希特:《何谓公民身份》,郭忠华译,长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2007年,第92页。
    2 伍尔夫:《伍尔夫随笔全集》(第三卷),王斌等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第1367页。
    3 Jessica Berman, Modernist Fiction, Cosmopolitanism, and the Politics of Community. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.20.
    4 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.20.
    5 同上,第25页。
    1 Virginia Woolf, The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf. New York:Harcourt Inc.,1989, pp.59-60.
    2 Brenda R. Silver, "'Anon'and'The Reader':Virginia Woolf's Last Essays", Twentieth Century Literature, Vol.25, No.3/4, Virginia Woolf's Issue (Autumn-Winter,1979):427.
    1 德尔桑德罗认为,伊夫林·沃、克里斯托弗·伊舍伍德等20世纪30年代英国作家,以及处于创作后期的伍尔夫,在进行偶像破坏的同时,也致力于介入民族国家的文学和政治历史,将自己写入民族历史编纂,不管这种历史编纂是让他们失望,还是将他们排除在外。参见Erica Gene Delsandro's Ph. D. Dissertation, National History and the Novel in 1930s Britain. Washington University in St. Louis,2011, p.28.
    2 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.20.
    3 伍尔夫:《一间自己的房间》,贾辉丰译,北京:商务印书馆,2012年,第139页。
    Lyndall Gordon, Virginia Woolf:A Writer's Life. New York & London:W.W. Norton & Company,1993, p.252.
    3 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.48.
    1 Antoinette M. Burton, "The White Woman's Burden:British Feminists and'The Indian Woman,'1865-1915", in Nupur Chaudhuri & Margaret Strobel, eds., Western Women and Imperialism:Complicity and Resistance. Indiana:Indiana University Press,1992, p.152.
    2 Jane Garrity, Step-daughters of England:British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary. Manchester & New York:Manchester University Press,2003, p.6.
    1 Pericles Lewis, Modernism, Nationalism and the Novel. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000, p.7.
    1 Elleke Boehmer, "Stories of Women:Gender and Narrative in the Postcolonial Nation", in Mary Eagleton, ed., Feminist Literary Theory:A Reader. Oxford:Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2011, p.
    2 Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination. Ithaca & London:Cornell University Press,2010, p.143.
    3 Jed Esty, A Shrinking Island:Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press,2004, p.86.
    Gillian Beer, Virginia Woolf:The Common Ground. Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press, 1996, p.96.
    1 转引自生安锋:《霍米·巴巴的后殖民理论研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2011年,第59-60页。
    2 Jessica Berman, "Modernism's Possible Geographies", in Laura Doyle & Laura Winkiel, eds., Geomodernisms:Race, Modernism, Modernity. Bloomington & Indianapolis:Indiana University Press,2005, p.296.
    3 Linden Peach, Virginia Woolf. New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.12.
    1 Annamaria Lamarra & Eleonora Federici, "Introduction", in Annamaria Lamarra & Eleonora Federici, eds., Nations, Traditions and Cross-Cultural Identities:Women's Writing in English in a European Context. Oxford:Peter Lang,2010, p.1.
    2 参见Antony Easthope, Englishness and National Culture. London & New York:Routledge, 1999, p.117.
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