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The "12th Five-Year" period is the critical period of building a moderately prosperous society in China, and is also an important period of strategic opportunities for the development of construction industry. Opportunities coexist with challenges. During the "12th Five-Year", construction industry will face unprecedented challenges of labor shortages, rising labor costs, low labor productivity, energy conservation and environmental protection pressure. How construction industry meets the challenge, transforms the extensive economic growth mode and realizes sustainable development has become an important subject worthy of further study.
     Statistical analysis through difference method shows that the added value of construction industry presents upward trend, but it's greatly affected by the macroeconomic policy. The gray model predicts that the construction industry output value and added value will continue to sustain rapid growth during the "12th Five-Year" period. The results through two interviews and survey in Hubei housing construction and municipal works construction site showed, the labor costs has been rising year after year, labor shortages is obvious and the industry lacks appeal to the new generation of migrant workers.
     Market labor costs, quota labor costs, staff wages level data reveals the reality of the rising construction industry labor costs. High GDP growth, CPI located high position, enhancement of migrant workers material demand and forecast data showing the expansion of the construction industry labor gap during the "12th Five-Year", indicates the trend of rising labor costs. Compared China and the United States construction industry labor cost gaps, China's construction industry labor costs continue to rise is the general trend in the context of globalization.
     Based on CAS theory, this paper analyzes the construction of complex adaptive system and its adaptability subject of the employed and construction enterprise interdependence and mutual adaptation. It analyzes the influence of rising labor costs to the adaptability subject on different levels within the system. Based on the LCS, it designs the countermeasures feedback model of complex adaptive system of the construction industry to rising labor costs. Summarized related research, the paper respectively gives the rule base of lower body and advanced subject to seek adaptive path for the construction industry to adapt to rising labor costs.
     Market Forced mechanism caused by labor shortages and rising labor costs makes construction economic transformation and the industrial structure adjustment imperative. Lorenz curve shows that China's construction industry is the atomic industry competitive structure, the industry concentration is low, the enterprise structure is irrational and scale of enterprise employees is too large. Compared with the developed countries/regions' construction industry structure, it is recommended to optimize the competitive structure of the Construction Industry from fostering pyramid corporate structure, adjusting the industry barriers and enhancing innovation capability.
     In order to realize the industry development goals of "difference competition, high-quality management, new development ways and increasing the comprehensive benefits", under the enlightenment of British construction development strategy, this paper builds the "3-5-6" development strategy under the guidance of the scientific development concept. Three driving forces of people-oriented, market Forced and innovation work together to promote the transformation of the five dimensions of learning and growth, business processes, occupational health and safety, customers and economic strength, so as to improve six indicators of the production value profit margin, labor productivity, contribution to GDP and social development, the rate of technological progress, the level of carbon emissions and harmony with the environment, and ultimately to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the construction industry.
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