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Equipment manufacturing industry is a strategic industry to provide technology andequipment for the various sectors of the national economy, high degree of industriallinkage, strong ability to absorb employment, technology and capital intensive, is aconcentrated expression of the industry industrial upgrading, technological progressandan important guarantee for the comprehensive national strength.While China's equipmentmanufacturing industry competitiveness, market share, brand effect is relatively weak.The main performance is: one is the over reliance on investment growth, the ability ofindependent innovation is weak, lack of core technology and independent brand; two isthe level of manufacturing based lag, duplication and excess capacitystill exists; the threeis the lo utilization rate of resources and energy, high energy consumption products.Among them, the lack of independent design ability, lack of key core technology hasbecome the bottleneck of industrial development. The principal causes of these problemscan be summed up in innovation resources allocation efficiency is low, so how tointegrate the internal and external of the equipment manufacturing industry in ourcountry in the new environment of innovation resources, making effective use of allaspects of the innovation resources, is what this article want to study, so this paper arguesthat the concept of open innovation for innovation subject to effective use of all resourcesto realize the important guiding significance. Therefore, from the perspective of openinnovation research the problem of independent innovation, not only more targeted, alsoconforms to the equipment manufacturing industry in our country actual situation toimprove innovation ability.
     This paper mainly studied the following contents:
     The first chapter is the introduction, explains the research background andsignificance, introduced the research contents, research methods andmain innovation.
     The second chapter is literature review, first summarize the open innovation theorybackground, then reviews the open innovation theory, theory of independent innovation,open innovation model, finally reviews the innovation of equipment manufacturingindustry.
     The third chapter is analysis of equipment manufacturing industry independent innovation’s opening, analyzes the basic face first on theindependent innovation ofequipment manufacturing industry, followed by the analysis of the equipmentmanufacturing industry independent innovation, openness, indicating that the equipmentmanufacturing industry investment in R&D and innovation output is lower than thenational level, innovation is not high degree of opening and did not formeffectivecooperation mechanism research. The final analysis of theequipment manufacturingindustry low open independent innovation dilemma, mainly is the independentinnovation openness and innovation resources allocation efficiency and low production.
     The fourth chapter analysis of independent innovation model on firstly explains theconnotation and characteristics of open type independent innovation, followed by theanalysis of our manufacturing equipment from the "closed innovation" to "the evolutionof open innovation", the final analysis of the equipment manufacturing industry henecessity and applicability of the open innovation model.
     The fifth chapter Analysis of mechanism of open independent innovation mode,combined with the features of the equipment manufacturing industryopen independentinnovation has a complex adaptive system, the construction of open independentinnovation system based on complex adaptive system, and construct a multi Agent modeland the stimulus response model.
     The sixth chapter equipment manufacturing industry empirical analysisofindependent innovation mode of open type, a multi Agent model of equipmentmanufacturing industry independent innovation based on theanalysis of simulation resultsshow that the open, innovation and capital investment proportion of the preferences ofdifferent, have differentinnovation results, can be input from the two aspects of externaland internal external multi subject the open innovation model; on the other hand is thestimulus response model of equipment manufacturing industry independent innovationbased on the analysis of open,concluded that China's equipment manufacturing industryin innovation and capital investment is more independent innovation should be closed,theeffective combination of the source and the independent research and development,independent open the choice of innovation mode of endogenous type.
     The seventh chapter is the analysis of China's open independent innovation mode ofthe case, in the Control group as an example, first analyzes the evolution in the Controlgroup of independent innovation, and then analyzes the Control group open independent innovation experience.
     The eighth chapter to promote the equipment manufacturing industry openindependent innovation policy suggestions, first put forward the basicideas to promoteopen independent innovation policy recommendations,and then from the macro level,middle level and enterprise level, draw lessons from the advanced experience, putsforward the corresponding policy measures.
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