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国际间的技术外溢一直被认为是发展中国家技术进步的主要来源之一(Grossman和Helpman,1991),有经验研究表明FDI进入会给东道国带来显著的技术溢出效应(Javorcik,2004; Blalock和Gertler,2007),但是这一证据主要来自对发达国家的经验研究,而对发展中国家的FDI溢出实证研究却不支持这一观点。对比FDI技术溢出在发达国家和发展中国家两种不同的表现,可以发现,除了二者的技术差距、人力资本等东道国本身的消化吸收能力存在差异外,FDI在两类国家本身就存在差异:投资发展中国家跨国公司享有更大的优惠政策,且投资方式以出口平台型FDI为主。以中国为例,纵观外商直接投资在中国的发展,可以发现两个明显的特征:一是外商投资企业享有各种优惠政策,即所谓的“超国民待遇”;二是外商直接投资与加工贸易紧密相连,形成所谓的出口平台型FDI。按照新新贸易理论的思想,过度的优惠政策将会降低FDI进入东道国的生产率门槛,同时,优惠政策对低技术水平的出口平台型FDI更具吸引力,这也将改变FDI进入东道国的构成。因此,中国各级政府引资竞争中的一系列“超国民待遇”优惠政策以及加工贸易方式的出口导向型发展战略,既是外商直接投资企业在中国得以蓬勃发展的重要原因,也是FDI技术溢出、“市场换技术”分析中不应忽视的两大关键因素。
Internationally technology spillover is considered as one of the main sources of technology progress in less developed countries (LDCs)(Grossman and Helpman,1991), and some empirical evidences confirm that there exists obvious technology spillover through FDI entry's channel. However, such evidences are mainly from developed countries while LDCs deny that. Comparing the two different results of FDI spillover in developed countries and LDCs, we could find that along with differences in host countries'absorptive capacity like technology distance and human capital, there are differences in FDI itself. In another word, FDI enjoys more favorable policy and export-platform FDI is the main form. For example, there are two obvious styled facts in the FDI history in China. First, FDI enjoys various favorable policies, which resulted in super-national treatment; Second, FDI is connected with progress trade model, which resulted in export-platform FDI. According to he New New-Trade Theory, the favorable policies would lower FDI entrance threshold, moreover, it would change the ratio of market oriented FDI, which owns higher technology, and export platform FDI, which could conduct business with considerable lower technology. Therefore, together with progress trade and export oriented development model, governments'favorable polices to attract more FDI could not be neglected in the analysis of FDI spillover in China.
     The existing papers on FDI spillover follow the homogeneity and exogenous treatment tradition, which focus on the host countries absorptive capacity and ignore the favorable policies'influence on FDI entrance and spillover in host countries. Based on the styled fact that a considerable number of export platform FDI exist in China, This paper introduces the new-New trade theory to FDI spillover study.
     Following HMY model and Yeaple Model, chapter three extends the self-selection study from horizontal FDI to vertical FDI, which is one form of export platform FDI. Specifically, it builds a model of market self-selection between export, export platform FDI and market oriented FDI, which verifies firstly in theory that the host country's favorable policy like tax-reduction makes the FDI's TFP decline and the spillover effects worsen although more FDI would be attracted.
     Such hypotheses are confirmed by the empirical evidence in the following chapters with Chinese manufacturing firms'data. Chapter four finds that export platform FDI's TFP is lower than market oriented FDI's duo to the export tax rebate and other transport cost reductions, which leads to less spillover effect of the former. The idea is confirmed by the empirical evidence in chapter six:the spillover effect of export platform FDI is systematically different from that of market oriented FDI and export platform FDI hinders more China enterprises to improve TFP. The conclusion is robust with different industry categories and not affected by whether FDI is from OECD countries or not.
     Further studies in chapter five and seven find that China's current tax favorable policy induces more less productive FDI and hence deteriorates the FDI's impeditive spillover effects, especially the export platform FDI's. Our finding can explain why China attracted so many FDI but induced little technology spillover to national enterprises. The conclusion is robust with different industry categories and not affected by whether the capital is from HMT or not.
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