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中国立志要在2020年之前进入创新型国家行列。为此,制定了一系列包括财政、税收、金融、政府采购、知识产权等在内的创新政策,数量之多、内容之全、范围之广,达到甚至超过了世界创新型国家及东亚各国的政策力度,以致有人说,中国是世界上创新政策样本最多的国家之一。但我们却遗憾地发现,无论是中国的官方机构、学术界还是国际研究机构,对中国现有创新水平的评价却基本一致:中国的科技创新水平与国外先进创新国家相比,依然有较大差距。虽然经过多年努力,但自主创新能力依然没有得到加强,企业的创新主体地位依然没有真正建立,核心技术和关键设备的依存度依然很高,国家技术安全形势不容乐观,以致OECD在其《中国创新体系评估》(Review of China’s Innovation System)报告中指出:“要成为一个现代化表现出色的创新型国家,中国还有很长的路要走”。基于上述现象,本文的中心论题是:为什么中国几乎制定了世界上最全面的创新政策,实际投入巨大,而创新效率和创新效果非常一般?
To realize the objective of stepping onto the list of the world’s most innovativecountries by2020, China has formulated a series of innovation policies for encouraginginnovation in many aspects including fiscal, taxation, financial, governmentprocurement,intellectual property aspects. With the policy number, co ntent and rangereaching, even exceeding those of East Asian countries and world’s innovative countries,China is considered as one of the countries with the most diversified innovation-drivenpolicies worldwide. However, we’ve found dejectedly that in sharp contrast to thoseaggressive policies is a conclusion basically agreed by the official and academic bodies ofChina and international research institutes: China still lags behind the world’s advancedinnovative countries a lot in S&T innovation. The past many years, saw the huge effortspaid by China in S&T innovation though, didn’t see the strengthened independentinnovative capacities, the construction of enterprise-based innovation system, orsignificant decrease in the dependence on importing core technologies and key equipment.China’s national technical security is still not optimistic. In the Review of China’sInnovation System, OECD concluded,―China has a long way to go to build a modern,high-performance national innovation system.‖Why, China, a country with the mostcomplete innovation-driven policies and a huge practical investment, couldn’t makecorresponding achievements?
     Centering on the core question, the paper discusses the policy efforts made by Chinaover30years ago,1978, trying to find the answer by following the clue lying in history.
     Faced with the contradiction between people’s increasing basic materials needs andthe backward and inefficient social production arising after the Great Cultural Evolution,the tremendous impact of the ever-changing S&T revolution on production, and a brokenS&T team drained bloodless by the Great Cultural Evolution, China’s leaders in the endof1970s urgently needed to repair the S&T system at the policy level, thus arousing theenthusiasm of S&T personnel and creating, applying and promoting S&T achievementsto the hit. Under such a background, China held the National Conference of Science andTechnology in1978, at which some important policies and guidelines like―Science andtechnology constitute a primary productive force‖were made, and the outline of theEight-year Scientific and Technological Development was passed. The conference, as aturning point of China’s S&T development, reunited China’s S&T force and pushed forward the launch of a series of S&T driven policies. Since then, China’s S&T systemand activities picked up to a certain extent. However, the S&T system employed then wasstill formulated based on the Soviet Union-style planning mode employed after1949.Under such a system focusing on the scientific research institute-based S&Ddevelopment mode and planned S&T resource distribution, negative phenomena likeunrelated S&T and economic development and overstaffed scientific research institutesexposed gradually. It’s observed that, historically, countries employing the plannedeconomic system, to protect the system, would limit state-owned enterprise in S&Tinnovation. They handed the job of S&T innovation to specially established scientificresearch institutes, and what enterprises needed to do was just applying the innovativeoutput. With further analysis, it’s found that the planned economic system is incompatiblewith S&T innovation in essence. The incompatibility between the planned economicsystem and S&T innovative activities decides that the logical consequence of allowingS&T innovative activities is the collapse of the planned economic system (Chapter III).
     Influenced by unrelated S&T and economic development and fiscal crisis, in1985,China launched the first S&T system reform after implementing the―open-door‖policy.Measures were taken from three aspects:1) changing the appropriation system;2)accelerating the promotion and application of commercialized S&T fruits;3) directlyorganizing S&T innovative activities mainly by means of the―Program for Tacking KeyProblem with S&T‖made before. Since the priority competition-oriented scientificresearch incentive mechanism is different from the market benefit maximizationcompetition-oriented technological innovation incentive mechanism, the S&T systemreform carried out in1985brought out further technicalized scientific research anddivided scientific research institutes. At the same time, the incomplete technologicalcontracts resulted in decreasing technological developme nt and transfer. If a risk sharingmechanism supporting automatic operation and comparatively superior to the verticalintegration couldn’t be designed or form naturally, the original technology transactionmarket designed based on the market incentive mechanism to promote the technologicalfruit transfer of scientific research institutes would die out gradually, and consequently,the policy’s objective–connecting S&D development with economic developmentthrough technical transfer, could not be reached. Based on the analytical framework ofthe Principal-agent Theory, the paper systematically analyzes the history of China’sinnovation-driven policies. Caused by inconsistent objective functions, and the obvious information asymmetry occurring during the process of project implementation, seriousopportunism problems and crowding-out effect were seen between the government, theprincipal and the project entrustee, the agent, which have been widely criticized inpractice. Therefore, the effectiveness of the planned S&T policies employed under thecurrent mode is really doubtful (Chapter IV).
     Since the first S&T system reform failed to effectively resolve the problem ofunrelated S&T and economic development, and the market economic system waslaunched in1992which determined the leading status of enterprises in the micro-market,in1996, China officially confirmed the innovation-driven policies. Base on such polices,China formulated a series of relevant policies, aiming to encourage enterprises’technological innovation. At the same time, Chine kept employing the policy of―Marketfor Technology‖in hope of improving its innovative capacities in a short period of time.However, the real picture is that a large number of state-owned and private enterprisesdidn’t choose the competitive strategy of technological innovation; instead, they chose todevelop based on technology import, which led them to a low level equilibrium state.Bases on a national analysis, the change from enterprise-based innovation system toscientific research institute-based innovation system is the natural result of theevolutionary game, and the transformation of innovation-driven policies meets well thebasic theory of institutional evolution; however, the policy of―Market for Technology‖still failed. The failure is the consequence of the rational choices made by the central andlocal governments, and state-owned, private and transnational enterprises which areinterest bodies. The failure, again, proved that individual rationality will inevitably leadto collective irrationality under the condition where objective functions are inconsistentand information is asymmetrical (Chapter V).
     As resource and energy shortage, environmental pollution and the problem ofnational technology security are getting serious and the demographic dividend isgradually disappearing, the original status that a low-level non-innovation drivenbalanced development was broken and China initiated significant changes ininnovation-driven policy again. In the National Conference on Science and Technologyheld in January2006, China formally proposed a new innovation strategy that takingenhancing innovation ability as principle line and targeting at building aninnovation-oriented country. Thus, the innovation-driven policy of China stepped into anew stage. However, seven years later, the achievement has not satisfied the expected innovation requirement. Chinese government, in the2012National Conference ofScientific and Technological Innovation and the Suggestion for Intensifying Reform ofScientific and Technological System and Accelerating the Construction of NationalInnovation System issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chinaand the State Council, clearly indicated that the enterprises’ position in innovation asmain force has not been established and there are still some problems in S&T system.There’s still a big gap between China and the innovation-oriented countries in innovationability. Under a background that the government and domestic enterprise hold similarsense of urgency as they accepted a defined pressure in innovation competition at thesame time, with an increasing financial investment, a development way trapped innon-innovation seems to be inconsistent with rational principles and makes peopleconfused (Chapter VI).
     Facing the predicament of China in innovation-driven policy, through carefullyanalyzing the historical experiences of changes of China’s innovation-driven policies, aconclusion is made hereinthat China’s innovation-drivenpolicy, primarily, is subjected totwo main points in innovation system. The first point is the boundary between innovationpromoted by government and market-oriented innovation; and the second is the differentpositions of state-owned and private enterprises in innovation, i.e. which kind ofenterprise is the real main force in innovation in the future. Analyzing the historical logicof China in innovation, these two points are definitely the most important facts that affectthe country’s progress in realizing the object of building an innovation-oriented country.Through deep comparative analysis of historical innovation modes and innovationstatuses of private enterprise and state-owned enterprises, it’s found that state-ownedenterprises are not capable to be the main market force for innovation in China becauseof their internal defect in incentive system and industry coverage; while privateenterprises, benefiting from the natural consistency of innovation objective and profitmechanism, solved the problems of the reason and motive for innovation. Besides, theefficiency of the private enterprises’ investment into innovation is higher than that of thestate-owned enterprises. Therefore, with a gradually improved market, the privateenterprises can defeat the state-owned enterprises in competition of innovation. And,according to the international actual experiences, no country realized the objective ofbeing innovation-oriented country relying on the state-owned enterprises. The cases,formation of AVS Standard, TD-CDMA Standard, problems of the innovation-driven policy for China’s auto industry, and the failures in the process of implementing China’sinnovation-driven policy, show that it is very important for the government to maintainthe boundary of the innovation-driven policy’s effect in innovation activities. The reasonthat many innovation-driven policies failed to satisfy the expected objective is that thegovernment crossed the boundary by making use of innovation-driven policies and otherpublic rights and brought serious interruption and block to the main forces in realizingtheir innovation expectation. Government’s functions in innovation activities reflected intwo aspects. Government shall be the demander of innovative products and server forinnovation activities. The boundary of innovation-driven policy shall be within this scope.And the above experience logic impacted the innovation-driven policy theory based onthe common market failure set at present. No matter from the aspec t of a theoreticalassumption as a precondition or the historical practice of changes of China’sinnovation-driven policy in the past30years, the innovation-driven policy theory ofmarket failure is obviously inapplicable (Chapter VI). And this logical e xperience of thishistorical change has been well proved in the process of achieving city innovation inShenzhen. The successful experience of Shenzhen shows that an innovation modeoriented by market and relying on private enterprises as main force is an effective way toget our country out of the predicament in innovation and to build an innovation-orientedcountry. Be brave enough to carry out a reform, this mode is reproducible (Chapter VII).
     As a conclusion of this paper, the writer sorts out the histo rical changes of China'sinnovation-driven policies, historical changes of main force in innovation and therelevant innovation activities in the past30years in Chapter VIII, concludes and brieflydemonstrates the law reflected in the historical changes of innovation-driven policies andmakes anoutlook for China’s innovationtrend in the future.
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