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To manage a nation law and moral are reliant and stimulative each other. They cannot do one thing and neglect another. The article states the theory of moral governing and law governing that means in the present age of China socialist law and socialist moral are accordant virtually. Reflecting the benefit of most people, they are superstructure that stand on the basis of socialist economy and serve for socialist economy. Socialist law and moral penetrate, supplement, sustain and become the outside and the inside one another. Moral enters law and law materializes the spirit of moral. Law and moral form and exist on the different historical phase. Outer shape of behavior, fabric, content and adjustive range of the two are not the same. But law cannot part from moral and moral cannot be away from law. It is not short of law and moral to maintain social order and correct people's thinking and conduct primely. Only banding law and moral together tightly and exerting the function of legal criterions and moral criterions mutually are a full , systemic and scientific strategy of managing state affaires. We only band law and moral together tightly , establish and form legal system and moral system that can adapt to socialist market economy. Socialist market economy can run well and orderly. Market economy is legal economy on one aspect. Strengthening law is essential request of market economy. Without right legal system, correct market order cannot come into being. Market economy is not perfect,too. On the other aspect market economy is moral economy. Abidance by honesty, faith, just competition, equivalent exchange , opposing monopolization and other morals criterion are also inside request of market economy. Legal construction and moral construction act as an important adjustive effect in order to promote socialist market economy developing well and orderly.
    In practice of educating the young, we should understand the function of law and moral completely. Let the function of legal criterions and moral criterions exert mutually. In moral education we should emphasize the essential moral need of keeping law. At the same time some important moral criterions should be brought
    into legal system, administrant system and all kinds of rules and pacts as possible as we can.
    Moral governing and law governing as an important theory has been a scientific sum-up for practical experience in innovation and open since new China came into existence, a grand harvest in groping creative theory for our party how to manage, build country in the new historical condition, a new contribution to Marxism about country Lysenkoism, a creative exertion, enrichment and development for Deng xiaoping theory.
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