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Rising under the background of globalization, creative industry is a knowledge intensive industry, whose characteristics are cross-industry and strong-permeability. High on value chain and industry chain, creative industry has gradually become an important engine of social and economic development. The scale and level of development of creative industry have become one of the important symbols of measuring national or regional comprehensive competitiveness. With the wave of knowledge economy and global advocacy of sustainable development, industrial development from manufacture thinking to creative thinking is irreversible.
     In2008and2010, UNCTAD and other five departments jointly released Creative Economy Report. Creative Economic Report studied the rising and waving of creative industry in the world.2010report pointed out creative economy provided a practical and feasible development choice for the global economic recovery after the financial crisis; The economy form with creativity as the capital started to become the development mode of the post-industrial society. Based on this, some developed countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Japan etc, are vigorously developing creative industry.
     By analyzing the connotation and characteristics of the creative industry, this paper studies the "five-in-one" growing path of creative industry with some theories, such as the technology roadmap, innovation network theory, the competitive intelligence theory etc. At the macro level, the growth and development of creative industry are explored from the perspective of policy support. At the meso level, the growth and development of creative industry are explored from the perspective of the market. At the micro level, the growth and development of creative are explored from the perspective of products, technology and organization. This paper explores the unique growth and development path of creative industry respectively at the macro, meso and micro level, providing theoretical basis for the healthy development of creative industry, and also reference for the practical problem resolution.
     The whole paper is divided into four parts (1Ochapters).
     Partl (chapter1) is the introduction, analyzing the background and meaning of this paper, and presenting research status at home and abroad, research approach and innovations of this research.
     Part2(chapter2) is about the connotation and characteristics of creative industry. Based on the researches of creative industry, cultural industry, content industry and copyright industry at home and abroad, this paper defines the connotation, classification and basic characteristics of the creative industry.
     Part3(chapter3to chapter8) analyzes the "five-in-one" growth path of creative industry, which refers to the five growth paths supported by creative industry policy, including ideological path, marketable path, technological path, organizational path and the path of product. Ideological path consists of a series of ideas or concepts. Organizational path is a collection of functions. Marketable path, technological path, and the path of product is a series of related activities. Ideological path and organizational path are abstract system and support system, leading and supporting the development of creative industry. Marketable path, technological path and the path of product is the activity system of industry's expressing self-innovation behavior.
     Part4(chapter9to chapter10) is about the research and outlook of the relative policies> which is based on the path of the creative industry.
     Creativity is becoming powerful driving force which pushes economic development in the globalization process and has a significant impact on trade and economic development. With the development of technology, knowledge and creativity give developed and developing countries the unlimited possibilities to accumulate wealth and create jobs. It is necessary for the countries who have realized development potential of creativity to take strategic actions and make specific policies from national and regional level. This chapter explores the connotation, function and process of the creative industry policy, analyzes and sums up the experiences of United States, Britain, South Korea, providing related policies and measures of the creative industry from the organization level, market level and product level.
     Historical development of world shows that people will seek to achieve nonmaterial or spiritual goals more than material wants when per-capita GDP surpasses US$1.000. IMF data shows that China's per-capita GDP rose from$1042in2001to$5432in2011. The sign of rapid development of China's creative industry is gradually obvious. In2006, Creative Industry was firstly ranked in Outline of the Eleventh State Five-Year Plan for Construction of Culture. In February,2012, it was put forward in Outline of the State Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Reform and Construction of Culture to speed up the development of cultural industry and gradually make it the national backbone industry. In June,2012, Outline of National Culture and Science and Technology Innovation Project pointed out the infiltration and integration of science and technology and the cultural creativity had become the core support and important engine of the development of creative industry. In November,2012, the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China made it clear to let culture industry be a pillar industry of national economy. In November,2013, the Third Plenary Session of the18th Central Committee of the Communist proposed that modern cultural market system should be established and the standards of cultural open should be raised. In2013, central government put special funds which added up to14.2billion Yuan in creative industry, strongly supporting its development. The development of creative industry plays a leading role in optimizing industrial structural of our country, constructing Chinese civilization inheritance creative district and elevating the level of industrial development.
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