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Around the traits of enterprisers and the way of identifying and exploiting opportunities, or starting from the impacts of the external different environments, the existing literature has focused on the entrepreneurial phenomenon in the theoretical perspective of many dimensions, and put forward a series of sound ideas and insights from different viewpoints. A problem, however, cannot also be ignored. Main limitations are as follows:(1) emphasizing exogenous rather than endogenous; (2) studying the problem from the entrepreneurial individuals, rather than the group where the individual is. (3) stressing the static correspondence, while ignoring the process of dynamic evolution of entrepreneurial activities. Consequently, a paradoxical and contradictory conclusion is easy to arrive. Facing such basic questions of realities as why the levels of entrepreneurial activities in different regions differ so much and how to enhance the level of entrepreneurial activities in a region, we are bound to be quite helpless. So, based on the level of regional "ethnic group", we analyze the entrepreneur, the entrepreneurial activities, and the entrepreneurial environment under a unified framework, and study dynamically the reason for the difference in the levels of regional entrepreneurial activities from the perspective of endogenous evolution. The significance is self-evident both in theory and practice. By this research purpose, the paper reviews systematically and comments the current literature of entrepreneurial theory at home and abroad. It absorbs widely the newest achievements and the ways of thinking in the theory of evolving economy, of organizational behavior theory, and of the new socio-economy. on this basis, the paper states in detail the concept of entrepreneur climate and its connotation, the endogenous process, its mechanism, and law of evolution. By the dialectical relationship between the entrepreneurial climate and the entrepreneurial environment, the paper demonstrates that"the level of entrepreneurial activities in a region is determined not just by the level of its entrepreneurial environment,but greatly by the entrepreneurial climate of the region ",and that"the key to enhance the level of regional entrepreneur activities in mid-western China is to foster entrepreneurial climate and achieve its threshold breakthrough"
     The paper consists mainly of seven parts:Chapter 1 introduces entrepreneurial practice and some confusing problems in its theory study, and then brings about the topic of the paper. It offers necessary definitions for some relevant concepts. Also it shows the logical framework of this research, the technical line, the chapter arrangements, and some major innovations. Chapter 2 reviews the development process of entrepreneurial theories, cards and traces the evolution line and the newest trends. It introduces in detail the present study, the viewpoints and the limitations of entrepreneurial climate issues in the theoretical circle. Based on this, the chapter comments generally the current entrepreneur theories. ChapterⅢdefines the concept of entrepreneurial climate, explaining in detail its main external display and the nature, as well as the difference from and the relation with such concepts as entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial culture. Furthermore, it illustrates the endogenous of regional entrepreneurial climate from entrepreneurial learning (knowledge accumulation), psychological experience (rewards incentives), and social interaction (benefit game). ChapterⅣshows that entrepreneurial activities are an economic choice practice, and that the level of regional entrepreneurial activities is determined by the replication frequency. Furthermore, it analyzes how the entrepreneurial climate affects the replication frequency of practice and the level of regional entrepreneurial activities by changing the high average entrepreneur income and the venture preference of individuals. ChapterⅤstates the law of positive-feedback self-evolution between entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial climate. It explores the internal motivation of the evolution and the stage characteristics. It offers a comprehensive analysis of how entrepreneurial environmental conditions influence the entrepreneurial climate, especially the evolution of entrepreneurial climate at different stages. Then, starting from the perspective of entrepreneurial climate, it proposes an analysis framework of entrepreneur. ChapterⅥoffers a case of social entrepreneurial activities in Gaogou Town, Wuwei County. It studies the main display of entrepreneurial climate and details of information, analyzing and summarizing the path of its formation and its evolution drive. ChapterⅦsummarizes the main ideas of this study, and explains its theoretical significance, policy implications, and limits, thus giving the prospect for future research.
     Conclusions and main ideas are as follows:(1) entrepreneurial climate is the collective and external display of mental ability, values and social conventions of all the members within a region, and the consequence of the interactions among entrepreneurial learning, psychological experience and social interaction evolving from the entrepreneurial activities. (2) The level of entrepreneurial activities in a region is also determined by the replication frequency of entrepreneur, the economic behavior practice. Entrepreneurial climate improves the replication frequency of entrepreneur practices and further the level of regional entrepreneurial activities by enhancing the average entrepreneurial income and changing the entrepreneur venture preference of its members. (3) There is a positive feedback loop between entrepreneurial climate and entrepreneurial activities with a preference and ability, motivation and learning as links to maintain the continuous evolution from "low and steady stage," "self-reinforcing stage" to "high convergence stage ". (4) Entrepreneurial environment affects the level of regional entrepreneurial activities by influencing the evolving process of entrepreneurial climate, while different stages of the evolution of entrepreneurial climate have different focuses on the need of entrepreneurial environment, and different regions are expected to take distinct measures and policies to promote the level of their own entrepreneurial activities.
     Innovations of the paper are shown in the following two aspects:(1) Based on the achievements in the entrepreneur theory, the paper combines the system-evolutionary theory, population ecology theory, and some ideas and methods of the new socio-economic theory. It abandons the focus of current entrepreneur theories on the personal traits of individual enterpriser, and the individual, exogenous, static research perspective in the analysis of external entrepreneurial environment. From the perspective of endogenous evolution it builds an analysis framework of entrepreneur with the focus on the entrepreneurial climate. In particular it enhances the research level from the individual to the"ethnical group", widening in a sense the horizon of and the dimension of entrepreneur research, which is in itself a positive attempt at the theory. (2) Based on the fact that with the long shortage of entrepreneurial vitality in the entrepreneurial activities of the regions in Midwestern China, the efforts by different regions produce little effect to enhance the level of entrepreneurial activities by improving the external entrepreneurial environment, the paper states that the poor entrepreneurial climate is the root of the fluctuating low level of entrepreneurial activities in mid-western China. It shows that the improving of the external entrepreneurial environment has to be realized through the endogenous entrepreneurial climate, while different stages of the evolution of entrepreneurial climate have different focuses on the need of entrepreneurial environment This not only provides the reference of policy-making for the government at different levels, but also renders the project study the corresponding practical significance.
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