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In the context of China's rapid urbanization, expanding the domain space to the city level and solving macro conservation and green construction issuesare the central issues of the current green space system planning research. In this background, building a practicable space control technology system is inevitably a trend of the city green space planning&research.
     The purpose of this thesis isto build a more practicablemethodology of city green space systemplanning which is based on space management and control. And this methodology isin the background of current urban and rural planning system of the country.
     This paper uses the comparative analysis, extracting and summarizing, case studies and other research methods. By comparing domestic andinternational planning and practice, the paperanalysis theproblems of city green space system planning; then, on the basis of summarizing the city green space system plan and practice, and the research and practice of our city planning, the paper proposed technical methodology of the City Green Space System Planning based on the space control perspective.
     This paper draws conclusions and results as follows:
     1. By combing the course of the city green space system planning research and practice, the paper is proposing that a sound space management and control system is an inevitabletrend of future development of City Green Space System Planning
     2. Establishing the green space classification system that is linking to the criteria of new urban and rural land use classification.
     3. Proposing theidea of'green line' within the green space system planning of the city, and researching the space control of the city scale'green line'.
     4. Proposing the "Basic Green Line+green management and control by classification " of the City Green Space System Planning; And researchingthe green management and control by classification.
     5. A case study of Changji city green space system planning (2012-2030) to deeply demonstrate the technical methodologyof the above.
     6. Summarizing the theoretical researching results and implementing results. And proposing a the city green space system planning guide that is based on the space control perspective.
     The innovations of this study is:1. Proposing the city green classification system based on the space control perspective;2. Proposing the concept and delineation of the city'green line'within the city green space system planning;3. Proposing the "Basic Green Line+green management and control by classification" of the City Green Space System Planning and researchingthe green management and control by classification.4. Proposing the city green space system planning guide based on the space control perspective.
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