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The outer membrane protein (OMP) of 5 serotypes Riemerella antipastifer(RA) isolates was extracted by ultracentrifugation method. The electrophoresis profiles of OMP were gained by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The immunogenicity and antigen-cross-recognition-reaction of OMP were studied by immunoblotting test.
    The electrophoresis profiles showed the OMP of the 5 serotypes RA isolates had some similarities and shared 7 protein bands with molecular weight of 29KD, 32KD, 36KD, 43KD, 54KD, 57KD and 74KD. The OMP could be divided into 3 OMP patterns according to the major OMP bands. The results also indicate that there were the same OMP patterns in despite of different serotypes RA isolates.
    The immunogenicity of OMP was detected by using anti-OMP positive duck serum, anti-RA positive duck serum and anti-RA positive chicken serum in the immunoblotting test. The results showed that the OMP of all the 5 serotypes RA isolates had immunogenicity. The most valuable immunogenic OMP of serotype 7, 8, 21, 20 and 11 had molecular weight of 54KD, 73KD, 38KD, 28KD and 28KD respectively. The OMP antigens of all the 5 serotypes RA were transferred to the nitrocellulose membrane and reacted to the anti-OMP positive duck serum. It appeared apparently positive bands after the antigen-cross-recognition-reaction. The results indicated that there existed cross-immnuogenicity among the different serotypes RA isolates. The OMP with molecular weight of 74KD and 31KD were the most valuable components in cross-immunogenicity.
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