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The core value of social network is the relationship between users, excavate users'information can provide them with better service. In China, however, parts of the social networking sites are over-reliance on the game-type applications in the initial stage of development, which can not form a continuous attraction to users. At the same time, there are still many problems in e-commerce market, online shopping users are urgently need an exchange platform which provides timely communication and effectively sharing.
     Social network is based on trust, which is important for the sharing and dissemination of information resources. Trust is the link of information dissemination, which is beneficial to cause the purchase intention of other users. About e-commerce, integration with social network not only can enrich the consumers'shopping channel, but also can reduce the cost of sellers in the transaction process. Meanwhile, merge e-commerce into social networking sites has two advantages:1) make the best of the social networking relationships, strengthen the connections between social users, transfer the past model which is relied on the game to the model that the cores are knowledge, information and relations;2) expand a new profit model for social networking sites and bring opportunities to the further development of social network.
     Therefore, study the network structure of social commerce network, discuss the influence of network interaction on purchase intention and analyze the trust guarantee mechanism in the social commerce environment not only enrich and develop the theory of network consumption behavior, but also do benefit to the development and management of social commerce platforms for social commerce network operators, which ensure the stable and rapid development of social network, and also have important theoretical and practical significance to the development of the internet industry in China.
     In the first part of this paper, we analyze the network structure of social commerce network. First, we use the snowball sampling method to obtain the sample data from "Meilishuo", which is a social shopping sharing website. Second, we analyze the data by UCINET, including network density analysis, centrality analysis, cohesive subgroups analysis and core/periphery analysis. Third, we sent survey questions to all samples in order to further study the impact of network structure on users' purchase intention, and then sum up the network structure characteristics of social commerce network.
     In the second part of this paper, we build the purchase intention model of social commerce users, and then conduct empirical analysis and hypothesis testing. From the perspective of the interaction of social commerce network, network interaction is classified by four dimensions: places of network interaction, characteristics of network interaction, modes of network interaction and objects of network interaction, and then further subdivided into self-localization, technology, security, virtual, network externality, personalization, synchronous interaction, asynchronous interaction, single interaction, multi-person interaction, member-member interaction, member-platform operators interaction and member-advertisers interaction. In the model, trust is the mediating variable, network purchase intention is the dependent variable, and degree of network interaction is the control variable. After that we analyze the data from random sampling by SPSS15.0and AMOS7.0, and divide the data into high degree of interaction group and low degree of interaction group from the degree of network interaction point of view. Finally identify the influence factors of network interaction on consumers' purchase intention in social commerce network.
     In the third part of this paper, we research the trust guarantee mechanism of network purchase in social commerce network environment. Base on the summary of asymmetric information and related game theory, we analyze the differences between traditional e-commerce and social commerce, and then according the different emphasis of social commerce users on each transaction phase to discuss the trust guarantee mechanism, including the stage of before transaction, the stage of during transaction and the stage of after transaction.
     The results of theoretic study and empirical analysis are as follows:
     (1) The conclusions about the network structure of social commerce network. The network structure of samples is loose, only has twelve factions, and the relationship between cohesive subgroups tend to be randomly distributed. Meanwhile, the contact in core area of network is more frequently than the contact in periphery area. Draw a comparison between social network analysis results and questionnaire statistical results, we find three points. First, the users' purchase intentions are relatively low when they have low degree centrality. Second, the vast majority of users who have low degree of interaction are in the periphery area of network, and do not pertain to any faction. Third, there is an impact relationship between users' degree of network interaction and their purchase intention.
     (2) The conclusions about the purchase intention model of social network users. Results show that except self-localization, virtual, asynchronous interaction and multi-person interaction, other influence factors have positive impact on users'trust in social commerce platform, include technology, security, network externality, personalization, synchronous interaction, single interaction, member-member interaction, member-platform operators interaction and member-advertisers interaction. Comparative analysis of the high degree of interaction group and the low degree of interaction group shows that different degree of network interaction will affect users'trust in social commerce and network purchase intention. Meanwhile, the top three influence factors of high degree of interaction group are security, member-advertisers interaction and synchronous interaction; about the low degree of interaction group, the top three influence factors are security, technology and single interaction.
     (3) The conclusions about the trust guarantee mechanism of network purchase in social network environment. According to the three stages of social commerce transaction phase, we build three trust mechanisms, including trust mechanism based on the reputation model, trust mechanism based on the third-party certification body and trust mechanism based on the quality of service.
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